11-19-2002, 12:15 AM
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IBM Cuts PDA Deal With Sharp
IBM keeps plugging away trying different solutions, and I have to admire their persistence. They didn't seem to make much headway when they were stamping their own name on a Palm IV, but this new Sharp Linux device looks like it might do better in the Enterprise market.
"IBM has entered a partnership with Sharp to develop a version of the Linux-based Zaurus handheld for corporate use, along with ways for Zaurus to integrate with IBM server products. The Enterprise Edition Zaurus should appear by mid-2003, officials from both companies say. The deal involves building Zaurus support into IBM's Linux- and Java-based middleware products.
Supporting applications will include the Websphere Everyplace line, which allows companies to add mobile devices including PDAs to the list of clients that can access IBM enterprise applications. A Zaurus could act as a client to WebSphere Application Server, DB2 database, and software from IBM subsidiaries Tivoli and Lotus. The Websphere Everywhere line already supports Pocket PC and Palm OS PDAs and some cell phones based on wireless markup language and Sync ML."

11-19-2002, 12:50 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 338
Hmmm... interesting...
When will IBM wake up and realize that they need to move their enterprise software to a PPC 2002 platform? They've tried Palm with that old "Workpad".. now they are going to try Sharp...
Well, maybe the third time's a charm method will work for them, and they'll be on a MSFT platform soon.
Oh, wait, I forgot ... IBM resents MSFT dumping OS/2 in favor of their own Windows NT.
Good luck Sharp and IBM :wink:

11-19-2002, 01:05 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 381
I think you mean Palm V, not IV jason...
Also, IBM did try out WinCE with their workpad z5... but maybe they should try again with ppc2k2...

11-19-2002, 01:29 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 338
Originally Posted by heov
...IBM did try out WinCE with their workpad z5... but maybe they should try again with ppc2k2...
Was the workpad Z5 that "not-so-sub subnotebook" ? I had the HP Jornada version (I think I want to call it the 620...) but the problem with them was the lack of software.
I think the PPC 2002 o/s would provide a much bigger audience.

11-19-2002, 01:30 AM
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I like
I like the way it looks. Sharp using the LInux Ihave always thought was great. I am not partial to PPC, while I like the use of one I know it isnt all that is available. AS an example, The Symbian OS is an excellent choice for a pda and there is not question about it.
I do think the workpad wasnt all it could have been. I have one that I used for about six months to almost a year. I am going to check into this pda to see if it offers what I am looking for.

11-19-2002, 01:45 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 717
Since these run Linux they should be quiet cheap, however I do not foresee that to be the trend. If they put out a good set of apps to go with this device I think I too might cross the line and try it out.

11-19-2002, 01:45 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 541
The Zaurus is a cool device, this new one looks even better. Once Familiar comes out for the 3900, I'm planning on trashing WinCE for a week or so and playing around with Linux. If your running a non-Windows platform on your servers, this PDA could be very useful compatibility wise.
IBM has stood by Linux for a long time, I don't see any reason they shouldn't now just because there's a bigger solution.

11-19-2002, 01:56 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 414
How serious can IBM be about this? They have their own design, that is a modular deal with a core that you plug into a desktop station, add a touch screen to, or clip to your belt and view through a Borg eye patch screen. IBMs own runs XP. This Sharp probably also runs a full desktop OS-Linux.
This could lead to some real changes in the PDA market. If they can sell this for $500 and you can run full OpenOffice and Mozilla on it and it goes in you pocket as easily as a Casio E100 did, they and OQO could really cut out the high end profitable PPC market that HP/Ipaq has enjoyed so much success in.
Has anyone else heard anything lately about the 640 by 480 screened Ipaq that was rumored last Spring at the same time the first stories about the 5450s and h1910s (then called the 2200) broke on BrightHand? That very high end Ipaq, the OQO, and this Zaurus are all headed for a collision next Spring.
What a great year for PDA products 2002 has been.

11-19-2002, 03:09 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
What's the pricing on this Linux device, non-IBM?

11-19-2002, 03:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 416
Love my z50.
IBM's offering looks a little out of scale(smaller) than the z50. I'm intrigued by the clamshell design.
The announcement creates new opportunities for companies to deploy applications more rapidly by using the flexible, open--standards based Linux and Java� platforms. Companies will also have access to a rapidly expanding community of developers building applications that enable mobile access to enterprise data.
How much of a demand does the Linux/(Java Capable) Operating system place on having hard disk storage?
I spent a month learning, all I needed to know, that I dislike using Linux, period. I've got other friends, whom I can ask questions, that go ga-ga over Linux and can do a couple of things really well with Linux(diskette based firewall) and hours not getting other useful things to work.
Cute little toy, I'll wait till IBM has a warehouse that they need to clear for space, like they did for the z50, and dump all these ($1400 whatever devices) on the market for $125 again.
IBM Press release