10-02-2002, 09:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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HP to release 2 new iPAQs - one in the $200-$400 range
HP is going to release a new iPAQ in the $200-$400 range which, according to HP, accounts for 50% of the overall handheld market. It will bear a family resemblance to the current iPAQ but will be much thinner and smaller. It will have an SD slot. That means the sleeves are not supported. They also talked of a $400-$650 higher end device, presumably the 5000. Initially there will be WiFi and bluetooth versions but integrated GSM/GPRS is also in the works.
The article also talks of the 29 licensees Microsoft now has and that the low-mid range is a target, citing the Dell and ViewSonic devices as examples. "Ed Suwanjindar, a spokesman for Microsoft. "Attacking the low- and midrange tiers is absolutely a priority for us." Suwanjindar added that with its 29 licensees, Microsoft will seek to address all market niches with several different partners in each." Thanks to Foo Fighter for the link.

10-02-2002, 09:28 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 312
Interesting to note that the high end device will be in the 400-650$ range. That would be really good...seems like HP/Compaq are feeling the pinch from the new competitors like ViewSonic/DELL etc.
"Life is a dream. The only real thing is you." -unknown

10-02-2002, 10:26 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,768
Originally Posted by bdeli
Interesting to note that the high end device will be in the 400-650$ range. That would be really good...seems like HP/Compaq are feeling the pinch from the new competitors like ViewSonic/DELL etc.
Which would make buying any current 39xx model at the $700+ range silly. I thought it was dumb to do it anyway.
Jonathan (JonnoB)
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

10-02-2002, 11:18 PM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 4
buy now
But I'm ready to buy one now. 8O
I've seen the pictures - now I want to play with one.
When are they going to have the all in one - GPRS/Bluetooth/802.11b

10-02-2002, 11:32 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 414
""Attacking the low- and midrange tiers is absolutely a priority for us." Suwanjindar added"
In other words. When you have tried to sell $500-600 devices for years and still have only 25% or less of the market and they guys who have the lions share are winning by owning the sub-$500 market and now are getting models that are going to trump your whole line even up to that $600 level....and you have no choice but to try to compete marketwide...say, "I MEANT to do that."

10-02-2002, 11:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 725
Originally Posted by Timothy Rapson
In other words. When you have tried to sell $500-600 devices for years and still have only 25% or less of the market and they guys who have the lions share are winning by owning the sub-$500 market and now are getting models that are going to trump your whole line even up to that $600 level....and you have no choice but to try to compete marketwide...say, "I MEANT to do that."
Actually, I'm pretty sure they did mean to do just that. Market share isn't all it's cracked up to be and Palm is by no means "winning" as a matter of fact, and this is in large part because of their high price, Compaq (now HP) has made more money than Palm off their PDA business for over a year now.
So, now that they see the $500+ market is starting to saturate, they're tackling the sub $500 market to make more money. That's just good business.

10-03-2002, 12:01 AM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 113
it has started
The Marketing war has started......who's gonna win the x-mas sales increase with the right promises
Johan van Mierlo
Founding Partner, Sr. News & Review Editor
MobilityMinded.com & WP7.nl - Microsoft MVP - Windows Phone

10-03-2002, 12:02 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 513
Will CNet soon have a video clip of the models they were shown in the interview?
BTW, I just realized I don't think I've seen Jason's name lately, is he off working on a secret review of these new iPAQs?

10-03-2002, 12:16 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 390
Originally Posted by Timothy Rapson
""Attacking the low- and midrange tiers is absolutely a priority for us." Suwanjindar added"
In other words. When you have tried to sell $500-600 devices for years and still have only 25% or less of the market and they guys who have the lions share are winning by owning the sub-$500 market and now are getting models that are going to trump your whole line even up to that $600 level....and you have no choice but to try to compete marketwide...say, "I MEANT to do that."
actually what is more amazing everytime PPC enters, it wipes out rival product in that price segment. Palm has consistently retreating from segment to segment.
There is practically no $499 Palm now except for the ultra chick Sony NR. I would venture to guess now that PPC manufacturer are entering the $299 price niche, there won't be anything left afterward in that segment. Palm Inc would have to reduce the Tungsten to $299 or less to hold on to market share.
Admitedly PPC hasn't quite reach the critical mass in consumer market beyond tech savvy geeks. (just take a look at apps title being develops) But I think the $299 devices would change that. And the track record is pretty confincing.

10-03-2002, 03:31 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
Re: it has started
Originally Posted by van_mierlo
The Marketing war has started......who's gonna win the x-mas sales increase with the right promises
Merry xScale...er, I mean xmas! :x-mas: