Re: Don't forget Transmeta
Originally Posted by someppcuser
Transmeta has good processors coming out too
You forgot a few others:'s Astro faces tough Banias competition
OK the link you provided is from a known biased source that loves to spit in the face of Wintel whenever they get a chance. Also the little fact that there is next to NO info out on Transmeta�s Astro chip. While Intel has had Banias, check that, the Centrino out in the public�s eye for quite a while.
Anandtech has a nice overview of the Centrino that can be found here:
And surprisingly has a few kind words to say about the Centrino. This from a website that also like spitting into the faces of the Wintel world.
You can find that article here:
With that being said I�m all for competition esp when it comes to Palladium which as far as I know Transmeta has NOT signed off on which is a really REALLY REALLY good thing. If Transmeta can get something that is just as good as the Centrino or better I wish them all the best but their track record is less then stellar in the performance department. As I�ve said in other forums put your silicon where you mouth is. Until I see real world benchmarks on both I will hold off snap judgments.