08-14-2002, 07:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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Myfriend ebook reader review
Another "rants, raves and other random thoughts" site has reviewed the Myfriend ebook reader, which is a stand-alone ebook reader using Windows CE 3.0. It has Microsoft Reader 2.0.

The author, Francis, sums it up in the first paragraph. "When running Microsoft Reader 2.0 with its ClearType sub-pixel font renderer, it produces incredibly sharp text. However, what could have been a perfect ebook reader is hampered by a fatal flaw- Microsoft does not support the activation of this device for access to encrypted owner-exclusive ebooks, making many exclusive premium titles inaccessible." Third party alternatives don't look any better. Mobipocket content is far behind what Microsoft and Palm offer and the software doesn't scale well to the Myfriend screen size. The Palm Reader software simply won't install on it. Palm has stopped development of Windows CE software and focusing purely on Pocket PC, Palm and the Windows and Mac desktops.
Being a huge fan of ebooks, I am always looking for signs of the ebook audience growing. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that Myfriend, given its limitations, is going to help much.

08-14-2002, 07:20 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 333
I just can't understand why the manufacturer would develop such a beast. Purchasing a dedicated ebook reader that is unable to read exclusive/encrypted content is just another LCD gathering dust.

08-14-2002, 07:36 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 113
Re: Why?
Originally Posted by rlobrecht
I just can't understand why the manufacturer would develop such a beast. Purchasing a dedicated ebook reader that is unable to read exclusive/encrypted content is just another LCD gathering dust.
I agree. Puzzling, isn't it? :?
Curious to know what went on behind the scenes concerning their product development and their relationship with Microsoft. I haven't examined their product directly, but you wonder about what field testing occured (if any) according to the author's comments.

08-14-2002, 07:47 PM
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Posts: 15,171
Something is obviously wrong here:
Even more agonizing is the fact that every time I open Reader 2.0 on the Myfriend, it prompts me to activate the software!
Is it possible they haven't worked it out with MS yet, or the deal broke down or something? Why still release it then? If it was for vertical integration, you'd think they'd get rid of the message, at least.

08-14-2002, 08:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 3
Which eBook format?
I have been working with eBooks for a while. Reader is just *not* the format that it should be for successfully selling titles.
We do better with the Palm Reader, epecially since they have now issued versions for the desktop.
But, what is it that makes folks shy away from PDF? It is the most widely used format out there.

08-14-2002, 08:21 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Re: Which eBook format?
Originally Posted by blaisdel
But, what is it that makes folks shy away from PDF? It is the most widely used format out there.
PDF is for printing, not reading on screen. Look how it either wastes huge margins on the left and right or scrolls off the top/bottom. Worthless. Palm Reader and MS Reader both repaginate based on screen size.

08-14-2002, 08:27 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 3
Not if you know what you are doing!
The problem is ... nobody looks at the "defaults" for making PDFs. If you know you are making a file that will be used for these devices, then you just change the system defaults to better "fit" the device.
But, yes, Palm Reader and MS Reader do repaginate better -- and I know that is something that has been discussed with Acrobat -- of course, their initial solution was the "flow" -- but that needs to be improved.

08-14-2002, 10:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 197
I have problems with PDF
I am looking at the benefits of lit, pdb and pdf's. I have authored e-books for all three formats and I have one major problem using PDF. When I convert my Word documents to PDF and view on my PocketPC - iPAQ 3850 when the PDF reflows the text some sentences overwrite one another. What am I doing wrong? My personal favourite is pdb even on the PocketPC but the images can only be 8 bit png which is rather poor for illustrations.

08-15-2002, 06:48 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 111
RE: I have problems with PDF - try this
Did you embedd the fonts when you created the PDF-file? If you don't your Pocket PC will probably try to pick the fonts the PDF-files suggests - if it can't find the correct font it will replace it with other. But if you embedd them it won't do that. Only problem is that the files size will increase.
(Haven't tried it out on a Pocket PC, but it should work).

08-15-2002, 12:28 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 414
I have to wonder who runs these companies to make such a nice looking product that a completely hobbled in that one area that is so essential to its whole purpose.
The most interesting part of the product was the 640 by 960 screen. What a WebPad this might have made. I wonder what processor it runs if it redraws the opening screen so slowly you can watch it go in lines.
I would like to see another generation or two of development on this one. Could be good.