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Old 09-03-2002, 02:27 PM
Brad Adrian
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Default More On The SnapNType Keyboard

It appears as though I'm not the only one who really likes his SnapNType keyboard from TT Tech. Anthony Newman at PDATweaks has put together a good overview of this cool add-on and shares his overall impressions.

You can draw your own conclusions based upon the points that are made, but for me, I really love this keyboard. It represents a great compromise between the various on-screen methods and a full size keyboard. But be sure to read all of Anthony's article, because he brings out a few point that I didn't in my review.
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Old 09-03-2002, 03:47 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 307

I don't want to perseverate but -
The SnapNType is great for what it is. It's extremely useful. The feedback is rather soft, and the keys a bit mushy and hard to press. But it's a solid entry.
The greatest keyboard and entry method of all time for the PocketPC is imho the Jornada HP Pocket Keyboard. Great old time HP calculator type feedback (designed by the same people in Singapore), complete and very classy integration with the 565/567/568, and even a backlight.
Alas - it will likely fall victim to the HP rebranding. Please please HP keep it, redesign it for the ipaq, or someone else like toshiba please design something like it. Ah a toshiba with that big screen, the battery life of the 568, and the keyboard!
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Old 09-03-2002, 05:56 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Oh sweet!

I ordered mine just a few days ago... With yet another positive review im even more excited to get it!

Is there any "hacks" for this keyboard out there... im thinking stuff that makes it easy to remap the keyboard or to add/change stuff in the "smiley/symbol" menu?

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Old 09-03-2002, 06:31 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 51

Glad you liked my review Brad

Long time reader, first time poster - sorry it's taken me so long to register!


Marcel: If you'd like to send me a 568 and the keyboard, I could knock up a comparison review... . Seriously though, when I was contemplating entering the PPC world I saw previews of the HP keyboard, and I loved it. Classic design. Even with the silver / black design of the Snap'N'Type, it does look like an addon to the iPAQ. The HP design became part of the unit, and that was cool. (Jeez, what about present tense, Anthony?

Skummet: afaik, there are no hacks. I would love one - currently, I have to enter the face board to put in a semi-colon! That said, I think their overall design choice in terms of key trade-off is pretty good. I can think of worse layouts!

Anyway, thanks again!

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