08-30-2002, 09:30 PM
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Bypass the recording execs
We rant long and hard here about the music industry, in how they lock us out of downloadable content at reasonable prices, lock the artists into the whims of the market place and cut them out of the major profits. Well, at least one artist has said "enough!"
You may remember Aimee Mann. She was the lead singer for "'Til Tuesday" and sang their one hit wonder "Voices Carry" in the 80's. Well, she is back. Since 1999 when she backed away from "the industry", she has released three albums, the soundtrack for Magnolia (bad movie, great soundtrack), "Bachelor No. 2" and just this past week, "Lost in Space." There are actually a few others in the early-mid 90's that I haven't listened to yet. My point though is, she is doing her own thing. Self producing and selling to the public via her web site. Her new site doesn't have much info beyond the new release, but her old web site with tons if information is still available.
You know of anyone else that isn't an unknown and has decided to do it alone? I'd love to hear about him or her. I'd much rather give him or her $15 for a CD knowing they are getting a decent cut of the profits, than lining the pockets of the big execs that schmooze with MTV and the radio networks to come up with the hit du jour. I am hoping Mrs. Mann is the first of many to cut her ties with record labels and do it alone.
08-30-2002, 10:16 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 88
Re: Bypass the recording execs
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
I'd much rather give them $15 for a CD knowing they are getting a decent cut of the profits than lining the pockets of the big execs that schmooze with MTV and the radio networks to come up with the hit du jour.
Exactly!! The record companies keep a grossly disproportionate percentage of the sales revenue, and waste it on unnecessary PR expenses. Some PR is obviously necessary, but not this extravagant crap. I've always thought that a collective of pioneering, big-name artists would need to make a big push to shake-up the recording industry and prod the labels into accepting change. Hope there are more brave souls like Aimee Mann.
08-30-2002, 10:58 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 20
One group that has been doing well without any recording industry backing or help is E.S. Posthumus. Their first album Unearthed is self produced and available for sale only from their website: www.esposthumus.com and is incredibly popular.
Their music has been featured in a number of movie trailers in the past year (Planet of the Apes, Minority Report, Unfaithful, Time Machine, and most notably, Spiderman).
So it is possible to get noticed simply from a mere website, rather than have to get the backing of a large recording label.
08-30-2002, 11:00 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 69
Maybe a little off topic here, but both the Magnolia soundtrack (btw, I disagree...fantastic movie) and Bachelor No. 2 are excellent, superb albums. All the better that she's bypassing the traditional recording industry though.
08-30-2002, 11:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 384
AMEN ...
As I recall, Sting is taking this track as well. Artists should band together to form a rival, co-operative recording studio. The major feature would be direct digital sales (no material costs), and custom burned discs.
The artists will never be successful alone. It's too hard for consumers to find and purchase content in that fashion.
Regarding Piracy, well ... if they ran the REAL numbers they'd probably find that in direct sales the revenue from 1 copy would equal that of 100 copies through the studio.
08-30-2002, 11:55 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329
This is what is scaring the piss out of the RIAA. If this ever becomes commonplace the RIAA is going to go under in a big way. :lol:
*holds up a bottle of rootbeer * here's to the day I can dance on the ashes of the RIAA. :twisted: Sadistic bast....
08-31-2002, 12:31 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 69
Originally Posted by Jonathan1
This is what is scaring the piss out of the RIAA. If this ever becomes commonplace the RIAA is going to go under in a big way. :lol:
*holds up a bottle of rootbeer * here's to the day I can dance on the ashes of the RIAA. :twisted: Sadistic bast....
Huh??? Some wishful thinking I'm afraid. A group with that much power, influence, and the money to buy more of it isn't about to "go under" antime soon. On the plus side however it could cause them rethink their model.
08-31-2002, 12:35 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by fundmgr90210
A group with that much power, influence, and the money to buy more of it isn't about to "go under" antime soon.
The people of the U.S.S.R thought the same thing.
08-31-2002, 01:04 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 390
Is it time for peasant revolt yet? dang where did I put that pick fork?
08-31-2002, 01:24 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 6
Give credit where credit is due
Prince was the real trendsetter of all this. He broke from warner and is a true independent. for alot of cool content and ideas about a world without record companies check out his website at www.npgonlineltd.com