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Old 07-17-2002, 10:23 AM
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Default Leica Digilux 1

Like Jason, I'm a big fan of digital photography. For a year or so, I've owned a Canon Digital Ixus (Elph) 300, and was very happy to use it as a point and shoot camera. It got me hooked on digital photography, and I wanted something that could replace my aging SLR (Minolta X-700) as well. For a long time I was indecisive whether to go for a digital SLR, or start with an "intermediate" camera, like the Canon G2 or Nikon 995 / 5000. I was almost certain to go Canon G2 (in fact, I advised Jason to get one before he went to Cancun), until I found out about the Leica Digilux 1.

[warning: thread contains 250kb of pictures] <!>

As I've been a huge Leica fan for as long as I remembered, I was very interested in this camera. It offers full manual control, a very fast (and easy to use!) manual focus, next to all automatic features you can expect from a digital camera in this range. Still I was for a long time uncertain whether or not to buy this camera. The reason is that the images that were available on the web suffered from excessive noise / posterization especially in out of focus objects. Follow the discussion on Other Digicams Forum at and you'll know what I mean.

In the end I decided to not trust the judgement of all the digital photography experts out there, nor the Leica lovers on the Digital Forum on the Leica site, but just my own experience. That's why I waited until I could handle a Digilux 1 myself, and could find out if it was "the one for me". I loved the look and feel of the camera, and was pretty pleased with the pictures it took. I did see the noise, but only on full screen viewing. On my 1024x768 screen they looked great, and every print (both A6 and A4) looked fabulous. So yes, this was "the one for me". I've used the camera extensively during my last holidays, and was very happy with it. In a reply to this post, I'll post some pictures I made (resized to 25% of the original size, no other digital manipulating).

For those of you who want to share my passion, you can get a Leica Digilux Pocket PC 2002 theme I created here. Have fun!
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Old 07-17-2002, 10:31 AM
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Default Sample images

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Old 07-17-2002, 12:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Default Ahhhh ....

... a thread I can sink my teeth into.

Yes, the Leica does look really cool! I'd sure like to see more of your pictures if you have them! I was checking out the reviews on this little baby myself a few weeks ago.

I wanted a little pocket camera that I could carry around instead of my D30 and bag o'lenses, and the Leica and G2 were pretty near the top of my list.

But in the end, you'll be quite surprised to see what camera I decided on ...

I truly lust after the EOS-1D (was using a borrowed one at a party last night). There's something surreal about contemplating leaving a camera in the car and realizing that the camera cost more than the car did. 8O

Hey, Marlof, thanks for the theme, it looks great!

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Old 07-17-2002, 12:27 PM
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Oh man, those are some beautiful shots.
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Old 07-17-2002, 12:32 PM
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Vic, as always, your pictures look astonishing, even when taken with the mju. And that's what I've said for a long time: the camera is the tool, the one behind it is what makes a great picture. A good shot that has technological faults due to the camera remains a good shot. A bad shot with the best camera in the world, remains a bad shot. My opinion of course, and I'm sure many will disagree. But the main reason I've chosen the Digilux is that it felt more natural to control to me than the G2. It does have its flaws (noise, posterization, hot pixels on longer exposures), but as with Pocket PCs, all cameras do. So in the end, I went for what felt right for me. As I've taken this holiday to get used to the camera, I'll be shooting more in near future, and put them up on pbase. I'll drop you a line when they're there.
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Old 07-17-2002, 01:08 PM
Brad Adrian
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Originally Posted by Marlof Bregonje
...the camera is the tool, the one behind it is what makes a great picture...
Not to get too deep here, but it always bothers me when somebody sees a photo of mine they like and say, "You must have a very nice camera." My response is "And do you think a typewriter would have made Shakespeare a better author?"
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Old 07-17-2002, 01:17 PM
Jonathon Watkins
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Originally Posted by Brad Adrian
Originally Posted by Marlof Bregonje
...the camera is the tool, the one behind it is what makes a great picture...
Not to get too deep here, but it always bothers me when somebody sees a photo of mine they like and say, "You must have a very nice camera." My response is "And do you think a typewriter would have made Shakespeare a better author?"
Yup - my response is usually, "That was a very nice meal you cooked. You must have a good oven"

I personally went for the Canon S30. It is small, lightweight, has 3 Mpixels and has full aperture and shutter priority control. It's a great little camera!
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Old 07-17-2002, 02:09 PM
Mike Temporale
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The spec's on the camera look nice. SD & MMC?

I myself picked up a Canon G1 about a year and a half ago. I love the fact that I can take the CF memory out of the camera and plug it right into my iPaq.
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Old 07-17-2002, 02:12 PM
Mike Temporale
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Oh, and BTW, that's a great Audi picture. 8) Very different approach.
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Old 07-17-2002, 03:01 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 28

Originally Posted by BlueRocket
Oh, and BTW, that's a great Audi picture. 8) Very different approach.
I like it too! Nice car, Marlof ...

For all you guys here who're into cars and photography (like me) check out this gallery:

I was helping a fledgling car magazine out and (much to my surprise, since it was my first time at a "real" car shoot) I got some images I'm pretty happy with.

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