08-06-2002, 07:00 PM
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Fight the hype! The myth of the Apple Mhz
My wife Ashley works with a team of people in a creative design department, and they all use Macs. No surprise there. Yet what surprises me is how deluded these Mac users are when it comes to what the real advantages of their Macs are. They still persist in clinging to the hope that somehow, the words of Steve Jobs will warp quantum reality and give them a computer that really is the fastest on the block, Mhz be damned! Sorry Apple boy, it just 'aint so. The advantage of the Mac in the graphics industry is that most people were trained on it and no how to use it. It's a matter of familiarity, not superiority of the platform. That's not a bad thing mind you - so why can't they just accept that? We all started out in life drinking milk and eating mashed up peas - then we moved on and got a Windows PC.
"In our first round of head-to-head Mac vs. PC testing, we pitted a dual Athlon 1800+MP machine against a Mac dual 1GHz G4 using six Adobe After Effects benchmarks that tested all kinds of capabilities. For round two, by popular demand, we now compare a single-processor Dell Precision Workstation 320 with a 2.53GHz chip to the Dual 1GHz Mac, and also to the fastest machine we've tested here so far, a dual Athlon 2000+MP machine by BOXX. And we'll be testing all three machines using not only After Effects 5.5 benchmarks, but Adobe Photoshop 7.0 benchmarks as well. So which machine came out ahead?"
Here's a hint: it wasn't the pretty one. There are two more articles that debunk the gossamer threads of Apple mythology. Macs have some great things going for them, but raw CPU power is not one of them, and I wish Jobs would accept that and quite bragging about his "Velocity Engine". Apple should just accept that Motorola is focused more on low-power CPUs for mobile devices than high-powered CPUs for desktop computers, and accept the smothering embrace of Intel. It's inevitable.
I know I'm just asking for flames from the Mac users that read this site, but this had to be said.
08-06-2002, 07:15 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 248
Why Intel?
AMD might work more to their interests. But Apple's old IBM clampdown on the pieces make them unable to take advantage of most of the R & D in the computer industry.
08-06-2002, 07:17 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 534
There have been rumors of Apple moving to Intel chips for a few months now. CNet just ran this article:
Maybe Jobs & Co. do get it, and they're building up a team of crisis councilors to help break it to the faithful.
08-06-2002, 07:23 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 481
Originally Posted by David McNamee
Maybe Jobs & Co. do get it, ...
Nah; there has to be another explanation.
08-06-2002, 07:33 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 713
Just call me Mr. Easy-To-Ge- Along-With
I always get a kick out of the Mac vs. MS bickering. Usually it degenerates into "is not", "is so", "is not", "is so!" It's almost as bad as the PPC vs. Palm fight. :roll:
Let's face it. The real reason people use Macs is because they like them better. That's the only reason for choosing a Mac over a PC. Of course, that's also the only reason for choosing a PC over a Mac, too. All of the MHz, price, ease of use, pretty, elitism, anti-Gates, anti-Jobs, anti-WhoeverRunsPalmTheseDays, etc. arguments boil down to that. "I like it better" - "it" being whichever one you like. Why you like "it" better is a very personal matter and rarely applies to everyone else. Heck, if that funny looking upside-down bowl model Mac with the swivel monitor makes you happy everytime you look at it and that's the only reason you chose it then you made a good decision in my book. If you bought a Claudia Schiffer model Palm and it does everything you need (plus you really like the color) then I applaud your decision. As long as it's your money and not mine you are spending I say "go for it." (If you bought your computer based on blind product loyalty, salesman pressure, or peer pressure you might want to check into some assertiveness training, though.)
Having said that let me state that I do believe everyone owes it to himself/herself to continually check out other solutions. After all "I like it better" is a good reason for choosing (regardless of your reasoning), "it's what I've always had" is not.
Bwana Jim
08-06-2002, 07:48 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 99
MACs are like Pocket PCs... ahead of their time.
