02-23-2003, 05:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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Another Chance For More DRM Control
This in an interesting article on the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) of your PC and how it may be replaced by a new system, an OS called EFI, or Extensible Firmware Interface. I would assume this technology will also make its way into the Pocket PC and Smartphone as well. It looks like a good idea, or did until I got to this paragraph.
"Because EFI has its own filing system that lives on a reserved part of the hard disk, it can become the standard home for a whole set of utilities that have always had an awkward fit with the BIOS. Digital rights management and security designers also have an interest in EFI because it gives them a new level of control over the hardware."
A whole new level of control over the hardware. The hardware I purchased! :evil: At some point, someone will figure out how to tie digital media to an owner and not to a device. That technology I'll willingly buy. That way I can read my ebooks, listen to my music and watch my movies on any device I choose. To be honest, this article doesn't exactly contradict that premise, but that is really giving the media industry way too much credit. If they had their way, anything we watched, read or listened to would be wiped from the synapses of our minds making us eager to pay for the privilege of experiencing it again. I am sure someone is already working on that type of technology. :roll: Probably Sony.
02-23-2003, 05:18 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329
*sighs* Why is it that everyone wants to control what I do with _MY_ computer.
If I want to rip music its my own dang business.
If I want to hack the DOD so be it.
If I want to smash someone over the head with it and kill then so be it but in each case I would expect consequences following my actions. Repeat following not prior to my actions. I always thought it was innocent until proven guilty. It applies to our justice system should it not be applied to RDM as well?
02-23-2003, 05:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 541
EFI is overall a good thing. If people wanted, they could code a custom BIOS with DRM features, so it's not like it's impossible to do before EFI. EFI has a lot of cool uses, it isn't just putting in DRM.
02-23-2003, 06:03 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 480
Originally Posted by sponge
EFI is overall a good thing. If people wanted, they could code a custom BIOS with DRM features, so it's not like it's impossible to do before EFI. EFI has a lot of cool uses, it isn't just putting in DRM.
Yes, but, do those other features outweight DRM? In my opinion, no.
02-23-2003, 06:23 AM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 215
Also use My software on whichever computer I want to. This stuff already happend in the software world. Now they are just applying it to other forms of media.
I have a real problem with other people being able to control my computer in any way. Last time I checked, we still had some privacy rights in the 10th amendment (sorry non-us people).[/i]
02-23-2003, 07:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 248
Ed, as much as I enjoy your rants about DRM/Reader and as much as I don't like DRM either... do you have any first-hand experience with how Reader DRM really works?
I've had zero problems in getting my activation quota raised a few times after bumping into the limit due to using a new device or formatting my hard disk. Apart from the automatic new activation that you're being granted after 180 days, you can always get one earlier for the aforementioned reasons. It's a terribly painless procedure.
Of course, I know that DRM overall sucks. But the way that it is being handled by Microsoft is truly tolerable and I figure that most real-world consumers will ever run into the 4-device limit.
02-23-2003, 10:45 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329
Originally Posted by Marc Zimmermann
Ed, as much as I enjoy your rants about DRM/Reader and as much as I don't like DRM either... do you have any first-hand experience with how Reader DRM really works?
I've had zero problems in getting my activation quota raised a few times after bumping into the limit due to using a new device or formatting my hard disk. Apart from the automatic new activation that you're being granted after 180 days, you can always get one earlier for the aforementioned reasons. It's a terribly painless procedure.
Of course, I know that DRM overall sucks. But the way that it is being handled by Microsoft is truly tolerable and I figure that most real-world consumers will ever run into the 4-device limit.
Mark the point is that you shouldn't NEED to ask for more. Its reminiscent of asking mom and dad for the keys to the car. I grew out of that a LONG time ago. This is why I love Peanut Press and the Palm Reader. Its still DRM but its DRM done right. No need to ask ma and pa for the keys. Microsoft's method is very much draconian in comparison to Palm Reader. Where is this going?
My point is that you can do DRM. People can generally accept a form of DRM as long as it isn�t intrusive to the point of hampering how you use the products YOU purchase. Everything Microsoft, Intel, the RIAA, the MPAA have thrown at us in the last few years is far from nonintrusive. It�s the total opposite. It�s the heavy handed approach to DRM and something most hate with a burning passion. :twisted:
02-23-2003, 11:10 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329
I've been reading this article over and over again. A couple concerns.
Maybe I'm off but it sounds like the majority of EFI will reside on the actual hard drive in software form. Am I the only one that thinks this is a REALLY bad idea?!?! Compaq did this with their earlier deskpro desktops � Load a portion of the BIOS on the hard drive. It was such a serious pain in the *** when you wanted to redo a system. You had to make sure that you didn't overwrite the portion of the drive dedicated to the BIOS. Or had to make sure you included it in your image.
Also it sounds as if this EFI is going to be C+ based instead of machine language. Ummm I was under the impression that the closer you code to the metal the faster the code is?!!? Why would you use C+ instead of assembly language? Other then the obvious ease of use.
Then there is also the possibility of virual corruption or just plain hard drive corruption as well. Obviously the article doesn't have ALL the info on this new system but the rough sketch its outlining makes me nervous.
It mentions all kinds of problems techs have with BIOS and incompatibilities. HUH? In my time as a computer tech, admittedly not all that long but long enough to get some experience under my belt, the only time I�ve had incompatibilities with BIOS is when MS releases a new OS. I�ve never had a video card, audio card, etc or some other device go south on me because of incompatible BIOS. Anyone out there have this problem on a regular basis?
It almost sounds like a trumped up excuse to release this new system. Oops conspiracy theorist in me just turned on!
Begin theory creation....please wait........processing.......begin output....
This is Intel based idea. What's from keeping them from making this a copyrighted item that only works on Intel machines? (Example: Slot one design for their CPU) If one was to try and use AMD chips along with their mainboard they would be SOL.
02-23-2003, 02:50 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Originally Posted by Marc Zimmermann
Ed, as much as I enjoy your rants about DRM/Reader and as much as I don't like DRM either... do you have any first-hand experience with how Reader DRM really works?
I've had zero problems in getting my activation quota raised a few times after bumping into the limit due to using a new device or formatting my hard disk. Apart from the automatic new activation that you're being granted after 180 days, you can always get one earlier for the aforementioned reasons. It's a terribly painless procedure.
No. Palm Digital Media is painless. Enter your name and your credit card number you used to purchase the book. I've purchased ebooks from Palm with my iPAQ and downloaded and read them right on the spot. I've even downloaded the Palm Reader, used Resco File Explorer to get the CAB file out of the self extracting ZIP file and updated the reader.
MS reader requires activation. You have to be at your desktop to activate and Passport sucks. You often have to purge all of your cookies if you have other Passport sites you use. When you get a new device, you have to go through the hassle of activation again on the new device. Yes, I've had to do it and no, I'll not do it again. It is a royal PITA and it makes you feel like you are on parole. "Please Mr. ebook seller. Let me read my book. I promise to be good."
I'm glad you've had no problems Marc. Let me know how it goes for you when you are on the road and get a new device or go through a hard reset and you don't have your laptop with you. Doubtful you'll be reading any ebooks with that Pocket PC until you get home. I, on the on the other hand, have absolutely no doubts I will get Palm's reader up and running and redownload the book I was reading.
02-23-2003, 02:52 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
Orwell should be alive today to rewrite his book with two new thoughts in mind....computers as we now know them, and DRM. "Unspeak" I think would take on a whole new meaning.