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Old 02-07-2003, 06:00 AM
Ed Hansberry
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Default MP3 Player For Adults,10738,2910405,00.html

Pocket PC is starting to be recognized in the general media for some features that you and I take for granted. In 2000, I had this conversation more times than I could count.

Ed: Look, it plays MP3 files too.
Luser: Why would you want to play music on your PDA? :?

Well, now people are coming around.

"I don't like stand-alone MP3 players. It seems to me that an electronic gizmo should, whenever possible, do more than just one thing--whether that one thing is making phone calls, tracking appointments, or playing music."

Rock on dude! :rock on dude!:
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Old 02-07-2003, 06:22 AM
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Last weekend I "borrowed" the 256MB CF card from my dad's camera and loaded it up with MP3s for a trip we were making down south, rather than take my Nomad Jukebox 3 which already contained all those songs.
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Old 02-07-2003, 06:27 AM
Corn Bread
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I don't know about you guys, but I get a completely different reaction. All the people I meet is totally impressed when they see me use the xda as a MP3 player.
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Old 02-07-2003, 06:36 AM
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I love multi-use items, that is why I think the ppc is such a great lil item. I cant wait for the day.... They release a PPC with a great processor, nice display, phone built in, wireless net through the phone services, and an actuall supple amout of storage space. what I am trying to say is "laptop all in a PPC"

i think that will be great.
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Old 02-07-2003, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by WizardMaster2K
I love multi-use items, that is why I think the ppc is such a great lil item. I cant wait for the day.... They release a PPC with a great processor, nice display, phone built in, wireless net through the phone services, and an actuall supple amout of storage space. what I am trying to say is "laptop all in a PPC"

i think that will be great.

That's actually not that far off, it seems...the processors speeds are getting up there (though the OS is not optimized), displays are great (yay for transflectivity), phones are built in in the PPC phone editions, wireless net also on the phone editions and PPCs with WiFi...

Storage prices are definitely coming down, although having 1GB of integrated RAM would be awesome for sure.

But back to the story, being able to play music on my PPC is awesome. Not only is it easier to find my music on a PPC using File Explorer rather than my 2-line screen Rio Volt, but I can easily carry my PPC in my pocket and not have to take up extra space for a separate MP3 player. It also reminds us of "W? BIC!"
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Old 02-07-2003, 07:39 AM
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Sad but true I still meet people today who say, my palm is better. There just is no end in sight to the massive production of Lusers
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Old 02-07-2003, 07:59 AM
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I use my PPC as a music player. It's nice because it's one less item to carry and buy. I never had a MP3 and why should I buy one when I have my PPC. The only MP3 I want is a hard drive based one such as the Nomad or an iPod. If only I was rich and could get one. For me using my e740 let's me consolidate devices and save money.
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Old 02-07-2003, 08:19 AM
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Now that Flash memory pricing is coming way down, there's really no reason why you can't put a couple of hundred songs on your PPC. For the money, PPC + Flash memory is the best way to go.

The only reason I would get a 1-function-MP3 player is for exercising... And it would have to use only flash memory. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of these devices tend to overprice these products and not put enough memory in them either.
Rick Gomez - Owner/Consultant
fiona Systems Integration
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Old 02-07-2003, 10:11 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 383

From the entertainmental point of view: Why have a device that can play mp3 files, when you can have a device that plays mp3 files and music videos to go with them.

I still think that mpeg4 video on PPC is the most amazing thing to date. When I work in video edit for a day, instead of having to output the results to a VHS for viewing purposes, I can just convert it to divx, and show it to the workgroup on a cafeteria on my Toshiba. Naturally with full stereo hi-fi MP3 soundtrack.

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Old 02-07-2003, 11:59 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 405

Luser. So I guess we're making new english words now, ehh?

I showed some luser in my History class my PPC, and then I played an mp3 really low. He was pretty impressed, and was deciding on whether to get one of the things I have or a laptop.

I'm so dissapointed I didnt have my Matrix Reloaded trainer on my PPC. :evil:
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