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Old 08-08-2002, 03:00 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default TV in a pocket

Pocket PCs are popping up in more and more educational settings lately - it's cool to see students being able to take advantage of the technology available to them. Back in my day, the best I had was a Velo 1 - but it still made everyone jealous.

"Hundreds of PocketPC device owners at the National University of Singapore (NUS) can now watch network television wirelessly anywhere on the campus. Programmes from 14 current affairs and educational TV channels, including BBC, CNN, Discovery and MediaWorks channels U and i, are being streamed live to the handheld devices as well as to desktops and notebooks across the campus. About half of the university's total student strength of 30,000 use notebooks...

...Mr Soh Hock Heng, senior systems engineer at CIT, said: "With the service available on PocketPC-based devices, our students can enjoy the programmes anywhere, anytime." That's exactly what Ms Ma Seow Lin, 23, a student at the School of Computing, has been doing. "We often have breaks between our various classes, lasting between one and three hours," she said. "Watching TV on my iPaq handheld is an ideal way for me to spend the time." Ms Ma felt that students would benefit if class lectures could be beamed to their PDAs (personal digital assistants). The university says videos of class lectures will be available on the PDAs soon." Source: RSKT
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Old 08-08-2002, 04:36 PM
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Nanyang Technological University(NTU), Singapore, has also integrated PDA culture into education. it sure is cool to see PDA gradually ganing popularity over here in the Universities in S'pore. NTU even has a site(aNTUna) dedicated to syncing course documents using AvantGo. but i'm still quite jealous over some of the services offered in NUS though, cos they seemed to have more support/services for PDA users.

PPCSG has quite a couple of threads related to this aNTUna thing:

well, Pocket PC culture is still very young in S'pore, especially when the market is so small over here. sure is glad to knwo that the education system is slowing making use of PDAs to enhance learning experiences. cool 8)

Vicott Wong
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Old 08-08-2002, 10:01 PM
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I would really like to watch TV on Pocket PC. I remember there is a TV sleeve somewhere. How come nobody makes a TV CF card? I will be the first in line to buy it!!!
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Old 08-09-2002, 12:24 AM
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OK, I'm going to sound totally stupid, but to hell with it...someone should make a PocketPC with built in TV. Don't tell me people wouldn't buy it, I know they would. I'm thinking its an untapped market, anyone?
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Old 08-09-2002, 01:14 AM
Dave Conger
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Originally Posted by nobody
I would really like to watch TV on Pocket PC. I remember there is a TV sleeve somewhere. How come nobody makes a TV CF card? I will be the first in line to buy it!!!
Yeah, it was a Korean company I believe that had the sleeve out. Someone did a review of it to, and then poof, it was gone.
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Old 08-09-2002, 05:47 PM
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Blah, and I'll only be getting my Jornada 568 in October (yeah I know it's being phased out, that's why I'm getting it... it's dirtcheap now)...

My old Jornada 540 died a few months back and I find myself really lost with an organiser... I keep forgetting appointments and waking up late and stuff. And it'll be really cool if I can use my Pocket PC on campus as well with so much support for PDA usage in the academic sense. NUS recently started a wireless 11mbps network on campus, and while it's still somewhat hiccupy, it'd be cool to grab info off the Internet via the wireless network quickly while all my friends are waiting for Windows XP to boot up :D
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