08-09-2002, 03:26 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Taiwan firms line up in battle of the PDAs
HTC (High Tech Company <groan>) seems to be gearing up for a generic device release of the XDA - good news! I should be getting a trial SIM card from my friends at HandHeld Canada soon, so I'll be able to take my Spaceneedle for a spin. I can't wait!
"Last week we reported it seemed likely that Wistron, Acer's manufacturing arm, looked like it had pipped other Taiwanese firms to the post to supply Dell with 1.5 million pocket PCs. But it looks like the battle of the PDAs is hotting [sic] up, according to today's Economic News. The paper has two separate stories about Wistron and about High Tech Computers, a subsidiary like Via and Nanya, of the massive Formosa Plastics conglomerate.
As well as Dell, Wistron also has Casio under its belt, and has also licensed the Palm OS worldwide. High Tech, as we reported earlier this year, supplies O2's XDA, an expensive little number. But it has also apparently persuaded T-Mobile to use its PDAs as well....In fact, High Tech reckons that the same model used for the XDA will also hit the US market in the second half of this year, at a price of $549.99." Source: Anonymous

08-11-2002, 05:37 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
talking about the deal with Dell :-) I wonder how they will make 1.5 million devices in less than 6 months, that would be 375,000 devices a month (Aug-Nov, not countind December because then the devices couldn't be in customer's hands by Christmas).
Do they really have that high production capacity??