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Old 12-19-2002, 08:30 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Default What's Up For e310 Owners?

Reader Herbert Dijkman sent this in a few days ago. "Bad news for Toshiba e310 owners(like me). I asked Toshiba when the e310 upgrade will be released (the e740 upgrade is available for about a month now). This is their response. 'Unfortunately, the E310 has been discontinued and as far as I know, there is no plan to release a EUU3 update at the moment. Please check our site or frequently for any new updates that may be released for the Operating System. Thank You.'"

Well, first of all, Microsoft provides the updates to the OEMs to test and distribute and you won't find them on Second, after various attempts to contact both their PR and Tech Support departments going back to December 3rd, we've had no response to clarify this issue. I am still optimistic that the above quote was a response from an employee that didn't have all of the facts.

I think it is very important for us to keep the upgrade and support record of companies for discontinued devices in mind when making purchasing decisions. I have no illusions that my 3900 is still really an active product with the 5400's coming out, but given Compaq's track record in the past, I am reasonably confident that they will not only keep providing EUUs for the device, but also a future Pocket PC upgrade assuming the 3900 meets the hardware requrements, just as they did for the 3600 series last year. Compaq also makes a solid effort to keep supporting older products with new hardware, like sleeves and keyboards. Toshiba's new keyboard, in contrast, seems to only be available for the brand new e330/335 and e740 devices, not the recently discontinued e310. See the comments in this thread.

Toshiba makes a fantastic product. Let's hope they are going to support them past their discontinuance date and not leave older e310 and e570/Maestro owners out in the cold.
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Old 12-19-2002, 08:47 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 145

yea...also since e310 has no usb hosting capabilities none of the new keyboards released work with it either...glad I upgraded to an e740! :lol:
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Old 12-19-2002, 08:50 PM
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This is definitely the dark side of Pocket PCs as I see it....the fact that Microsoft releases the EUUs to hardware vendors and not the end users themselves.

As many choices as there are now, its still just downright scary to buy from anyone but HP if you want to make sure that your device is future-proof. I was amazed that Casio released EUU3 even though the E-200 was discontinued, but that is certainly the exception to the rule. I do think that Dell will keep pace with HP on the end support side at least.

I had my heart set on buying the Asus A600 even at a premium until I tried to find out if they would be releasing the EUU3 update and no one had a clue what I was talking about, thus I would up with the H1910.

Microsoft needs to get a grip and somehow get these updates directly to end users or else a lot of people are going to be very unhappy down the road. Involving vendors is the kiss of death - an OEM now may not hold a Pocket PC license a year from now, meaning a lot of "orphaned" devices. What good is Flash ROM if no one releases the updates to the users who hold the devices.
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Old 12-19-2002, 08:55 PM
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exactly the reason to go with a company that has a mild history in the Pocket Pc HP/Compaq etc. ALSO, i found a comment ( here that said this guy used the EUU# from compaq on a Casio and HP568...ever try that?
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Old 12-19-2002, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: What's Up For e310 Owners?

Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
Let's hope they are going to support them past their discontinuance date and not leave older e310 and e570/Maestro owners out in the cold.
They will leave you in the cold! I�m a owner of a e570. They never published a EUU2 for that device. And it�s only one year old!
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Old 12-19-2002, 09:12 PM
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I provide this update at your own risk :twisted: - the Compaq EUU3 works perfectly on the e310. I could not load it onto the device into main memory, even after freeing up memory. So I extracted it onto my MMC card using a card reader/writer connected to my PC. Then I was able to install the EUU3 off of the MMC card. Got the Bliss theme and the upgraded media player. I had gone out and installed the EUU2, but it turns out that it is included in the EUU3 anyway.
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Old 12-19-2002, 09:12 PM
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what happend to the customary 2 year support for products that are in their end-of-life cycle?

Yessirree.... and there goes Toshiba's tech support for outdated products.

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Old 12-19-2002, 09:14 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 54

Oh, forgot to add, TOSHIBA - WE WANT A KEYBOARD! :evil:
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Old 12-19-2002, 09:14 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Originally Posted by mar2k
This is definitely the dark side of Pocket PCs as I see it....the fact that Microsoft releases the EUUs to hardware vendors and not the end users themselves.
I disagree. There are a lot of hardware differences and each device needs to be thoroughly tested - and that is the job of the OEM, not MS. EUU3 as released from MS will fry the Jornada 928's WMP capabilities. So, HP has to keep working on it with MS. If MS had released that and killed a bunch of Jornada 928 users, who pays? HP? Why would they? They would claim HP didn't test or release the software. MS? How - by sending them to HP for repair?

The Palm OS side does the same thing. Palm releases fixes to Handspring, Sony, etc. and they release to the users. There are just too many things to deal with on individual devices for MS to take ownership like that.
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Old 12-19-2002, 09:15 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 97

Like any other area of the computer market, there are companies that support their products and other ones who do not.

I purchased a uMax scanner that sort of turned into a paper weight once Win XP came out. I ended up giving it to someone who was still running Win 98. There are lots of companies that feel if they are not selling the product right now then bye bye support. The ultimate in support has to go to NVidia where they still support old TNT video cards in their current driver releases.

Everytime I read about a company that does not support their product, I make sure to remember that fact the next time I purchase a related product. There are enough choices on the market without supporting companies that do not support their customers.
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