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Old 10-18-2002, 08:31 PM
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Default Pocket PC 2003 Wishlist

WillyG from Norway has started an interesting thread on his ideal set of specs for a future release of the Pocket PC OS, dubbed Pocket PC 2003. Take a look at the thread, and see if you agree with his wishes. If you know more, just add wishes of your own. I know the people at Microsoft do read Thoughts...
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Old 10-18-2002, 09:39 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
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*sighs* I don't even bother with these lists anymore. I got so hyped for Pocket PC 2002. Thought it was going to be the update that seriously kicked the crap out of Palm. That MS was going to give us something as evolutionary as the original Pocket PC system. Update to Word Excel! Addition of Access and PowerPoint! Then I got my bubble burst big time. If 2003 is good so be it. If it�s a massive revamp of the Pocket PC OS so be it I will be pleasantly surprised. If its not I think it will be time to look at those Sony Clie lines. At least there is some forward momentum there. :?
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Old 10-18-2002, 09:48 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 129
Default i agree...who cares

Originally Posted by Jonathan1
*sighs* I don't even bother with these lists anymore. I got so hyped for Pocket PC 2002. Thought it was going to be the update that seriously kicked the crap out of Palm. That MS was going to give us something as evolutionary as the original Pocket PC system. Update to Word Excel! Addition of Access and PowerPoint! Then I got my bubble burst big time. If 2003 is good so be it. If it’s a massive revamp of the Pocket PC OS so be it I will be pleasantly surprised. If its not I think it will be time to look at those Sony Clie lines. At least there is some forward momentum there. :?
*****I agree....I just don't care anymore unless there are major overhauls. I'm not mocking the current OS (except that there is no XScale support for these new PDAs)...but all of these "improvements" really don't make a difference to the majority of people. Come to think of it, has there really been a major release of something really cool in recent months? I remember when PPC first came out...there was something new all the time (pockt-tv, new media player versions, pocket divx, remote control software etc..) It's a dull PPC world these days...
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Old 10-18-2002, 10:09 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Make it modular, so that when you first set it up you can decide what "parts" you want installed. Do I want Word, and Excel or not? Maybe not since there are third party apps with full features. Maybe instead I would like to load PowerPoint. This would leave room in ROM for much fuller applications such as Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, and a larger File Store with the ability to save the registry setting for things in file store (I know that is more an OS operation)

As well making it modular would make upgrading units like the 3600 Ipaq much easier,or at least give the inividual the chioce of what they want to include.

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Old 10-19-2002, 01:30 AM
Timothy Rapson
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 414

Originally Posted by Paragon
Make it modular, so that when you first set it up you can decide what "parts" you want installed. Do I want Word, and Excel or not? Maybe not since there are third party apps with full features. Dave

Sounds good to me. I never used 3/4 of the software in my Ipaq ROM. Could have used the space for other stuff.
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Old 10-19-2002, 01:32 AM
Timothy Rapson
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 414
Default Stability

The one thing that drove me from PPC was lack of stability. How about before it ships any PPC model is sent to Timothy Rapson with the basic apps only. If I lock it up once in a week, it goes back into the oven until it is done. Phones, EPOC devices, and Brother Word Processors don't have to be reset regularly just to keep working. I can stand add-on apps crashing. If they don't work I can just not buy them. But built-in apps? No excuse.

Bluetooth in every device. If they made it standard it should cost less than $10 per, maybe far less. Set it up so you can synch and print directly with any bluetooth desktop or bluetooth printer.

Standard power and sync. This is such a mystery. Every desktop has USB, Serial, Parallel and other ports. You don't need to go to your OEM or wait for your OEM to get peripherals. All it really would take is a standard USB port on the bottom for power and sync. Is this so hard?
Casio had this almost right. All it needed was for Microsoft to make it standard. I don't know why this wasn't standard in CE originally. Other PDAs are all just as goofy.

Let Dell sell all of them for $199 :twisted:
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Old 10-19-2002, 02:59 AM
David C
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 157

Well, I think the current PPC are pretty good. Has most of the thing I wanted, and allows you to add more if you want. The flashable rom is good too if a manufacture decide to make their own version of the PPC with tweeks.

