12-23-2002, 02:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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Outlook To Talk To Notes
This may be of interest to system administrators. Do you manage a Lotus Notes installation? Are you subjecting your users to that horrid interface for their email and calendaring needs?
"Microsoft announced on Friday free software that lets companies running IBM's Lotus Domino e-mail server--designed for the Lotus Notes e-mail application--give employees access to Microsoft's rival e-mail program. Microsoft Outlook 2002 Connector is add-in software for the IBM Lotus Domino Release 5 messaging server, that, when installed on a Lotus Domino server by a system administrator, lets a company's employees tap into Outlook 2002 and use most of its calendar, contact management and e-mail functions. Employees can also choose to continue using Notes."
And that, in turn, means that your users can sync their Pocket PCs with their desktop. This will also ease your migration to Exchange 2003 which allows Pocket PC 2002 and Smartphone 2002 to sync directly against the server. Remember, when you dispose of your Lotus Notes and Domino CDs, do so in an environmentally friendly manner. :lol: I know IBM already sells an Outlook connector, but if I recall correctly, it isn't free and when I used it on a Notes 4/Outlook 97 workstation, it was far from perfect.
12-23-2002, 03:36 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 332
Anit-Microsoft: Embrace and extend
Microsoft: Best e-mail client now better
Me: Great if you use office and domino
12-23-2002, 07:19 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329
Been using Notes. It may not have a pretty GUI but I can honestly say that we have never in the 5 years I have worked for my company been hit with a single virus outbreak. NEVER. Malicious code can�t been embedded into the e-mail since it doesn�t run HTML. And an e-mail when opened is just that. Words. You don�t have to worry about your e-mail formatting, deleting, or modifying your system or files. Do I get pissed with Notes? Hell yesssss. The way they manage their databases is bizarre to say the least. The GUI is all over the freaking board. But that is a small price to pay for not having to play cleanup after Nimda and the like.
12-23-2002, 07:52 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 85
notes, Nooooo!
12-23-2002, 08:41 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 7
Notes ? No problems with it what so ever... like mentioned above, no viruses for over 2 years now ! I sync with outlook at home and with Notes using Lotus Easysync Pro at the office... again, no problems.. :roll:
12-23-2002, 09:24 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 318
Everyt ime I get in a battle in the Notes VS Outlook there's one very simple word to use which wins every time....
No other sync program beats this. The main advantage is part of it becomes a INBOX client so I can just dial up to my corporate network and use the inbox to download and manage my email.
I'm a MSCE and a LCP and to me OUTLOOK is to heavy and complicated for most people. The client in NOTES 5 and (even more so) 6 is better. Most people use Outlook because it's the norm not because it's the best.
As a product Notes/Domino is better because it's more flexible than Exchange/Outlook. I've seen ERP systems built around Notes before but the best I've seen with Exchange is a nice email client.
Don't even get me started on Viri!!!!
I've said my piece now hit me baby!!! :roll:
12-23-2002, 10:58 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 706
I use Outlook XP at home and Notes in the office. After using both products for a number of years my conclusion is that the two products can not be compared
Exchange /Outlook offers a full feature mail and scheduling environment. Notes offers this plus a fairly rich application environment. While the Notes interface is clunky the easiest way around this is to go to the iNotes Inteface through a browser. This is nicer than Outlook imho
If all you want is mail then Exchange/outlook is fine. But the religious war of Notes vs Microsoft is as pointless as Palm vs Pocket pc. Both are good but they are different; one will suit some people better than the other.
Get your Pocket Mojo. Anthony Caruana is the Mojo master.
12-23-2002, 11:02 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 706
One more thing. If you car seperate the backend and frontend then you give end users the one thing they most want; choice.
Get your Pocket Mojo. Anthony Caruana is the Mojo master.
12-23-2002, 11:41 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 318
The problem is that quite often it's not pratical to offer a choice. Outlook and Notes clients are very different beasts. For support reasons I seriously doubt if both would be implentmented.
The reason this might come in handy is if a company wanted to change the backend to Notes instead of Exchange. One of the attractive features of Notes is that Groupware is only a small part of it's abilities. With Exchange it's about the only thing it does well!!
12-23-2002, 01:45 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 46
Yeah notes is nice. But how 'bout the clunky look and nonstandard, unintuitive windows feel.
Is that just the implementation I'm using (R5) or is that how it exists 'out-of-the-box'.
At least Exchange/Outlook from an end-users perspective is fairly straight forward.
Maybe I'm a Microsoft baby...
(Ha, I'm at home when coding Cobol-74)