02-04-2003, 01:16 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,350
Navman Bluetooth GPS in May
It seems that finally Bluetooth is used more and more in the short distance wireless connections area. As reported on infoSync, Navman is going to introduce a GPS unit in May that will connect to other devices over Bluetooth. As almost all my portable devices (including the iBook) are Bluetooth enabled, either by design, or by a Socket Bluetooth card, this means I won't have to invest in new cables when I change devices. And I do use different devices all the time, so using Bluetooth for this type of connections is a great option for me. Next to that, having a Bluetooth GPS unit means you also have easier access to GPS when walking around, without adding bulk to your Pocket PC itself, as a sleeve or Compact Flash solution would. So bring that Bluetooth on!

02-04-2003, 02:25 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 18
The Navman Bluetooth-GPS solution seems to be a very interesting offering although the price seems expensive imho. One of my friends is using the Socket Bluetooth GPS solution (rebranded EMTAC solution) and he is very satisfied with it. It's at the No. 3 spot of the Top 5 Products -- Best-Selling Bluetooth Offerings For December 2002 behind the Logitech Cordless Presenter mouse and Palms Tungsten T
More and more interesting Bluetooth Products are arriving on the market. Bluetooth-GPS solutions are nice examples of it:
-Navman GPS 4400 Navigation Solution for Bluetooth enabled PPCs
-Fortuna GPSmart Bluetooth receiver (coming)
-Bluetooth GPS receiver by EMTAC and/or Transplantcomputing.com
-Socket Bluetooth GPS receiver
-LinksPoint's Bluetooth GPS receiver
-Trimble Introduces Bluetooth Enabled GPS Surveying System
-Leadtek has shown a Bluetooth GPS receiver at CES (coming)
-Florida company Ashvattha Semiconductor claims to have a single chip that combines the radio sides of GSM and GPRS mobile phone standards, a GPS satellite navigation system and a Bluetooth personal area network (dropped?)
More interesting Bluetooth products to follow imho

02-04-2003, 02:33 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 112
I have the Socket bluetooth GPS receiver and can't live without it now. It works great with both my 3870 and my Evo laptop (both have bluetooth built in). I find the rechargeable battery in the Socket receiver to be preferable to any method of standard AAA battery (keeps my cost down, since I can recharge in the car).

02-04-2003, 02:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 11
I've got a Navman sleeve, which I wouldn't be without. A BT version would be excellent.
I could attach it to my wheelchair too. How cool would that be, a GPS and SATNAVed up wheelchair

02-06-2003, 12:24 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 25
Does anyone else want a bluetooth enabled cellphone that uses e911 GPS to provide GPS over bluetooth as well?
Pete Wilson