10-14-2002, 01:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Fitaly Letris available
Fitaly is far and away my favorite input method for the Pocket PC, but I'll admit learning it is not the easiest thing. For the first few weeks you are stumbilng around searching for keys like G, Q and J. Textware now has a version of Fitaly Letris for the Pocket PC. It is a simple game designed to help you learn the keyboard. It can also be used to help you train for the upcoming Dom Perignon III competition that begins this November. You can see the results of the competition last held in June of 2000 where the winner was clocked at 82 words per minute on their PDA. 8O It works on all Pocket PCs and is free.

10-14-2002, 01:22 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 414
This looks good for the newbys. I have been at FITALY for over a year now and find it very fast and natural. There is a new program called MESSAGEASE for cell phones and other pocket devices. I don't know if it is available for PPC.
When FITALY for the Clie NR70V was being developed they found that their keyboard left a few pixels at the bottom unused so they added not only one but two mini-launchers. With this, the Clie can launch 9 programs of actions with one tap and another 12 of the last used programs with two taps from a START button. This is so nice. As a long time FITALY fan I know Ed will want to check this one out.
And since I am touting an added feature of the Clie version, I will be fair and state that the PPC version of FITALY has a nicer way of switching the display for numbers and symbols.
This is a wonderful program on both platforms.
All PPC users; get this program immediately! It may save you $100 and a lot of pocket space for a Stowaway.

10-14-2002, 06:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 26
I've been waiting for this for at least 2 years, to improve my speed. Do OK on it now but faster would be better 8)

10-14-2002, 01:25 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 254
Cool thing about this software is that you can use it with your default Pocket PC input methods too. Palm has the game "Giraffe" to help users train their Grafitti skills. This one is great for the same task on the Pocket Pc.
83 WPM?!? thats simply amazing. I use all input methods on mine (except Transcriber, because i havent been able to find out how to get it to recognize the norwegian letters ��, �� and ��). I swich between using caracter recognizer, block recognizer and keyboard depending on my mood (really cant deside wich one i like best). A quick test with FitalyLetris shows 15,90wpm for Character recognizer 20,66 for Block recognizer and 16,76 for Keyboard. That is on first try, when really trying to be fast :roll: Guess im a snail.
What do you get?
In times of change, its the learners who will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to handle a world that no longer exist.

10-14-2002, 01:34 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 69
I've also been waiting for about 2+ years - I've had Fitaly since my Casio E-100 and find it indispensible. I can't wait to finally see how fast I am now.

10-14-2002, 02:18 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 69
Alright - just got it installed and tried the Dom Perignon contest and got a 30.85 standard, 33.23 actual WPM - that was actually my second attempt. I can feel myself getting faster already =)

10-14-2002, 03:10 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 145
hmm...I got to try this! I wonder what my speed is using letter recognizer... .

10-14-2002, 03:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,386
This is great news indeed... FITALY is always the first thing that gets installed on my PPC after a hard-reset. I am much faster with FITALY than any other input (~30wpm) except for the Stowaway, but I've always felt that I could be even faster with the right training tools.

10-15-2002, 01:09 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 667
This is useful in being able to quantify the speed differences between methods. Those of us who use Fitaly have said all along that we're faster with it than with other methods, but now we can say just how fast we are with it. It's also interesting to note that Fitaly users without special speed practice seem to all type about 30 wpm. At least two others here just reported that and I just installed it and ran the Dom Perignon test and also typed 33 actual wpm.
I also tried some other methods, but couldn't get Transcriber to work. Letter recognizer did, but I only managed 9 wpm on that. In fairness, it was my first time using it so it's probably not that slow for everyone.
I also popped on my Stowaway keyboard, but the test couldn't keep up. It was falling behind my keystrokes and reporting errors even though I was hitting the right keys. (To test if I was actually hitting the right keys at full speed, I switched over to Pocket Word and typed the same sentences. Since there were no errors there, I assumed I wasn't genuinely making 47 errors in FitalyLetris.) By slowing way down and giving it a pause between each keystroke, I was finally able to get it to do a reasonable test that came out to 55 wpm.
Anyway, it was a bit of fun. I'd be interested in the results from other Fitaly users who feel like giving it a go.

10-15-2002, 01:35 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 69
Actually, I think that the program was starting to get a little behind me when I was using Fitaly. I could see the letter depress (it turns black), but Fitaly Letris would register an error. I was probably around 35-40 wpm. It also seems that it does a little better when I first start it up - maybe a memory leak?