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Old 02-28-2003, 09:00 AM
Brad Adrian
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Default This Card Makes Me Gig(gle)!

Keeping true to my W?BIC ("Why? Because I Can") nature, I finally broke down and got a new 1 gigabyte compact flash card for my Pocket PCs. I know it's probably an extreme case of overkill. But, hey, you know how much we love our extreme toys. I plan to load the card up with a couple of MPEG movies (about 300MB each) for an upcoming trip and a ton of music (Just how many songs are in a "ton," anyway?).

If you had (or have) a CF card this large, what would you load it up with? Anybody out there already maxxed out a card this huge?
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:07 AM
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I gotta wait for an affordable 1GB SD card. Affordable being around $150.

With 1GB, I'd convert my favorite DVD's to MPEG's and take one of them with me for my own pleasure and to whoo the non-techies. I'd load most of the card with MP3 and rest with business data.
Rick Gomez - Owner/Consultant
fiona Systems Integration
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:08 AM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 67

I suppose I would stick a couple divx videos on it as well as every cd I have and every cd my sister has and hey while I'm at it I'll stick every cd my mom has as well. (or is this turning my cds into mp3s illegal?). And I would stick all my e-books and all my games onto it. :-D
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:15 AM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 224

I purchased a 1GB SanDisk CF card recently ($140 after a $75 rebate) and so far I have 3 movies on there. Still have a good 300 MB left for music. Just haven't had too much time to tinker with it lately but I do plan to fill it up soon.

Oh, the endless possibilites. Can't wait for a 1GB SD card that is reasonable in price so that I can free up my CF slot on my Axim in case I need to go wireless or get a GPS.

Anyone got the Pretec 3GB CF card (is that even out yet)? Yes, that's right, I said 3GB. Now THAT's the mother of all CF cards...
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:20 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 85

I would rip CD at higher rate, if not .wav. hah, that would fill up that CF in no time. if a full sound CD is about 600MB, the CF might fit 2 album or so.

(well, there your have it how many songs are in a "ton")
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:41 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 607
Default DVDs!!!!

I'd rip and convert my gladiator into an MPEG, throw a few high res PICS on there....and top it all off with all my pdf manuals I own ....I love you guys man...never though I'd see the day people think just like me....just for nothing, i just got my hands on a wifi cf card there goes the neighborhood and their AP's
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:44 AM
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Why wasting Space with an MPEG Movie? Try to encode the movies as DivX.

I�ve done some tests with the Pocket MVP Player, which plays DivX Movies, as well as Mpeg I, Ogg Vorbis Audio and MP3. How about that:
A 90 min Movie in good quality, 24 fps, fullscreen (landscape mode) with MP3 Stereo-Audio at about 140 MB. All you need is DVDx + Virtual DUB. And some Time to test the perfect Settings. 8)

I�ve even encoded StarWars, Episode 1 as Divx. It�s about 2 hours long and has 56 MB. OK , it�s not Fullscreen and not really what I would call good quality, but it�s watchable.

On my 512 MB CF, I have about 3 complete Movies and lots of MP3�s. Hopefully I�ll get one of those 1GB Cf-Cards here in Germany.

The Pretec Card with 3 GB was only a Prototype as far as I know. Well I even thought about ordering one, I guess about 2500 $ was the prize for a prototype 8O
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Old 02-28-2003, 10:35 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 383

One more voice for MVP, quality is great with much lower filesizes. I've done 100mb movies with 25fps and the quality is way better than satisfactory.

With divx, 1gb flash card holds easily more than ten hours of video on your PDA. That's one whole season of Simpsons plus a full lenght movie. Should keep you occupied for awhile

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Old 02-28-2003, 11:02 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 539

i'd fill it to the brim with "that '70s show" and giggle everywhere i watch it.
(my favorite!)
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Old 02-28-2003, 11:04 AM
Ekkie Tepsupornchai
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,386

I have two 512MB SD cards. One is inserted into the SD slot and the other is inserted into the CF slot using the Panasonic SD-to-CF adapter.

Here's yet another vote for PMVP. Never thought one application could be so important to me. But I've ripped my share of music videos, movies, etc. That combined with OGG files (instead of MP3/WMA) for listening pleasure and you have an app that can't lose!!
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