09-18-2002, 07:03 PM
Executive Editor
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Bell Mobility launches Pocket PC Phone
I have to admit I'm not terribly excited about this - I've never used the Thera, but it's not the Phone Edition operating system, and I haven't heard great things about the custom dailer Toshiba did for the Thera. Still, it's nice to see Canadians getting a choice. Now when will Telus, Fido, or Rogers AT&T start offering the XDA? That's what I'm really curious about...
"Bell Mobility has launched the Audiovox Thera in Canada, an integrated all-in-one wireless device that enables users to access on-line data and talk on the phone. Thera runs on Microsoft Windows for Pocket PC 2002 and offers wireless data and voice features, including Internet access, e-mail, text messaging, a speaker phone, voice recorder and MP3 player. Thera uses Bell Mobility's 1X network, and also enables customers to use wireless data solutions such as MOTIVUS Mobile Desktop Enterprise Edition, which allows users to manage corporate e-mail, calendars and contact lists as well as access files. Measuring about the size of a three-inch by five-inch file card, Thera weighs only seven ounces, about 35 percent lighter than carrying both a PDA and a phone."
09-18-2002, 09:24 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 209
I'd just like to know when Cingular is planning to move to GSM/GPRS in Florida. It's not like Florida is a small market. One of the largest states in the union and we're still on TDMA.
Just shoot me.
OK. Sorry. That had to com out. It was brewing inside for a while.
And there you are.
I was just thinking, "What could take this headache I have over that edge to a full blown migrane?"
And there you are.
- Dr. Cox, Scrubs
09-18-2002, 09:30 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 13
Ma-Bell, I got the Ill communication...
Any idea on price? I can't find any info on the Bell site about any of it.
I hate that Bell site everytime I go there I get frustrated. Many of the links lead to dead pages, but only about half the time. Weird and frustrating.
09-18-2002, 09:52 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 278
I can't find it now but when the announcement first came (Sept. 12?), I seem to recall CDN$1149 being the price.
I am waiting for Rogers/Fido to get the real PPCPhone.
09-18-2002, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
For any of you Canadians out there who are curious.... I bought an XDA direct from T-Mobile, applied for, and received an unlock code. It took about 10 days, and a bit of fingernail chewing, but I got the code! I now have it setup on Rogers with their $50.00 a month unlimited GPRS. It works very well so far.
I drove to Detroit and picked it up at one of their stores for $549.00 USD.
I have to state that it is not cut, and dried that you will get an unlock code doing this. T-Mobile does NOT seem to have a consistent policy on unlock codes.....SO BEWARE if you do this.
09-19-2002, 02:08 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 13
$1149 - What? That really is outrageous!
Any word on when/if Fido/Rogers are getting the PPC Phone? I'm not rich enough and/or tough enough to risk going the T-Mobile route. Although, i would love to.
09-19-2002, 04:56 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 717
Bell is as useless as Telus - sometimes I think they are one and the same. I have been talking to our national Bell rep who kept promissing me Sierra 555 card then he said Thera would be out and I shold try that instead. When I spoted Thera in the store I send him a mail and asked WTF - where are the demos. Needles to say he still has not replied...I am sure he is working on getting me the next new thing coming ... a big fat nothing.
Might I add at $1149 CDN with a 2 year contract - hmmm NO that's digital suicide - I will wait for something else, oh yeah that's a big fat nothing this is Alberta after all.
Man I am pissed about this whole thing - there goes my Christmas, but fianally I have closure.
09-19-2002, 09:16 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 91
Bell, Telus, Rogers, all the same
Bell, Telus, Rogers, they're all the same when it comes to this kind of "extreme tech". They have the mentality of "let's sell it to dozens" instead of hundreds or thousands. That's where the mentality of a $1350+ (don't forget the sales taxes) pricing comes in.
Locking you into a contract is the norm with those companies, and tell me - would you like to be forced to use the same PPC for 2 years? Sure, many probably do use the same pda for 2, 3 years, but that's a choice. This would be enforcement. You can leave it at home and stop using it of course, but the bill keeps coming in.
Given the battery performance of ALL pdas I've tried so far (ie, how they seem to really suck after 6 months to a years' use), I'm willing to bet this thing may have less than an hour's talk time within a year... unless you can swap batteries - I dunno if you can or cannot with the Thera.
Naw, I don't see this deal with Bell going anywhere. The execs will all get together at their golf resort in four months, and after shagging a few escorts and drinking copious amounts of utra expensive liquor :twisted: , they will then moan, groan and fail to comprehend why the Thera isn't simply flying off the shelves
In the meantime, I really, truly hope that Fido picks up something soon in the GPS/GSRM world of the PPC. I won't buy it unless it allows for connectivity with my notebook computer, but at least with Fido, you aren't locked into anything. Given their recent pricing on the Ericcson T200, I'm hoping a PPC price point will be realistic.
Me? I think I may hold out for that new Nokia... what is it, the 3650? the colour one with the camera and bluetooth built in? sweeeet.
09-19-2002, 03:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 21
smartphone 2002 more interesting
My opinion is that the Smartphone platform is more interesting. I am excited to see the new smartphone devices coming out from Microsoft partners.
09-19-2002, 05:18 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 22
Did you not have to buy a contract from VoiceStream/T-Mobile along with the XDA? I was under the presumption that this was the only way they sold the devices.... interesting.
But as you advise, no guarantee to get the unlock code. I'm a little worried to try the same thing but on the other hand very tempted. I ordered the XDA from HandheldCanada when they announced they were getting a shipment in of unlocked phones, but apparently their shipment arrived and their supplier then refused to provide them with the unlock codes! So I'm still pondering how to obtain one.
Let me ask you this: you drove to Detroit, plunked down some extra (weak C$) hard earned cash and bought the XDA without ANY kind of indication that you'd get the unlock code?!! You must have had some source to indicate that you stood better odds?
Nonetheless, congrats on your success and perhaps damn you for making me consider this option and enduring the the possible "10 day wait in hell" :twisted: