11-01-2002, 09:06 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Improved Wi-Fi Security in the Making
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a new solution aimed at improving security in wireless networks. It's the non-profit Wi-Fi Alliance, the "consortium behind interoperability standards and testing for 802-11 based networks", that has deviced this solution as a replacement of the built-in WEP standard.
"Why not wait for 802.11i? According to Dennis Eaton, the chairman of the Wi-Fi Alliance, "[IEEE] Task Group I doing 802.11i is still on a path to be complete about this time next year with a fully ratified standard, but that's a little too long. We had to do something sooner." That something sooner is WPA, which, according to Eaton, will work with the majority of 802.11-based products out today once they've gone through a firmware/software upgrade. WPA is forward compatible with 802.11i. By the time 11i is ratified around September of next year, expect to see a WPA version 2.0 with full 802.11i support. Eventually, the Alliance expects to require Wi-Fi products to shop with WPA turned on as a default."
11-01-2002, 05:16 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 384
Finally ...
I've been waiting forever for this to happen. I was beginning to thing that Wireless Vendors didn't give a RIP about security.
Now the wait begins to see how long it takes vendors implement the firmware. If they've been coding during ratification, the software "should" be available within the week. Likely though, we'll have to wait another month :-(
11-01-2002, 06:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 433
so many type of wi-fi, thereis 802.11 a, b , and now i , when these guys gonna stop, i'm confudes now !