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Old 01-20-2003, 09:00 PM
Jason Dunn
Executive Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Clear Speed 1.0 Reviewed

"'Overclocking' and 'CPU Scaling' has been the hot topic o*n just about every discussion board for the past week. Seems that a few developers figured out that HP had actually scaled back the iPAQ 1910s cpu to 200 MHZ. It seems that the Xscale processor in the 1910 is not o*nly capable of 300 MHZ, but the default speed. So, along with many of the discussions, there were arguments over whether changing the 1910 to run at 300 MHZ was actually overclocking or just scaling.

At the time of writing this review, there were three programs o*n the market for changing the speed of the 1910.One of the programs is apparently free! Clear Speed doesn�t have any options for version 1; you can either enable Clear Speed to 300 MHZ or disable Clear Speed to revert back to 200 MHZ.There will be other options for later versions, most notably the ability to scale back to 100 MHZ and possibly automatic scaling � Clear Speed would actually decide whether to scale up or down, to help save battery consumption."
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Old 01-21-2003, 12:18 AM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 56

This is terrible software! (currently)

All the other programs, INCLUDING the free one have had numerous updates and features added. This one is about as plain as you can get.

My recommendation is to support developers that actually care about their products and the people that buy them.

My purpose of this post is to either advise people of better alternatives or lite a fire under the developers A** so he can deliver on his promises in a TIMELY fashion.

I realize that he recently has had a lose in his life, but was under the impression that the inital release of his software was after an appropriate period of time and he was moving forward.

It's not my intention to flame anyone but to state the facts.

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Old 01-21-2003, 12:34 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 784

Yeah I purchased this software because it was the most thoroughly tested at the time, and I'm hoping an update will be out soon. Also, I'm still a little confused on if the method that Clear Speed uses to overclock is actually overclocking and not scaling.
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Old 01-21-2003, 03:17 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 134

Overclocking and scaling are the same thing. Overclocking is a more general term, probably. Celerons used to be just a "scaled down" version of the pentium 2/3 processor. So, when you "overclocked" them, you were just returning them to the setting that is what their non-scaled back pentium 2 processors are at. Basically, if you're saying that there's a difference between "overclocking" and scaling, you're trying to differentiate between two types of overclocking: overclocking the fsb and the system in general, and overclocking the cpu clock multiplier. Both are just a form of overclocking. Many times, a cpu's multiplier is locked so you must either unlock it or just do fsb overclocking. The argument is stupid. Apparently, both XScales and PCs have this multiplier, it's just that people who change the multiplier on an XScale don't consider it overclocking :roll: .

People are afraid of overclocking, that's why they don't want to use that word. It doesn't matter that the hardware can handle it. It's still called overclocking! Stupid argument. Superstitious people.
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Old 01-21-2003, 06:53 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 174


Clear Speed has been available for 6 days and you are complaining about the lack of a version 1.1?

Do you want your software tested or do you want a hack 3 hours out of a compiler?

It sure sounds like a flame.

Originally Posted by proutpa
This is terrible software! (currently)

All the other programs, INCLUDING the free one have had numerous updates and features added. This one is about as plain as you can get.

My recommendation is to support developers that actually care about their products and the people that buy them.

My purpose of this post is to either advise people of better alternatives or lite a fire under the developers A** so he can deliver on his promises in a TIMELY fashion.

I realize that he recently has had a lose in his life, but was under the impression that the inital release of his software was after an appropriate period of time and he was moving forward.

It's not my intention to flame anyone but to state the facts.

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Old 01-21-2003, 07:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 784

Revolution, don't get discouraged, so far your program is the only one that's being thoroughly tested in-house and hasn't caused a user's Pocket PC to hard reset, unlike every other OC utility out right now which I think almost all have settings that can cause a hard reset.

For me I value the in-house testing cause I don't want to deal with losing my files/data and having to take the time to reinstall everything. I can't wait for version 1.1 though!
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Old 01-21-2003, 07:53 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 174

Thanks, the nice comments ease the pain!

Thankfully the people who have attacked and complained haven't been customers.

Clear Speed does not cause data loss or hard resets and that's the way it's going to stay. I'm working on version 1.1 right now (I had to peek in on this post). A full work day has been burned in the last week just trying to stay on top of the chaos in the various forums.

Anyway, enough of my complaining, back to work...


Originally Posted by djtipmothee
Revolution, don't get discouraged, so far your program is the only one that's being thoroughly tested in-house and hasn't caused a user's Pocket PC to hard reset, unlike every other OC utility out right now which I think almost all have settings that can cause a hard reset.

For me I value the in-house testing cause I don't want to deal with losing my files/data and having to take the time to reinstall everything. I can't wait for version 1.1 though!
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Old 01-21-2003, 05:35 PM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by djtipmothee
Revolution, don't get discouraged, so far your program is the only one that's being thoroughly tested in-house and hasn't caused a user's Pocket PC to hard reset, unlike every other OC utility out right now which I think almost all have settings that can cause a hard reset.

For me I value the in-house testing cause I don't want to deal with losing my files/data and having to take the time to reinstall everything. I can't wait for version 1.1 though!
This is not entirely true, my 1910 can not run at 300mhz "run" mode that Clear Speed uses it causes:
hard resets, shell32 errors, missing icons in both program and settings screens and general instability.

So even though I paid $10.00 for this program it is about as useful as tits on a bull!

I'm forced to use free programs and others that offer 266mhz "run" mode that work perfectly on my 1910.

I'm really impressed with the develpment of the other programs, they are very stable and have frequent updates but the one I purchased is unstable and has had no development what so ever.

Just be glad I'm still calm about this and not upset yet - just disappointed.
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Old 01-21-2003, 05:44 PM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by
Thankfully the people who have attacked and complained haven't been customers.
If I'm not a customer how did I get this email from you:

Hello -

Thank you for purchasing Clear Speed for the IPAQ 1910! Clear Speed is
a program that makes your Pocket PC run up to 50% faster.

This is your official receipt and proof of ownership for Clear Speed.
Please keep this email in a place where you can find it later.
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Old 01-21-2003, 07:42 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 174

I did not know you were a customer. I don't know who you are or your email address (not in your profile) so there's no way to know. Why you didn't just hit reply on that email and tell me about your problems is beyond my understanding.

Usually people contact customer support if they have a problem with a product rather than just post on forums. We actually support our products so please contact me directly at [email protected] and I'll get right back to you.

I will issue you a full refund because we stand behind our products, and of the hundreds of Clear Speed users you are the only one to have any problems with the product.

It's amazing to me that you wouldn't even bother to email and instead go through all the effort to post in the forums - what's that all about?. And to say that 1 week without an update constitutes no development whatsover is just rediculous.

Originally Posted by proutpa
Originally Posted by
Thankfully the people who have attacked and complained haven't been customers.
If I'm not a customer how did I get this email from you:

Hello -

Thank you for purchasing Clear Speed for the IPAQ 1910! Clear Speed is
a program that makes your Pocket PC run up to 50% faster.

This is your official receipt and proof of ownership for Clear Speed.
Please keep this email in a place where you can find it later.
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