02-23-2003, 04:29 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3,060
How Do Pilots Hold Their Pocket PCs?
Here's a tool that could prove to be very useful to anybody who needs to hang onto a Pocket PC/GPS system while flying an airplane (or driving a car, for that matter): the NavPad.
"The perfect mounting solution for your handheld GPS or PDA in stick-controlled airplanes, helicopters, unltralights. The display is visible at a glance without special mounts or permanent installations. The tapered circular base conforms to your leg and is secured by a simple Velcro strap. Your electronic device is perfectly protected against vibrations. Instead of a GPS attach a clip board and you have a hands-free chart holder. Price: $39.95"
I know that this is being marketed for pilots, but I can envision other times when this kind of device could really come in handy:
� While using a GPS/mapping system while driving a car � For hanging onto a Pocket PC while boating � To reduce fatigue during lengthy Pocket PC game playing � To make using a Pocket PC simpler during long waits at the doctor, dentist, etc. � Just one more way to look really cool while using your Pocket PC
What about you? Any ideas for additional uses?
02-23-2003, 04:48 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 36
Look really cool?
Just one more way to look really cool while using your Pocket PC
If your audience is PPCT readers, absolutely. If your audience is regular folks, replace "cool" with "maxi-ultra-dorky" :roll:
And, yes, I want one... ops:
-- Opus
02-23-2003, 04:56 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 495
not sure i'd like to fly with the guy who:
1. has a big yellow piece of plastic velcro'd to his leg
2. is looking at that big yellow piece of plastic on his leg
02-23-2003, 05:05 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 263
Originally Posted by Cortex
not sure i'd like to fly with the guy who:
1. has a big yellow piece of plastic velcro'd to his leg
2. is looking at that big yellow piece of plastic on his leg
Me neither, but maybe they have a blue model! :lol:
It would be perfect with a keyboard holder. :lol:
02-23-2003, 05:21 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 6,878
Originally Posted by Cortex
not sure i'd like to fly with the guy who:
1. has a big yellow piece of plastic velcro'd to his leg
2. is looking at that big yellow piece of plastic on his leg
Well, as long as they take it off before exiting the aircraft...
02-23-2003, 06:57 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 11
$39.95??? I bet you could make one of these for less than $5.
02-23-2003, 07:31 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 399
Originally Posted by fivespeed
$39.95??? I bet you could make one of these for less than $5.
make that 4.95!!!
02-23-2003, 08:06 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 168
You could always tell ppl that you're checking your blood pressure...
02-23-2003, 09:05 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 51
Well as a pilot let me say that this is rather awkward. First of all, most pilots already have their flight check-lists and plans attached to their legs via velcro attachments similar to those shown. The idea of having your flight check list velcroed to one leg and this PPC velcroed to your other leg is ridiculous. Whenever we've taken a GPS module, just place along side the dask or attached via suction cup to the window. Otherwise this would be very uncomfortable to fly with...
02-23-2003, 09:52 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,386
In another color, I'd love to try one of these out... don't know if I'd pay $40 ahead without a trial though.