12-09-2002, 12:13 AM

12-09-2002, 01:02 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 174
Yes, check it out.
As I was lamenting its lack of SDIO again, it occurred to me that maybe they didn't put IO support in because of the anemic battery. SDIO probably has some current and voltage requirements that might not be met with such a small battery.
That better be it, otherwise they are nuts.
I need something with bluetooth so I can bluetooth to a cell phone.

12-09-2002, 01:15 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 16
Looks like HP got it right at last - the size is just right.
I loved my 3630 but it was a brick - I couldn't carry it around in my trouser or shirt pocket. Subsequent IPAQs have been even bigger. I was very happy to switch to the e310.
I think the 1910 is back on track - PDAs should be getting smaller and lighter (except for their screen).

12-09-2002, 01:29 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 405
haha, anemic, thats really funny

12-09-2002, 02:10 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 381
Originally Posted by Revolution.cx
Yes, check it out.
As I was lamenting its lack of SDIO again, it occurred to me that maybe they didn't put IO support in because of the anemic battery. SDIO probably has some current and voltage requirements that might not be met with such a small battery.
That better be it, otherwise they are nuts.
I need something with bluetooth so I can bluetooth to a cell phone.
could it be that SDIO cost more than SD? nah... 
i don't think they were worried about the voltoge or battery life of SDIO, it was a cost cutting decision, just like with the dells.

12-09-2002, 02:55 AM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 172
I saw the 1910 at CompUSA to day and it was amazing. If I didn't like my V35 or the 1910 was a little better, I would defect in a second.

12-09-2002, 02:58 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 113
1910 is a mistake
IMO, the 1910 plain sucks. Granted, its small and cute. I just played with one today at CompUSA. Come on..with No CF slot, and no SDIO..what makes it so compelling than maybe a low end Palm? If I wanted to simply use it as a PIM to manage contacts, appointments, mail and play MP3s..I could've gotten a Sony CLIE. Does HP/Compaq have any plans to release a Sleeve like the previous Ipaqs? Even a bluetooth enabled sleeve would be good enough. (If the sleeve is small enough)
The thought of havin a PDA simply having a tethered connection to the network turns me off about this device.

12-09-2002, 03:03 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 540
Originally Posted by Revolution.cx
Yes, check it out.
As I was lamenting its lack of SDIO again, it occurred to me that maybe they didn't put IO support in because of the anemic battery. SDIO probably has some current and voltage requirements that might not be met with such a small battery.
That better be it, otherwise they are nuts.
I need something with bluetooth so I can bluetooth to a cell phone.
I think the 1910 is aimed at PIM-centric users.
Finally there is a PocketPC that someone interested in a Palm (again, a PIM-centric user) can look at and not laugh at its size or price.
I really doubt HP had the PocketPC enthusiast in mind when they made this. 

12-09-2002, 03:39 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 16
Originally Posted by aristoBrat
Originally Posted by Revolution.cx
Yes, check it out.
As I was lamenting its lack of SDIO again, it occurred to me that maybe they didn't put IO support in because of the anemic battery. SDIO probably has some current and voltage requirements that might not be met with such a small battery.
That better be it, otherwise they are nuts.
I need something with bluetooth so I can bluetooth to a cell phone.
I think the 1910 is aimed at PIM-centric users.
Finally there is a PocketPC that someone interested in a Palm (again, a PIM-centric user) can look at and not laugh at its size or price.
I really doubt HP had the PocketPC enthusiast in mind when they made this. 
I thoroughly agree. To date, PPCs have been targetted at power users/enthusiasts who dont mind spending more, having a bigger unit and shorter battery life.
Palm's are simple, small, effective.
The 1910 and its ilk are finally challenging that, and I think they will start to make inroads into Palm's marketshare at the low end and for non-power users. That is where Palm dominates.

12-09-2002, 03:41 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 725
Originally Posted by jeasher
I saw the 1910 at CompUSA to day and it was amazing. If I didn't like my V35 or the 1910 was a little better, I would defect in a second.
I do have to say, everyone should head out to their local CompUSA and check the 1910's screen out. I had seen a Demo a while back but it must have been overused because the screen didn't look as good as the one I saw at CompUSA today.
I have to tell you, it's so good looking that I thought it was a demo unit with a "screen sticker" plastered on until I touched it!