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Old 11-07-2002, 11:30 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Default You Might Want This Kind of Dust On Your Pocket PC

IBM is sprinking some Pixie Dust on their hard drives by increasing their capacity from 60GB to 80GB in notebooks. Whoopee. :roll: The real news though is the very last sentence of this article. "During 2003, disk drive densities are expected to reach up to 100 gigabits per square inch, which will allow for capacities of 400GB for desktop drives, 200GB for notebooks and 6GB for IBM's one-inch Microdrive, the company has said." I heard a quote this week that sums this up. "Boom-chicka-wah-WOW!" :lol: Source: Bob Anderson
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:35 PM
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thats about -10 gigs more than I know what to do with...

sorry for the bad math negative joke, i took the PLAN today

2.5 hours of testing :evil: :sleeping:
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:37 PM
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Default yeah!

Woohoo!!..More pr0n!!!

No seriously..I've been recording The Simpsons episodes...using my TV tuner card to my harddrive...One day I hope to have every single episode archived and be able to play on them on demand. Large hardrives are better. No too mention ripping all my CDs on storing them on a HD for playing it on demand from a central server in the basement.
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:45 PM
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I still feel that CompactFlash type drives are still the way to go.
The issue is that they're so expensive that barely anyone has enough money to go above 512MB for CF and 256MB for SD cards.
Since Panasonic already has a 1GB SD Card prototype, I'm sure that it's not impossible for CF Cards to go above 2GB.

That actually leads me to the topic of integrated storage.
I wonder if it would be cheap for manufacturers to cut back internal SDRAM to 32MB, and add an integrated 128MB SD Card.
This way, users will be able to have 128MB totally dedicated to storage and 32MB totally dedicated to program memory. They won't have to worry about hard-resets any more either, nor will they have to worry about their batteries being slightly drained while their PPCs are off.

On second thought, it probably wouldn't be any cheaper but it sure would be convenient, but that leads me to another topic on this bunny trail.

What if manufacturers were to eliminate the ROM completely?
Maybe they could tone it down to 8MB to store minimal system specific information. The user would be given the chance to load everything on to the integrated SD Card and it would give the user the freedom to choose from a wide variety of operatim systems, or just Windows/Linux for now.

In conclusion, I would like to see Pocket PCs improve in the memory department.
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:48 PM
Ed Hansberry
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I wonder if we'll have to start partitioning drives or mandate they are formatted in FAT32? FAT16 has a 4GB (or is it 2?) per partition. I've been using NTFS for so many years I cannot remember.
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:52 PM
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Default Mitch

Yeah, the real main use is gonna have to be video. This will help the PVR industry. With all the TiVos and ReplayTVs, none of them really make one that handle HiDef signals because it takes so dern much space up! But with a 400GB drive, you may actually be able to get a 40 hour HD PVR.
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:57 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
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sprinke some of that dust on my SD card and make that 6 gigs and you will get my money. Solid state is where it is at. Microdrives are good for notebooks and occasionaly PPC usage but not full time usage. The CF expantion is too valuable to be used just for storage.
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Old 11-08-2002, 12:13 AM
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Yes, FAT16 is 2gig. My CF card is actually formatted for FAT32, so I know it can be done in WinCE. 6GB can be done in FAT32, so I think PDAs will be fine for now, but I'm not too sure how NTFS is with large, single size HDs such as 400gb. This brings me to my next point, what about data integrity? Everything will be magnified a whole lot, no? At least with disc-driven media, in which it's handled often.
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Old 11-08-2002, 12:13 AM
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and I still use my Libretto 50CT with 800MB HD.
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Old 11-08-2002, 12:15 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Originally Posted by szamot
sprinke some of that dust on my SD card and make that 6 gigs and you will get my money. Solid state is where it is at. Microdrives are good for notebooks and occasionaly PPC usage but not full time usage. The CF expantion is too valuable to be used just for storage.
Hear Hear, not to mention the fact the microdrives are a complete power hog which destroys PPC battery life! :icecream:
I have a 1GM microdrive that is collecting dust since I picked up a 256MB SD card to go along with the 128MB card I purchased with my 3850. Would I love the extra MB :?: ... you betcha :lol: but not at the expense of my pathetic battery life.
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