11-01-2002, 09:49 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Unlimited 1xRTT from Sprint
GPRS may have the momentum right now, but 1xRTT provider Sprint is fighting back with an incredibly competative pricing plan. Check out this article at infoSync for the full scoop.
"Since the introduction of packet-based networks based on GPRS and CDMA2000 1xRTT technologies, uptake among subscribers has been slow - and many point towards the lack of pricing structures similar to those applying to fixed line Internet connections as one of the primary reasons. As one of the first carriers in the world, Sprint PCS is now introducing unlimited data use for its PCS Vision as part of a new, nationwide price restructuring in the U.S. - and it won't cost more than $10 USD per month.
Sprint's new pricing structure aims to simplify matters for consumers and business customers alike, and has been in effect since Oct. 18, 2002. Mainly aimed at making it easier and more attractive for customers to start using the carrier's CDMA2000 1xRTT-based PCS Vision wireless data services, PCS Free & Clear Plans for voice and data will be offered for a limited time to both consumers and business customers at price points initially ranging from $30 USD to $150 USD and will require a one year PCS Advantage Agreement."
UPDATE: It seems as though this plan only works with cell phones, not PDAs.

11-01-2002, 10:42 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 77
You need to fix spelling, "Spring". Should be Sprint. Also unlimited plan is for phone devices only. PDA and laptop data accounts start at $40/20MB to $100 for unlimited.

11-01-2002, 01:09 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 658
I went to the link in the article (the pcsvision website), and I see nothing for $10/mo... ? Or did I interpret the article wrong?

11-01-2002, 01:14 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 22
Not the pricing plan...
But the fact that news item about CDMA made the front page....
Some amazing devices that people are using today in many parts of the world.
GPRS has momentum?? Uh.....No...Maybe becuase you live in a area where the service is not avaliable. Such is the case in Europe where the GSM cartel made using cdma against the law....just to protect thier margins....
And UMTS(WCDMA) ask DoComo just how hard it is to make handoffs work. They have been trying for a year...still less than 200k subs.
Brining Balance to the Force...

11-01-2002, 01:28 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 130
Almost two months ago I upgraded my account to PCS Vision, my company bought me a the Toshiba 2032sp, well right after the first month of PCS Vision service Sprint changed it to Unlimited Data, There was no request on my part they just did it. The price plan before the upgrade was $50.00 for 500 minutes, now is $54.99 for 4500 and unlimited data.

11-01-2002, 01:58 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 513
Sprint's announcement made the news round recently. When I'd checked into it, I could've sworn the $10/mo PCS Vision add-on isn't cell phone restricted (i.e. you can also use CF/PC Card CDMA 1x in a PDA/laptop)??
In fact it seems most carriers are moving away from the cell phone limited plans, I remember VStream (T-M) had their lowest data bucket plan restricted in that fashion but no longer...
P.S. My gawd, ATTWS needs to drop their mMode pricing, like NOW! I'm tired of paying $12-18/mo for a couple of measly MB's. They're the most expensive in the US I believe, more so than T-M...

11-01-2002, 02:36 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 56
Originally Posted by st63z
When I'd checked into it, I could've sworn the $10/mo PCS Vision add-on isn't cell phone restricted (i.e. you can also use CF/PC Card CDMA 1x in a PDA/laptop)??
The $10/month umlimited PCS Vision is an option you can add to PCS Vision or Free & Clear voice plans. If you have a Yiso or Aircard that has voice capability, you should be able to add it on, although I have received reports to the contrary from SPCS account managers.
Owners of the Novatel Merlin card, which is data-only, are SOL. They'll have to use the PDA/Laptop data-only plans at the prices Spaceman indicated -- although there is a promotion right now. The $99/month unlimited data plan is 1/2 price for the first 3 months.

11-01-2002, 02:38 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 56
Originally Posted by mscdex
I went to the link in the article (the pcsvision website), and I see nothing for $10/mo... ? Or did I interpret the article wrong?
It may not be advertised yet, but if you log in to Manage My Account or call Customer Care, you should be able to add it to your plan.

11-01-2002, 03:20 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,468
GSM cartel??? C'mon - the reason that GSM/GPRS dominates in the world (not just Europe) is because it gives the advantage of universality - the unregulated mess that produces incompatible networks in the USA is precisely the reason why Europe gets the cool mobile phone tech before the US (in a reversal of the usual tech trend)! CDMA networks are perfectly legal in Europe - just no-one is going to be silly enough to create one!
Any international company based in the US would be nuts not to invest in GSM/GPRS handsets/Pocket PCs for that reason. That isn't to say that GPRS is better technically than CDMA - I'm given to understand it isn't - but that (as the VHS/Betamax war proved) isn't the point...

11-01-2002, 04:18 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 468
Our Sprint Vision plan seems to have been changed to unlimited data for us. We've got two phones with shared 2000 mins/month with what was 2MB each/month. But it's now unlimited according to my plan details on their website. Very cool...