But the most important thing that is missing is native driver support. This goes for varies CF and PCMCIA card support. Since alot of manufature do not want to make driver for PPC or don't know how, native support is very important. This is good also if you forgot to charge your PPC, especially on trip, at least when you plug your PPC back in, you won't loose the ability to use let's say your modem or networking card.

The things I want native supprot for are:
Wlan cards
Serial CF card, such as the socket WWEB cards
Networking cards
Keyboards, especially the upcomming "Microsoft" Bluetooth keyboard.
More bluetooth profile
Removable storage, like CD Burner and Zip disk
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Old 10-19-2002, 04:57 AM
Rob Alexander
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 667

Originally Posted by Jonathan1
*sighs* I don't even bother with these lists anymore. I got so hyped for Pocket PC 2002. Thought it was going to be the update that seriously kicked the crap out of Palm. That MS was going to give us something as evolutionary as the original Pocket PC system. Update to Word Excel! Addition of Access and PowerPoint! Then I got my bubble burst big time. If 2003 is good so be it. If it�s a massive revamp of the Pocket PC OS so be it I will be pleasantly surprised. If its not I think it will be time to look at those Sony Clie lines. At least there is some forward momentum there. :?
Well it's not like they listen to us anyway. Remember back when PPC 2002 came out? We all griped and complained, and Jason and the others said several times something like 'yeah, we complained about that one' or 'yeah, we suggested that' bit they didn't listen. They like for us to think they're listening, so they run a few of us up there form time to time and put on a little dog-and-pony show.

If we happen to actually want something they are doing anyway, then they act like 'see, we hear you'. But if they weren't planning to do it anyway, they sure as heck don't add it for us. (You're just power users... you don't count.) Just the number of features they went out of their way to remove (that we wanted) between PPC 2000 and 2002 should be all the evidence you need for that.

So I basically agree with Jonathan. They can do whatever they want and I'll decide when it gets here if it's worth buying. But I've had enough of these 'tell us what you think' games. Heck I can't believe I got suckered into it again last week. It's just like PT Barnum said, except that we're all suckers sometimes.
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Old 10-19-2002, 09:07 AM
Pony99CA's Avatar
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Default Suckers?

Originally Posted by Rob Alexander
They can do whatever they want and I'll decide when it gets here if it's worth buying. But I've had enough of these 'tell us what you think' games. Heck I can't believe I got suckered into it again last week. It's just like PT Barnum said, except that we're all suckers sometimes.
If that's a reference to Mobius, next time you get invited, just send me the ticket, OK? I'd love to get a free trip to Redmond/Seattle, a free Pocket PC Phone Edition, a free ViewSonic Pocket PC and a free SmartPhone.

Heck, since you haven't actually gotten the ViewSonic Pocket PC or SmartPhone yet, just give them my mailing address, OK? :-)

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Old 10-19-2002, 11:06 AM
Rob Alexander
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 667
Default Re: Suckers?

Originally Posted by Pony99CA
Originally Posted by Rob Alexander
They can do whatever they want and I'll decide when it gets here if it's worth buying. But I've had enough of these 'tell us what you think' games. Heck I can't believe I got suckered into it again last week. It's just like PT Barnum said, except that we're all suckers sometimes.
If that's a reference to Mobius, next time you get invited, just send me the ticket, OK? I'd love to get a free trip to Redmond/Seattle, a free Pocket PC Phone Edition, a free ViewSonic Pocket PC and a free SmartPhone.

Heck, since you haven't actually gotten the ViewSonic Pocket PC or SmartPhone yet, just give them my mailing address, OK? :-)

It's just a reference to how little MS listens to its users on these sites. So why in the world should we waste our time compiling all these lists of things we'd like to see in the next version? We'll get whatever they want to give us and all the wish lists in the world won't change that. (For those not convinced, I have two words for you... close button.) :wink:

On the free stuff, I'll bet Jason could buy lots of trips to Redmond and every new PPC that ever came along with what he spends running this site for a year. So, yeah, it's free in a way, but not really. It's good that MS recognizes people like these who do so much to promote their products, but I think I'll pass on the "free" stuff; it costs to much. :lol:
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