09-10-2002, 08:48 PM
Executive Editor
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Are you a Pocket PC Good Samaritan?
I was in Costco yesterday, and lo and behold they're selling the Toshiba e310 (decent price too). But this little guy was sadly neglected - missing stylus, someone had put a password on the device so no one could use it, and the screen was covered in fingerprints. My wife could only roll her eyes and chuckle as I got a tear in my eye and flew into action. Polished the screen, hard reset it, then copied over two media files ("Hanging by a Moment" music video and one song) and looped it. I then cradled it so it would recharge, cranked up the volume, and walked away feeling like I had made the world a better place. Raise your hand if you've ever done anything similar...
09-10-2002, 09:00 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
Recently I was in Glasgow airport with a couple of hours to kill so I went into Dixons to see what they had. While spying the PPCs one of the sales people came over to see if they could help me. I very quickly became apparent she didn't have a clue. So I proceeded down the line showing here the different features of each PPC they had on the shelf, and answered all her questions. As I was leaving she thanked me for my help. I had to chuckle.....isn't is supposed to be the other way around. Isn't the customer supposed to thank the sales clerk for the help?
I know I'm not the first to do that!
09-10-2002, 09:01 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
Re: Are you a Pocket PC Good Samaritan?
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
...someone had put a password on the device so no one could use it,
This seems to be a common theme in every retailer I visit. Most, if not all, Pocket PC devices are locked out, thanks to some troll(s) who sets the password protection. These people must have something to fear, or they wouldn't go to such lengths to insure that customers don't see a working PPC. :roll:
Beyond that, most of the damage is done by careless shoppers who manhandle the goods. All of the PDAs on display look like they've been through hell. I've been to 2 Circuit Cities, and 1 Best Buy that had Sony NR70V's with screens that were loose. One was so badly loose, it was on the verge of falling off...the unit didn't even function. Needless to say, I won't be buying the NR70.
09-10-2002, 09:02 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 114
Re: Are you a Pocket PC Good Samaritan?
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
I was in Costco yesterday, and lo and behold they're selling the Toshiba e310 (decent price too). But this little guy was sadly neglected - missing stylus, someone had put a password on the device so no one could use it, and the screen was covered in fingerprints. My wife could only roll her eyes and chuckle as I got a tear in my eye and flew into action. Polished the screen, hard reset it, then copied over two media files ("Hanging by a Moment" music video and one song) and looped it. I then cradled it so it would recharge, cranked up the volume, and walked away feeling like I had made the world a better place. Raise your hand if you've ever done anything similar...
Did you get its phone number, buy it dinner, and have sex with it later?
09-10-2002, 09:12 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329
Re: Are you a Pocket PC Good Samaritan?
Originally Posted by normaldude
Did you get its phone number, buy it dinner, and have sex with it later?
You used screen protection I'm assuming
Seriously though. I never give it a second thought. Its a demo unit for god sake. One of those devices you almost always expect to get trashed. However you'd think that who ever was in charge of that dept would take better care of their demo units. After all they can make a difference between a curious customer and a buying one.
09-10-2002, 09:16 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 62
Yeh, Me Too!
When I visit the Pocket PC section at a Staples or a Future Shop here in Canada, I'll go close all the apps, check the lght levels, etc. so that the next guy in will not be bothered by slow opening apps and dim screens. It's just having fun whilw I wait for my printing!
09-10-2002, 09:24 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
Re: Are you a Pocket PC Good Samaritan?
Originally Posted by Jonathan1
Its a demo unit for god sake. One of those devices you almost always expect to get trashed.
It isn't just one device. All of them have varying degrees of damage. Some look as if they were run over by a car, stepped on by a herd of elephants, and then dropped from top of a tall building! :lol:
However you'd think that who ever was in charge of that dept would take better care of their demo units.
The sales managers aren't the ones damaging the hardware...it's the customers. The sales team should do a better job of replacing the bad demo units.
09-10-2002, 09:31 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 123
Re: Are you a Pocket PC Good Samaritan?
Originally Posted by Foo Fighter
All of the PDAs on display look like they've been through hell. I've been to 2 Circuit Cities, and 1 Best Buy that had Sony NR70V's with screens that were loose. One was so badly loose, it was on the verge of falling off...the unit didn't even function. Needless to say, I won't be buying the NR70.
I know shoppers are hard on demo units, but if a device can't take the beating of shoppers, why should I believe it could take the beating from me. (No, I'm not that hard on my devices, but I do like to get the most rugged device possible. Particularly when looking at $700 PDA's.)
I agree that the salespeople (or at least the sales managers) should pay close attention to these demo units. If it doesn't look good on the shelf, people are less likely to buy it.
09-10-2002, 09:35 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 15
Re: Are you a Pocket PC Good Samaritan?
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
My wife could only roll her eyes and chuckle as I got a tear in my eye and flew into action.
That is so funny.... it reminds me of how my wife reacts. I was in Radio Shack and somebody asked the salesperson the difference between the Palm m500 and the IPAQ 3850. He responded "... oh not much, this one is just more expensive."
Well.... I just had to say something.
My wife ... "Oh brother, here we go again!". She went and sat down on a bench outside the store in the mall.
Nothing like an impromptu seminar on the merits of the Pocket PC platform.
09-10-2002, 09:39 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
Off-topic rant: What I really can't stand is poor selection and outdated merchandise. My local Staples is the absolute worst. They have units on display that aren't even available anymore, like the Jornada 548. Then of course there are placards with no demo unit...like the e310, which is missing. Staples lists all Sony PDAs on its web site, but doesn't carry them in any of its brick and mortar stores. How stupid is that?
I was in Best Buy last weekend, and HALF of the entire PDA display was MISSING! The placards were still there, but the demo units were gone. When I asked what's up, the sales staff said all of the "missing" units are no longer available. Normally, I might buy that excuse, but these were relatively new units like the Toshiba e740, and iPaq 3970. :?