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Old 01-02-2003, 08:00 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Default Taiwan flocks to MS Smartphone

Their are now three licensees in Taiwan for the Microsoft Smartphone product according to the Register. "Notebook maker Compal and mobo giant Asustek. They join HTC, also of Taiwan, maker of the Orange SPV Windows-based smartphone."

This news ties in to rumors about Sendo's abandonment of the Smartphone OS. Apparently Sendo was upset to have Asian competition and have claimed Microsoft gave these companies proprietary technical information. Maybe one of these will make its way to US shores.
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Old 01-02-2003, 08:07 PM
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Default Re: Taiwan flocks to MS Smartphone

Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
Apparently Sendo was upset to have Asian competition...
really? huh, i always thought it was just not letting them get into the os (at code level) and MS giving some of sendo's "features" to other OEMs....

I'd be interested in reading about how they were upset to have aisan competitors... seems kinda like a given too me...

any one got a link to a story i could read?
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Old 01-02-2003, 08:10 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 234
Default Whats really the truth about the Sendo/MS issue ...

Whats really the truth about the Sendo/MS issue? ...

Well if you read the things that Paul Thurrot of WinInfo has been saying about the Sendo/MS issue -
Also read the comments -

Now I'd really like to know why is it that Paul is convinced that MS is guilty? I thought in this country it was "Not Guilty Until Proven" ... Or could it be that Paul is hearing only the Sendo side of the story and obviously being biased? High time someone came up with a more objective analysis of the situation.
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Old 01-02-2003, 08:20 PM
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ShivShanks. Its innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion its hang em high even if there is no proof esp if its a company everyone loves to hate. :wink: Everyone entitled to their opinion. *shrugs*
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Old 01-02-2003, 08:33 PM
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ShivShanks. Its innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion its hang em high even if there is no proof esp if its a company everyone loves to hate. Everyone entitled to their opinion. *shrugs*
Yeah I know ... But the way it is nowadays any small company which deals with MS can go out there and scream that MS is bullying it and nobody would even give a thought to if it were really true *sigh* ... I highly doubt that the other Smartphone licensees would take this lying down if it were really true that MS did bad things to Sendo after all the same could happen with them ... My speculation is that it looks like a case of sour grapes to Sendo which thought probably that it would have exclusive rights to Smartphone just coz it was in bed with MS then ...
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Old 01-02-2003, 08:54 PM
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Didn't the Microsofties invest financially (quite a lot - from memory) in Sendo? I thought the deal was hard cash in return for "phone" expertise?

Not quite theft if you paid for the expertise in the first place!
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Old 01-02-2003, 09:00 PM
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Default Sendo and money

Originally Posted by GregWard
Didn't the Microsofties invest financially (quite a lot - from memory) in Sendo? I thought the deal was hard cash in return for "phone" expertise?

Not quite theft if you paid for the expertise in the first place!
This is true... that is how much of business is done in the US - perhaps Sendo expected MS money as free money and there was nothing to trade for?
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Old 01-02-2003, 09:26 PM
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Microsoft does what is best for Microsoft. Not many would argue with that. So, how would Microsoft be serving it's best interests in giving away proprietary info, and thereby telling ALL it's partners that any shared info is fair game. I just don't see giving away any of Sendo's info would be worth the price. This is not to say that I'm so naive to think bits of info don't slip out the backdoor on occation, but not in this manor.

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Old 01-02-2003, 09:31 PM
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I think that Sendo must have a genuine reason to be upset and there's more to it than meets the eye.

The reason I say this is that it's got to be more than a little sour grapes that makes a small company, that is in partnership wih a massive company abandon a project so close to completion, knowing that it is effectively throwing away months, even years of research and hard work.

It's hardly likely that Sendo are throwing their toys out of the pram they have competition from Asia. Who enters a market and expects to not face competition (except the obvious)? It's like a rugby team leaving the pitch before tha game even start because 'the other team showed up'! Think about it.

Sendo's action shows a lack of trust, else it would have been able to cut its losses by shipping their Z100 and getting at least something for its Smartphone 2002 efforts before moving on to a different OS. Now, it's getting nothing and only a fool would go against Microsoft's lawyers and inside contacts without seriously thinking about the consequences.

I questioned Sendo's decision to take on Smartphone 2002 when it was announced, but being so far into the project, I questioned their decision to leave even more.

Of course, living in the corrupt world we do, we accept betrayal in the corporate world as 'just business'. But what of the moral aspect? There's a change coming in UK law at the moment whereby a defendant's past record will be able to be presented as evidence (at the moment, it can't). Those who assume Microsoft is innocent need to look back and see what big corporations are capable of and Microsoft has not proved to be any exception (if anything, quite the opposite).

Let's remember that in killing Sendo, jobs will be lost and individual people affected.

But in the longer term, the whole thing will be forgotten.

Finally, to answer Paragon: If Sendo had anything that would give the Smartphone 2002 a little something extra, Microsoft would have been desperate to get it out to other manufacturers. Despite what the fanboys think, Microsoft is still scared of Symbian and will do anything and everything within it's wallet to give itself an advantage (which is, after all, just business).
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Old 01-02-2003, 09:39 PM
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Default Sendo and money

Originally Posted by PlayAgain?
The reason I say this is that it's got to be more than a little sour grapes that makes a small company, that is in partnership wih a massive company abandon a project so close to completion, knowing that it is effectively throwing away months, even years of research and hard work.
Unless it is of course realizing that its device is crapola. Many who have seen the Orange device and the Sendo are making that assertion.

Originally Posted by PlayAgain?
I questioned Sendo's decision to take on Smartphone 2002 when it was announced, but being so far into the project, I questioned their decision to leave even more.
Business is business. If the device works well, and they were good business people, they may still sue, but not abandon the work. This leads me to believe that it is possible the 'work' done may have been shoddy.

Originally Posted by PlayAgain?
Let's remember that in killing Sendo, jobs will be lost and individual people affected.
If the work was shoddy, those would be the first people out the door.
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