09-27-2002, 09:27 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Morse and ham radio software utilities
Once upon a time I learned Morse. I developed my own tutor software using Microsoft Basic 7.1 PDS and even showed it to the Swedish army. A while back ago Pat of N�HR.com, "the home of MobileLog and PPCMorse - ham radio software utilities for PocketPC PDAs", contacted us to tell us about their software. I was thrilled to see the Morse code tutor as it reminded me about my own adventure. Obviously, the PPCMorse is much more competent and better looking! MobileLog is a popular ham logging application for Pocket PCs. Go check them both out!
09-27-2002, 11:51 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1,023
Well... it's more useful than some other apps I have sitting on my Pocket PC. :roll:
If you even get one chance to pull out the Pocket PC and show off, it's all worth while.
09-27-2002, 12:42 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 651
I've been looking for some goog ham radio pocketpc software. Aside from some APRS software I didn't find much of anythings else. I do have a Log book made using Handbase but that's about it. Maybe this mobil log will replace that. Well time to make some contacts.....
09-27-2002, 12:54 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 11
Any chance to find a encoder / decoder one day ?
I tried to find one but had no joy yet.... :cry:
There is a freeware that decode using the sound blaster card, but that's for desktop PC only....
Does anybody knows about a Packet encode/decode soft ?
09-27-2002, 01:26 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 651
I've been searching but I haven't found one. I was hoping that someone would develop a pocket pc version of PSK31, 've search a few places and while there was some talk about it, the feeling is that the pocket pc can't handle the fft's very well. Also no pocket pc has a mic input, only a built in microphone. I think one killer app would be a repeater directory for the pocket pc. It's been years since I brought one and the main reason is that repeaters come and go. Plus that book was kinda big. If someone came out with a database version that would go over well, plus it could be updated over the web
09-27-2002, 03:33 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 1
Other ham radio apps
I have a few other ham apps in mind for the PocketPC platform in addition to expanding the features and functionality of MobileLog and PPCMorse.
Unfortunately, I just don't think the current generation of PDAs has the horsepower to take on PSK31, RTTY and CW (decoding), Packet, etc. The audio input limitations and stripped down math capabilities being two limiting factors.
However, it would certainly be possible (although I've not tried it myself) to hookup a black-box of some sort between your radio and your PDA to handle the DSP functions that your PC handles via a sound card. My idea is this:
[radio] ==== audio in/out === [black box/DSPs] === serial == [PDA]
A black box could be something like a PK-232-DSP (from timewave). But who wants to lug a PK-232 to the field (and some means of powering it!)? Another possibility would be to interface with an AOR box. (much more feasible)
Anyway, that's just drawing board stuff for now... in the mean time, I'm having fun with MobileLog and PPCMorse.