08-10-2002, 12:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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Does ActiveSync recognize your Pocket PC as a guest?
Occasionally, ActiveSync 3.5 will recognize my Pocket PC as a guest. 99% of the time I simply undock and redock and all is well. Sunspots I guess. But I know that some of you get the Guest mode more often if not every time. The first thing you should do is make sure you have ActiveSync 3.5 build 12007 installed. This is what is at Pocket PC.com in the download section. To see which build you have, launch ActiveSync and select Help|About.
If that doesn't work, undock your Pocket PC, launch a command prompt in Windows and type regsvr32 msxml3.dll at the command line. You should get a quick message that the DLL was registered. Now, reboot your PC and soft-reset your Pocket PC. Hopefully, your problem will be solved!
08-10-2002, 03:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 548
And I know someone who had that problem because he would sometimes hit ok and sometimes hit cancel when logging into Win 98.
08-10-2002, 04:36 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 204
cheee did god send you to help me or something????
Well i had this problem yesterday (atually my boss)
My boss has an H3630 and i yesterday upgraded it to Pocket PC 2002 Operating System. I did install all the alpliactions and updates from compaq and had everyting running like a charm.
I did create a partnership in his laptop and did Syncronize it together with all the data sucessfully (the installation and upgrade was made on my laptop)
I thought i had done a nice work there and my boss was totally satisfied! Well not, after he tried to synchronize the h3630 again it would regognize it as a guest what ever i did. I did reinstall active synch and did create a partnership but nothing again. I was getting nervous i thought that the upgrade to pocket pc 2002 had something to do with it. So i did a hard reset and tried to synch it but nothing again, did another hard reset but this time i tried to synchronize it with my laptop which worked like a charm. So i did figure out that pocket pc 2002 had nothing to do with it and that windows was f...ed on my boss laptop.
i will try the command you told me on monday and see how it goes.
Hope will solve the problem.
A Big thanks
08-10-2002, 05:24 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 217
Here's my solution
I just performed a hard reset and wanted to make a fresh install of all my programs, but wanted to keep my partnership. You can do this by creating one, deleting, copying, etc., but I recently found a program that does it all for you and also allows you to sync to multiple computers. It is called ManyPartners and only costs $5.95. I am not affiliated with them at all, but just found this program to be very useful. They have a 15 day trial that you can give a whirl to see if it works for you.
08-10-2002, 05:43 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 179
Re: Does ActiveSync recognize your Pocket PC as a guest?
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
Occasionally, ActiveSync 3.5 will recognize my Pocket PC as a guest. 99% of the time I simply undock and redock and all is well. Sunspots I guess. But I know that some of you get the Guest mode more often if not every time. The first thing you should do is make sure you have ActiveSync 3.5 build 12007 installed.
What does this sub-version do that earlier builds don't? Just helps with the Guest problem?
If that doesn't work, undock your Pocket PC, launch a command prompt in Windows and type regsvr32 msxml3.dll at the command line. You should get a quick message that the DLL was registered. Now, reboot your PC and soft-reset your Pocket PC. Hopefully, your problem will be solved!
What does that DLL do?
Chris de Herrera has a FAQ on ActiveSync Registry Settings which also looks at this issue a wee bit.
Then M$ has their standard (although less than helpful) recommendations in their Kbase.
It sure would be nice to have an overview of what is going on in these situations, what the underlying problem is, when to try what fix etc.
Several of my users have had the Guest only problem and it has been a bit hit or miss as to which solution works.
08-11-2002, 05:34 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 24
This happens very often to me. I found that the problems is not ActiveSync but the PPC it self.
Why??? I dont know!!.
Just unduck, soft reset, dock. Voila!! its done!!
Hope this help.
BTW, the regsrv32 command is not in my library! I got an error message
08-11-2002, 09:35 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Re: Does ActiveSync recognize your Pocket PC as a guest?
Originally Posted by topps
What does that DLL do?
It is part of MS's data Access components. XP has MDAC 6 or 7 installed by default. Outlook/Office installs some version (4-6?) when on other OSs. this DLL has something to do with XML and apparently this is how AS recognizes your device. AS doesn't seem to do anything to it during install, which would explain whe reinstalling AS does no good.
08-12-2002, 05:26 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 34
Check IE as well
I had just purchased my first PPC device (a Toshiba e740) after working with the original Palm all these years. I installed the software that came with it and tried several new things, everything was going well.
Then I disconnected, reconnected and I was guest. Everytime there after I was guest. I deleted the partnership, reconnected, created a new partnership, disconnected, reconnected, I'm Guest!. What the heck. MS really does write sloppy code I thought.
I worked with Toshiba, they had me soft reset, hard reset, always the same thing. They then asked me if I could try it on another PC. What the heck I had a test machine. Loe and behold everything worked. I was no longer guest. I went back to the original machine, still Guest.
I resigned myself to planning on rebuilding my original machine as soon as I had the time.
In an unrelated converstation, I was talking to a friend about IE and whether he felt IE 6 was stable enough to upgrade to. On his advice I upgraded. I saw a great side effect of the upgrade, I was no longer guest.
It ends up that my IE 5.5 installation had become corrupted and not everything was working like it should have. Reading the above article I relized that maybe by re-registering the xml dll I might have solved the problem as well. One of the other things that wasn't working was the connection wizard for the PPC. It gave an error about XML not being loaded.
Short story, corrupted installtions of IE may cause problems with partnerships.
08-12-2002, 07:35 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 22
me, too
Originally Posted by gamboagarcia
This happens very often to me. I found that the problems is not ActiveSync but the PPC it self.
Why??? I dont know!!.
Just undock, soft reset, dock. Voila!! its done!!
I have seen the exact same thing, and I am definitely using build 12007 of ActiveSync. Don't get me started on Active Sync! I can't tell you how many times I've had to remove duplicates and reset reminders on recurring tasks. Say what you will about Palms being underpowered, etc., but I never had these problems syncing a Palm, even through third-party conduits.
08-13-2002, 03:37 PM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 630
Didn't make much difference...
I did the dll trick and it didn't seem to make much difference. I still occasionally get synched as a guest. When this happens, i soft reset and resync. That usually clears the problem.