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Old 08-01-2002, 05:00 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default Faster Smarter Digital Video

You may or may not have noticed this (since my team is doing a great job of picking up my slack), but I haven't been posting as much in the past two weeks as I normally do. The reason? I'm working on a new book, my first 100% solo project, called "Faster Smarter Digital Video". It's being published by Microsoft Press, and I've never been so excited to write a book! I've also never had quite so much digital video gear to evaluate (and the nine cameras from Sony, Canon, and Panasonic haven't even shown up yet).

It's funny to see a listing in Amazon for a book that I'm only on the second chapter for, but I guess that's the way the system works. If I may be so bold, this book is going to be great! The target audience is anyone who wants to tackle digital video without any prior knowledge. I'm covering everything from buying the right DV cam to the right computer hardware for capturing and manipulating video, from editing the video (basic and advanced methods) to burning the video as a SVCD or DVD. If you're already a digital video expert, this book isn't for you. But if you're someone who has always wanted to get into digital video, this is your book. Something like 5% of home videos actually get watched - why is that? Because traditional editing methods are so tedious and slow! The goal I have is to teach people, in the space of a few chapters, how to work with digital video in an easy and fun way. I got bitten by the digital video bug earlier this year after taking a three year break from it. Now I'm having a blast!

So there you have it - my major project for the next two months (one chapter a week - gulp!). If I seem distracted, I am. And I've got a virtual army of PHP Samurai working on scripts and enhancements to the site, which takes a lot of coordinating. I hope that the end result is a better site for you.
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Old 08-01-2002, 05:13 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 46

Hullo Jason!

Yes indeed, this is a personal hobby of mine too. I've recently purchase my first digital camera (an upgrade from the old Hi8), and I've also gotten into make home DVD's with my computer. I've all the bits and pieces, firewire, DVD-R (Pioneer), Vegas Video, Sonic DVDit, etc etc. Oh, I finally settled for a Sony Digital8 as it would allow a bigger range of tapes that I could convert to DVD.
So good has been my testing and refining that I have my own process and I am hosting a site offering tape to dvd transfer, you know the usual - Wedding tapes etc etc etc.

Anyway, if there is anything I could help you with, I'd be more than happy.

I never thought that anyone would be as quirky as me with gadgets, but you sound like me!

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Old 08-01-2002, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: Faster Smarter Digital Video

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn

It's funny to see a listing in Amazon for a book that I'm only on the second chapter for, but I guess that's the way the system works.
Good job, Jason.

I review books on Amazon, and right now I'm ranked 362 in the list of reviewers. It doesn't sound like much, but thats out of more than 40,000 reviewers. I was in the top 200, but I haven't had as much time to review as I've wanted.

If MS Press would like to send me a review copy, I'd love to do a review, both for Amazon and my own website.


BTW, reviewer rank is based on Amazon registered user voting. So if any of you out there are registered, please vote. I'm not asking for positive votes, just that you get out and vote. Higher ranking reviewers get their reviews posted higher in the list of reviews for items.

My About me page is listed at
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Old 08-01-2002, 05:49 PM
Mike Temporale
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I just got into the DV area. I purchased a G1 a couple years ago, and that did everything I could imagine, until my daughter came along. Now there's so many things that I want to capture, I had to go out and buy a DV. Yes, I know the G1 does DV, but it's only 30 seconds max - regardless of the free space on your CF card.

So, I purchased a Panasonic 402. (can be found here: ) I love it.

Can anyone suggest a good Firewire card? And good video software for making DVD's, VCD's, or mpegs with? The store I bought it from recommends Pinnicale Studio Express.

Jason, I'm sure this goes without saying, but keep us posted on the book. I look forward to checking it out.
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Old 08-01-2002, 05:56 PM
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Default Good timing of the book

My VHC-C camcorder that I had for 9 years just decided to quit, with only 2 of my daughters' baseball games left to try to capture some video. I did a day's research online and performed a price match at Sears (I just learned they price match internet prices) to buy my Canon ZR45MC. This seemed like the best DV camera in my price range and I have been very happy with the quality and functions in the 3 days I have had it. I just installed my firewire PCI card last night and am waiting for my cable to arrive in a couple days. Canon is offering free editing software, ShowBiz, that I will hopefully get in less than 8 weeks :cry:

Is there anything on Windows XP that I can use in the meantime to view, edit, burn my videos? What software do you recommend for these functions? I am a super Pocket PC geek, but am a novice with this new digital video stuff and am excited about the prospects. Thanks for any tips folks.
Check out my ZDNet blog at
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Old 08-01-2002, 06:16 PM
Mobile Bob
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 88

Sounds like your book will be perfect for me, but you can take your time writing it (as far as I am concerned), as I have way too many projects stacked up that take precedence right now (... and for at least another twelve months). I am capturing the video now, but don't have the time to edit or produce. I'll be eager to get started when the time is right, and I'll beging by reading your book.

Can I assume you'll include information in your book for optimizing home video for playback on Pocket PCs with PocketTV or PocketDivx? I'll be interested in doing that as well as producing DVDs of my home video.

Not that you need to have another project added to your list, but having a companion web site like pt has for Flash Enabled would be great. :wink:
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Old 08-01-2002, 06:33 PM
Charles Pickrell
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 157


I sure hope you include Mac in your book. Apple has a GREAT solution with iDVD and iMovie for beginners and DVD Studio Pro and FinalCut Pro for professionals. I'm only saying this because I know you are a real big Windows fan.

Charles Pickrell
Sacramento Mobiole Computing SIG
A chapter of the NorCal Mobile Computing SIG
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Old 08-01-2002, 06:37 PM
Jeff Rutledge
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Originally Posted by Charles Pickrell

I sure hope you include Mac in your book. Apple has a GREAT solution with iDVD and iMovie for beginners and DVD Studio Pro and FinalCut Pro for professionals. I'm only saying this because I know you are a real big Windows fan.

Good point Charles. Jason: Will we see any Apple coverage in this book? Not sure how that would go over with MS Press though.
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Old 08-01-2002, 06:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 43

Originally Posted by BlueRocket
Can anyone suggest a good Firewire card? And good video software for making DVD's, VCD's, or mpegs with? The store I bought it from recommends Pinnicale Studio Express.
If you're really serious about getting into this realm, take a look at some of the realtime hardware on the market. The prices are declining rapidly for this stuff and it makes editing MUCH easier.

I use the Matrox RT2500, which is probably not the best, but was the best bang for my buck. Since it's in its end of life cycle (Matrox has a new RT product now) you can probably get it for $700 or less.
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Old 08-01-2002, 07:03 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default Re: Faster Smarter Digital Video

Originally Posted by Karen
If MS Press would like to send me a review copy, I'd love to do a review, both for Amazon and my own website.
I'll announce the book when it's shipping, so ping me when that happens and I'll see what I can do.
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