07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 43
A photo attached to the review on Pocketpcminds makes this watch look enormous.. Could you post a photo for us set slightly further back than the other review? I'd like to see it in context with your entire arm.
From the other review it looks almost embarassing to walk around with!
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 43
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
Originally Posted by nishka
Could you post a photo for us set slightly further back than the other review? I'd like to see it in context with your entire arm.
You'll have to ask Brad - he's the one who wrote the review, not me. :wink:
Oops! Sorry about that, just noticed that you didn't write the article . Brad, if you're reading, please let us know!
From the sound of it, this thing is enormous.. It's a shame too.. I would have bought one if it didn't look so g-d awfully geeky . I have no problem walking around with an Ipaq but I just couldn't get away with a watch that ugly .
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 36
I heard about this watch last year and went to Fossil's web site to check it out. Now that it is finally available I am less interested since I had time to think about why I would want this watch.
My iPAQ is always by my waist when I am not near my desktop or laptop, so what additional values does this watch bring to the table? I applaud Fossil's effort, but if you are not a technophile with money to spend, this watch is not too useful.
What I really want is an Aircard 555 so I can subscribe to Verizon's Express Network. :lol:
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 17
Originally Posted by jhipts
...My iPAQ is always by my waist when I am not near my desktop or laptop, so what additional values does this watch bring to the table? I applaud Fossil's effort, but if you are not a technophile with money to spend, this watch is not too useful....
The extra value is that you don't always HAVE to have your iPAQ by your side, which, for some of us, is a hard habit to break. I look for my iPAQ like I look for my keys and wallet. If it's not there, something is not right. However, the Fossil watch is not meant to be a replacement for your iPAQ. In fact, it supplements it. There are times, believe it or not, when I don't want my iPAQ with me, or I forget it (which is rare but it has happened), and the Fossil watch comes in handy. I feel secure knowing I have essential information with me because I never know when I will need it. Once you get beyond the need to be tethered to the iPAQ, or whatever PPC device you are using, it's not so bad. Liberating, in fact. If it wasn't so HUGE (and the design a little less bland ) I'd wear mine every day. I can only hope that Fossil will move this first generation product into the second stage, reducing the size, fixing software quirks, and choosing higher-quality materials (for one, the buttons tend to stick). Far from perfect, the Fossil watch is still the closest any company has come to delivering a truly useful data watch.
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 212
I think that Fossil making effort like this is great, and should continue. Theyll definitely need to get rid of the delays and long intialization times or theyll never have the success with this watch that theyre looking for.
Its true though, that there definitely is a place for this device. There are times youd want to go to the beach, or somewhere else where youd want to pack light, so to speak, where you wouldnt want to carry too many devices beyond a watch and a cell phone, or times where you didnt have the pockets to store a handheld, etc.
But this thing is absolutely gigantic! :shocked!: Way, way, way too big. At that rate, you might as well strap your Ipaq to your wrist. Maybe they should have integrated a color TV into that thing! On a geek scale from one to ten, ten being the worst, at this size, this thing is a fourteen. But I will say, if or when they reduce the size, they shouldnt reduce the screen or toggle button sizes. The casing and the rest of the components are a different matter.
Does anyone know if this watch is water resistant?
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 36
Djl has a point about having the data on the wrist. If Fossil in their next iteration of the watch can make the screen size larger, like their Philippe Starck Watch but wider, and allow more display lines, more characters per line, and faster access then I will be more open to give it a try.
I believe that within 20 years, we will all be carrying some types of clipboard sized computer (Tablet PC but much thinner) like the ones they use on Star Trek shows. Therefore, I am more inclined to believe in computer in a PDA/Tablet than watch. Great science fiction shows and movies have been a good indicator of things to come, and I am not sure if I have seen any major indicator of what watches will be in the future.
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 30
I'm not sure there is a substantial market for this device, in its current incarnation (or anything close). "Data-bank" watches have been around for around two decades, but haven't garnered much attention.
I used -- or, more accurately, tried to use -- an OnHandPC PC watch for several months. While not Pocket PC-specific (pre-dated it), it did sync with Outlook. That is, if you can call the mangling the included Companion Link software did to Outlook, "syncing." Updating a contact caused the abbreviated data on the watch to overwrite the entire contact in Outlook (fortunately, the OnHandPC had -- apparently -- more fields than Fossil's). I assume this (truncating in Outlook) doesn't happen with the Fossil watch?
Anyway, syncing issues aside, the watch was cool (don't think it was as big as Fossil's). Plenty of apps are/were available for it. I had a version of Pac Man, plus a bunch of other apps, mostly time-related. However, the default mode of the watch was to "sleep" after 30-seconds or so (i.e., not even the time was displayed without a button-press!). Since I really couldn't bear wearing this puppy on my wrist without it showing the time non-stop, I always left the watch "on" (think: lots of batteries). Anyway, it certainly was my low-point, geek-wise, so I eventually gave up on the watch--hoping for a better/smaller model. At this point it seems Fossil's watch is neither... :cry:
Oh yea, I've used a Timex DataLink since the day they came out. Unfortunately, after the death of my last DataLink, and with Timex's apparent lack of interest in the product, I had to go with an IronMan DataLink. I wrote "unfortunately" because Timex had doubled the capacity (along with a few other enhancements) of the DataLink back in 1996, but the IronMans (and I assume any other DataLinks--if there are any) have the same capacity as the "original" DataLinks. Still, it's nice to have your "must-have" numbers/data readily available.
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 30
I knew if I posted to this thread it would cost me money:
A.) I Post a reply.
B.) John replies, and I get an email notification.
C.) I read John's message, and within 3-minutes I order a Casio PC Unite Watch.
At least it was only $50!
07-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 3
Fossil Wrist PDA/PC: Returned to Sender
Well, I have returned my Fossil Wrist PDA/PC to the factory. Yes, it is huge, even bigger than I thought it would be. But I could have lived with it.
It does hold a lot of data, but not enough for me. (I have approximately 1,245 contacts, 45 tasks, and around 1,000 appointments/reminders for the next 90 days.) Even after I sorted through the data to be copied, it took the watch more than 4 mins to PREPARE to copy the data and an additional 9 mins to actually copy the data. (That was after I learned to deactivate the auto power off for my iPAQ 3835. I lost track of how many times the PocketPC turned itself off during the transferred because it was "idle" for too long.
After I just about had figured out just how to select the data, get the transfer started, (which is harder than it would seem, since the watch will time out waiting for the Pocket PC to get ready for the beaming), and make the transfer, the watched died! "Snow" across the face of the watch, even after the batteries were removed and reinserted.
I like the idea, but this watch is not ready for prime time yet.
I'll spend my $150 on something else.
+ + + + + + + + + +
Fr Kevin P.J. Coffey
iPAQ 5555w/128Mb SD, MemPlug Dual CF Sleeve w/1Gb & 512Mb CF, Compaq Foldable Keyboard