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Old 07-23-2002, 03:00 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Default Pure Pocket PC?

I read this article and thought �This guy gets it!� I know Pocket PCs, Handheld PCs and other PDAs are not laptop replacements, but in my mind, they can be excellent substitutes. The author of this article takes pride in composing using his Handspring and Stowaway keyboard. I am composing this post using my iPAQ and the Fitaly SIP, or Soft Input Panel, though I admit I will transfer it to my laptop for posting. You think the forums are hard to read with Pocket Internet Explorer, you should try posting, with a poll no less.

Unless I am going on a trip where I would need desktop versions of Excel and Access, or will be gone more than three days, I almost always leave my laptop behind. How about you?
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Old 07-23-2002, 03:10 PM
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As I don't use Excel, and don't use fancy formatting in Word, I can live with my Pocket PC most of the time. There's two things where my notebook still goes with me: when I want to do some more intensive work online (like newsgroup browsing!), or when I want to do image editing / offloading on the road. Most of the time it's not so much the functionality as the screen size that dictates my choice.
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Old 07-23-2002, 03:21 PM
Jason Lee
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I don't think I have turned on my laptop since I got my compaq handheld pc companion. From there to my Jornada 430se, to ipaq 3600, then 3800, now to toshiba e740. For taking notes in class I have to have the instant on/off. If I am ever in need of pc applications there is usually some kind of network access available so I just use terminal services.
I work as tech support for the college and only use my desktop as a server. PPC all the way.

Laptops..? We don't need no stinkin' laptops!
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Old 07-23-2002, 03:34 PM
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From my Newton, Casio e-10, C-11, 2 models of Aeros, ipaq, and now the Jornada 568, I feel hardly any need to carry a bulky laptop. The Newton was good, but too big of course. the biggest change in functionality came when the little keyboard for the iPAQ came. But it wasn't nearly as good as the Jornada Pocket Keyboard. The most innovative, but discontinued. Once Softmaker releases Textmaker for the PocketPC, I can't imagine any need to ever buy a laptop.
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Old 07-23-2002, 03:39 PM
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Default Do you ever need to use a keyboard on the run?

Hahaha! :lol:

That is really something.

So he says that the Stowaway keyboard is only for Palms and Handsprings... Is he trying to fool the readers?


I myself, use a Stowaway keyboard... but I use it for the Jornada. I used to use a Jornada 548 but am now using a Jornada 568. They work well together and I do exactly what he does... Wait! I do it better.

With a Pocket PC and a Stowaway keyboard, I can type my articles too. But the advantage I have is that I can directly save my articles as MS Word 97/2000 *.doc formatted files. See no synching needed here!

It is already saved as an MS Word document which means that any PC or Mac with MS word should be able to open my email attachment. Oh yes! There again! I can email them as attachments... And even before I get to my PC the article has long been sent. Oh... If ever I sync it to my PC is becase I want to keep the article I've written in the PC (archive).

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Old 07-23-2002, 03:49 PM
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Default Work Demands

I don't like to take my laptop on trips... but I have to... because of my work responsabilities...

Not only for e-mail, but unfortunatelly, I have to use VPN Software, connect to the office, do some connections with our software, check stuff...

And since I don't have unlimited ammounts of CF Cards... to unload my Digital pictures...

Maybe when they make 5GB CF Cards for 100 bucks... and broadband wireless worldwide, maybe then I can leave the freaking laptop home...
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Old 07-23-2002, 03:53 PM
Brian Johnson
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Posts: 22

I would love to travel without my notebook, but on business trips I need to have my Lotus Notes to retrieve my company email.

Is there a way to have my Notes email accessible for my iPAQ with a modem? So far, I've only been able to sync the Lotus Notes email on the notebook with Easy Sync Pro but would love to be able to leave the notebook behind on business trips!!
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Old 07-23-2002, 03:54 PM
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Trips? I don't go to the mailbox without my PPC! Much less, think about leaving my precious sweetheart behind (shudder) when I go on a trip! The truth of the matter is my laptop just doesn't look right in my pocket :wink:
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Old 07-23-2002, 04:09 PM
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Default laptops - yes

:roll: i wish i could go without the laptop but i still find i lug it around when i have to present or have a working meeting. working mind maps with a group is not feasible with the iPAQ. getting to lotus notes and the databases is a daily event. working the intranet would be painful and not possible since it requires firewall and t1 linkage. in my multinational corporate environment the laptop still has a primary function. the pocket pc is definitly an add on - or is the laptop and add on? i can't work without both. 8O
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Old 07-23-2002, 04:15 PM
Bob Anderson
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There is no doubt that my iPaq can do a TON of stuff...

But can it replace a notebook? Not quite....

I take my notebook and PDA on all trips... I find myself using my PDA in places a notebook isn't practical (like waiting in line at a Seattle Mariner's game) or when I go to the grocery store... and on and on...

But when it comes to handling e-mail, photos and other projects (some work related, some not) my PDA, even with the Stowaway keyboard, just can't do enough!

Dont' get me wrong here... the PDA is an indispensible part of my life, but I realize it's limitations and I use it for things and at times it's best suited for, instead of thinking I can use it to replace the laptop.

(Until I can get 30gb storage on a handheld, a CD R/RW, a DVD player, and Firewire a PDA will be my personal digital assistant not a replacement!)
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