07-19-2002, 10:09 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
4000 mmO2 Pocket PC Phone Edition devices (xda) sold
The xda brand owner and Mobile Network Operator mmO2 performs well financially. I realize the last quarter is not affected by mmO2's Pocket PC sales, but it is nice to see friends do well. The press release mentions the xda in the following manner:
"The xda from O2, which for the first time combines a GPRS voice and data phone, a colour PDA and pocket PC, addresses both the traditional PDA and emerging pocket PC market. More than 4,000 sales of the new xda from O2 have already been recorded by mmO2 since its recent debut in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands, with the device due to go on sale in Ireland shortly. In addition, the company has established reseller deals in the Asia Pacific market with leading telecoms providers, CSL in Hong Kong and StarHub in Singapore."
More positive financial news from mmO2: "mmO2 recorded another strong quarter for mobile data growth and further boosted its leading position in this expanding market, it was announced today. Revenue generated from mobile data increased 9% from the last quarter and represented 14.6% of the company's service revenues in the three months ending June 2002."
On the subject of mobile data, CEO Peter Erskine says: "Mobile data is a reality today. The key point is that for the first time, content, devices and ease of use are coming together and have contributed to a strong quarter. The momentum will continue throughout the year with the introduction of multimedia messaging and camera phones as well as interactive services based on the start of the new football season and other large crowd pulling events."
Am I wrong, but does it not seem that friends of Microsoft do much better than foes?
07-20-2002, 12:27 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 633
"Am I wrong, but does it not seem that friends of Microsoft do much better than foes?"
:roll: *sigh* There is so much in that one sentence. Good & bad. Monopolies & Mergers anyone? An innocent tone does not an innocent make...
"...but it is nice to see friends do well." The wording is a little, shall we say, questionable? Specifically, 'friends' ?
"do well" I just find obscene - have a look at their tariffs for data transfer to start with, let alone the subsidy cost of the handset, and then take a contract out with them and tell me you see them as friends of anyone save themselves and that you don't object to them making the kind of money that they do. (Obviously a UK only [personal!] perspective)
On a related note - O2 is Cellnet rebadged - which is of course owned or at least was if it still isn't, by British Telecom.
Given the bath that mobile OpCo's took on the 3G licenses over here, without the infrastructure to provide decent return in anywhere near a 'reasonable' timescale, it strikes me that this has been recognised as the quickest route to market with the technology they have and can use in order to make a return. Business is business I guess.
07-20-2002, 01:10 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 321
When oh when are these coming to the US? I have been wanting one of these since I first read about them. Also, why are they only 32MB and not 64MB?
07-20-2002, 02:31 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 361
These are coming via Voicestream (you'll know them as T-Mobile soon) by the end of summer. Many, many, many VStream reps have confimed the release by end of summer. This means as late as the third week in September, when summer officially ends, BTW.
It's likely they only put 32MB of RAM in it to keep costs down.
Same with the 4096 color screen. The screen is also low color capacity to keep power consumption down.
Want to read the manual? It's a FABULOUS document, giving a unique glimse into all the device will be capable of, including a couple T-Mobile only features...
Enter "NM8SM" into grantee code, and click the link for details on the device by HTC for 6/27/2002. This was posted here a few days ago, but I can't find it anymore...
07-20-2002, 02:47 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 361
Now that I've posted that info on the HTC XDA FCC info (sorry for all the acronyms), I've casually been running searches at that same site for various stuff, and you won't believe what I found!
Enter in your favorite PPC manufacturer, set the date for the last two months or so, and see what you find! If I had been savy enough in the past, there were pictures of the iPAQ 3800 series back in September 2001. Want to see a HTC Palm PC never released? Search for anything with "High Tech" in the company name and see what you get!
Interested in wireless only devices? Take note of the frequency operating range on the right side once you complete a search to find those in cellular frequencies (800 Mhz, 900 Mhz, 1900 Mhz, etc). Very cool!
07-20-2002, 10:25 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 140
Re: 4000 mmO2 Pocket PC Phone Edition devices (xda) sold
Originally Posted by Andy Sjostrom
The xda brand owner and Mobile Network Operator mmO2 performs well financially. I realize the last quarter is not affected by mmO2's Pocket PC sales, but it is nice to see friends do well. The press release mentions the xda in the following manner:
"The xda from O2, which for the first time combines a GPRS voice and data phone, a colour PDA and pocket PC, addresses both the traditional PDA and emerging pocket PC market. More than 4,000 sales of the new xda from O2 have already been recorded by mmO2 since its recent debut in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands, with the device due to go on sale in Ireland shortly. In addition, the company has established reseller deals in the Asia Pacific market with leading telecoms providers, CSL in Hong Kong and StarHub in Singapore."
More positive financial news from mmO2: "mmO2 recorded another strong quarter for mobile data growth and further boosted its leading position in this expanding market, it was announced today. Revenue generated from mobile data increased 9% from the last quarter and represented 14.6% of the company's service revenues in the three months ending June 2002."
On the subject of mobile data, CEO Peter Erskine says: "Mobile data is a reality today. The key point is that for the first time, content, devices and ease of use are coming together and have contributed to a strong quarter. The momentum will continue throughout the year with the introduction of multimedia messaging and camera phones as well as interactive services based on the start of the new football season and other large crowd pulling events."
Am I wrong, but does it not seem that friends of Microsoft do much better than foes?
:roll: If all O2 did was sell Microsoft products, you would be right. But I have a little hunch that tells me 4,000 XDA devices aren't solely responsibe for O2's growth.