07-26-2002, 04:59 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
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The juicy iPAQ 5000 rumours
Got your drool cup ready? Good. Someone has started a thread at Brighthand, pointed out to us by AhuhX, and it's making me weak in the knees. How would you like a Pocket PC with...
...a 2100 mAh battery? ...built-in WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPRS? ...64K colour back-lit screen? ...64 megs of Flash ROM, 128 megs of RAM? ...800 mhz to 1 Ghz CPU? ...320 x 480 screen resolution? ...biometric security?
I shudder to think what the price tag will be on this beast, especially considering the lofty pricing strategy HP is using with their iPAQs, but the specs...look at those specs! 100% rumours at this point, so don't take it to the bank. Do go read the Brighthand posting though - it has some very interesting information, including a type of USB connection that is quite unique.
07-26-2002, 05:18 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 116
Damnit Jason, why'd you have to post that?! My drool cup overflowed onto my keyboard.
While we are dreaming here, my change to those specs would be:
-MORE RAM!! Maybe something more in the realm of 256 or 512
-Forget a normal backlight screen. 16Bit OLED display 8O
-Titanium casing, drop your iPAQ from a 2 story building without any worries!
-An ultra thin solar panel paint coating to take energy from the sun to recharge that huge battery. Go without recharging for days
I could go on for pages here, I will stop myself 8)
07-26-2002, 05:29 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
Hmmm this looks a lot like one of those posts where you go WOW look at all the cool ideas. Then after looking at it for a while you soon realize that it's not so great or 'cutting edge informative'
First, for a device that won't hit the market for quite sometime not to have basic cellphone feature...answer a call without sticking something in your ear....ya right.
Next, 800mhz lets get 400 working first. That's not likely to happen for quite sometime either.
256 mb RAM. Myself I would rather spend the money on CF memory. OH wait NO CF slot, Sd only. Even todays devices coming out have two slots.
This whole thing sounds to me a lot like a memo asking "Can we do this" Not a memo saying "We are going to do this".
I'm usually pretty optimistic, but here I thing realistic is more fitting.
07-26-2002, 05:48 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 248
Re: The juicy iPAQ 5000 rumours
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
...a 2100 mAh battery?
Right, but they sure will find a way to drain that battery just as quickas they do now.
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
...built-in WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPRS?
...128 megs of RAM?
...800 mhz to 1 Ghz CPU?
Ah, got it!
07-26-2002, 06:04 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 360
iPaq Vaperware Model
This sounds a lot like my device specs.
Let me asure everyone that it can be done. To asuage the PP issues by the time this could hit market it would cost about as much as today's high end models do today.
Someone in a thread a few days ago pointed out the virtues of Firewire. I have been researching this for a PPC and the idea is very promissing.
07-26-2002, 06:20 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,468
There are several things that worry me about those specs...
Built-in GPRS, WiFi and BT. So - one technology that is in the process of being advanced (GPRS -> 3G), and one that is being 'upgraded' (and probaly to two different specs in different parts of the world (802.11b -> 'a' in the US and 'g' in Europe)?! Not sure that this is integration of a good kind...
Plus - the potential battery drain of three kinds of wireless and a screen with twice the pixels is soon going to take away from the advantages of the bigger battery!
Then there is weight... no matter how many adavnces they make - bigger battery, three kinds of wireless (even in an integrated chip that is going to add up!), screen, double the RAM, double the ROM - it isn't going to be light is it!
Still - who knows how far into the future the plan for this is (or, for that matter, what other manufacturers have lined up for their next iterations) - so perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised!
07-26-2002, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 9
Once oled is available, this will be a big step to longer battary-life.
07-26-2002, 07:08 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 1,004
when will this come out?
some of this sounds plausible today (the RAM, screen, connectivity). however, the processor double the speed of today's x-scale sounds like it's years off. but then again, if it's years off, how can they predict the specs so specifically? with the brighthand author being unable to disclose his source (for obvious reasons), i have some doubts about this.
it would be a nice device, though
07-26-2002, 08:02 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 79
Re: iPaq Vaperware Model
Originally Posted by JMountford
Someone in a thread a few days ago pointed out the virtues of Firewire. I have been researching this for a PPC and the idea is very promissing.
I really don't see that happening, what with Apple "owning" Firewire, and USB 2.0 pretty muich equalling Firewire in terms of speed.
07-26-2002, 08:03 PM
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,389
And it can all be your's for a mear $6,748.65 USD....