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Old 08-09-2002, 07:00 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default WNI Bluetooth USB Dongle

Looking for some Bluetooth accessories? HandHeld Canada has quite the selection, including these Bluetooth USB dongles for a mere $75.93 US (affiliate link).

"BlueLink� is a convenient USB dongle that enables PCs and Notebooks to communicate wirelessly with other Bluetooth enabled devices from up to 100 metres away. Easy to install and use, BlueLink revolutionizes the way PDA and cellular telephone users work and play. It provides the convenience of reading email, accessing files, synchronizing schedules, updating contact lists and browsing the Internet, all without the hassle or limitations of wires. Anyone with a Bluetooth mobile phone now can wirelessly access the Internet while on the road, using a notebook PC equipped with the BlueLink USB dongle. A separate cellular PCMCIA card is no longer required because the Bluetooth phone acts as a wireless modem � a significant cost savings."
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Old 08-09-2002, 07:11 PM
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Check this out:

THis is a smoking deal!!

However the WNI model looks real cool.
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Old 08-09-2002, 07:51 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 204


will this Bluetooth USB dongle connect and ipaq or the T68i to the pc???
or even network 2 pcs using this thing????

i did check the webiste but there was not much info there
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Old 08-09-2002, 08:11 PM
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For BT iPAQ owners, check out the ComputerGeeks Bluetooth adapter, currently $39. Not sure about the EPoX adapter, but the ComputerGeeks one works very well with the iPAQ It uses the same Wildcomm software as the TDK (the iPAQ uses Wildcomm as well I believe), and works flawlessly with the iPAQ for Network Access, ActiveSync, and File Sharing. $39 is definately alot better than the $150 for the TDK BT adapter.

You can use BT adapters to connect to cell phones, PDAs, Bluetooth printers, and to each other (this can be useful for laptop users who use dial up and don't use WiFi-just set up a BT adapter in the laptop, and one in a desktop in the house, and use the desktop as a "Bluetooth Dial-Up Modem"-you can do the same thing with the iPAQ).

Also, iPAQ BT users should check out Cresotech PocketLANce ( It allows you to, over ActiveSync (either BT/USB/Serial), browse the files of any computer on a network, including the host PC. Very useful for file transfers.
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Old 08-10-2002, 03:19 PM
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Default Another BT USB module

CompUSA has a Belkin Bluetooth USB adapter for $49. It appears to be identical to the one mentioned at the top of this thread.
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Old 08-10-2002, 11:11 PM
kiwi's Avatar
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Default Re: Another BT USB module

Originally Posted by njb42
CompUSA has a Belkin Bluetooth USB adapter for $49. It appears to be identical to the one mentioned at the top of this thread.
yes, an OEM version is a lot cheaper.

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Old 09-12-2002, 08:22 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 48
Default BT Not Functioning w/ SocketCom Card and this Adapter

(if this doesn't belong here, please move it. ^^; Wasn't sure if this was applicable because of the news item or not)

My SocketCom Bluetooth card and this particular adapter seem to be having problems bonding with each other., for some odd reason. On my iPaq 3670, the only way I can find the computer with Socket's software is by searching "just" for "Computers/PDAs" and not "All Bluetooth Devices". Even then, while bonding, the iPaq either comes up with "The selected device is not responding" or "There was an error retreving service information." The computer does the same thing, although I've discovered that the iPaq itself has no "Services" and must use the ones provided by the PC.

What keyed me off to the fact that the iPaq wasn't really working with the computer was the fact that whenever I tried a BT ActiveSync (I have AS set up to look for connections on COM5, the BT Desktop port), the iPaq would search for the computer again and fail to find it.

Has anyone else used this particular adapter with a SocketCom BT card, and if so, do you have any pointers on how to make it function?

Thanks in advance!
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