MHz Myth
Take a look at that benchmark. Their will always be a benchmark that can make either platform look better. If Apple doesn't go with Intel (as rumored), they will be going with G5 processors soon. That should put them far ahead again.
Also, Macs aren't just cool because of the processors. They were the first to have USB standard, first to have Firewire standard, first to have Nvidia GForce4, first to have DVD writable standard (PCs still have many different standards there), and much more.
I view Apple vs. PC like Pocket PC vs. Palm. Apple does all the innovation, and PC just plays catch up... Microsoft PCs and Palm handhelds may sell more... but Apple Macs and Pocket PCs are ahead in technology.
I hope that all makes sense.
08-06-2002, 07:48 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 38
I love and work with a Windows Powered PC all day, but...
There's has got to be something said about the fact that I help my friends all the time fix and tweak their Windows machines (from Win95 to XP), but my 72-year old mother has an iMac, which she unboxed, plugged it in, and was proficient in just a few hours. I've never had to help her with anything. She added more memory, hooked up a scanner, printer, and a USB hub without any help from anyone. This was her first exposure to a personal computer. Now she scans photos of her handmade quilts and sells them to people all around the world. Thanks to her iMac. She would never be able to do this as easily with a Windows Powered PC.
08-06-2002, 08:07 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 62
Re: Fight the hype! The myth of the Apple Mhz
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
I know I'm just asking for flames from the Mac users that read this site, but this had to be said.
This is asinine Jason, your site is a pocketpc site not a lets-slam-mac-because-its-not-MS-website... or do I get this wrong.
What the Mac has going for it is (and I am not a Mac owner) the fact that it works more often with less issues than a Wintel machine.. Is this Intel's fault, no... but it sure the hell is Microsoft's. I have edited video on a Mac and a PC, the Mac wins hands down.. For music it kicks Wintels butt (try itunes and ipod).. and for DVD creation their is nothing on the Wintel platform that is even close..
Truley disappointing. :cry:
08-06-2002, 08:10 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 2
Diff'rent Strokes
As one who works in the world of advertising (a Mac-dominated world), I've been dealing with Macs since they were introduced. I remember when 4 megs of RAM and a 40 meg HD were huge. My only Windows-based experience has come in the last two weeks, after taking the PocketPC leap with my Toshiba e740. (Which I love.)
Sure, we all want the fastest machine there is. But the Macs in my office are plenty fast working in Photoshop, Quark, FinalCut Pro and Illustrator, among others. But honestly, if a gaussian blur takes 1.5 seconds on a Windows machine, and 2 seconds on a Mac, I don't care. What does make a difference to me is that a Mac works intuitively, while my Windows experiences have been completely counter-intuitive. Does this make my Mac better? No. It's just what makes me comfortable.
As for my adventures with ActiveSync and the e740? After two weeks, I'm finally synching, but getting there left some scars.
--Stephen Mick
08-06-2002, 08:25 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 18
Jason, I am sure that you just trolling for activity, but you are wrong. I wrote a paper for my operating systems class, that sheds just a little light on PC vs. Apple CPU's, and PC's vs. Playstation II. This is only 1 of many examples:
It is not just about doing a particular render test in Photoshop, etc. It is about quality, reliability, usability. My wife has a 2-year old 366MHz iBook with AirPort and I have a 9-month old 800MHz PC.
I hate my PC, but I cannot get her to let me use the iBook. The PC is very unreliable, and I have lost data on it several times (where? who knows?). It shuts down all the time (power-saving), and crashes XP. I hate it, dang it. It's all I have, though. I am hoping Santa will bring me a new iBook for Christmas.
She loves the iBook, and surfs the web all the time, with no effort. Always works.
PC users just don't get it - besides all that, she (as other Mac users) thinks it is funny when PC's fail, and doesn't care if you like Macs or not. A lot of PC people feel threatened when they see a Mac, because they only know what they know, and they hate what they don't understand.