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Old 07-15-2002, 07:01 AM
Jason Dunn
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Default Help me solve this mystery...

I need some help solving a little site mystery. With our current "slow server" problems, people aren't waiting for their posts to process (it can take up to 60 seconds, but it has never failed on me yet), and they're hitting stop, submit, and the posts end up being processed twice. I can understand why this is happening (people are naturally impatient), and I hope to get it fixed sometime today. What I don't understand, however, is why people are editing their posts to say "deleted" or "whoops" instead of deleting them. I'm sure that if you knew how to delete your posts, you would, so this is why I'm confused. When I log in as an administrator, this is what I see in the upper right corner of every message:

To delete the message, I click on the "X". For a while I thought that everyone had this option, but I later learned that this wasn't the case. Tonight I logged in as a "regular" user, fresh account, and after I posted, this is what I saw:

I was able to delete my own post. So the question is, what are you guys seeing? Do you see the "Delete this post"? What about when you click on EDIT POST and then click the DELETE POST check box? Does your post delete then? Feel free to post screen shots if you need to show what you're seeing. I'd like to get this solved once and for all.
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Old 07-15-2002, 07:26 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
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I've seen that on one post I've made but it was in a thread where I posted two (different) messages and it wasn't on the other one. Nor has it ever been on any other post.

At the time, I assumed it was because I tried to double post the message it appeared on. What I did was, when I hit submit the message didn't disappear (usually the screen goes white for me) so I hit submit again and got the "you can't post two messages within 60 seconds" message. Then from that point on the "Delete Message" appeared on that post.

Hope that makes enough sense for you to understand
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Old 07-15-2002, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by ThomasC22
I've seen that on one post I've made but it was in a thread where I posted two (different) messages and it wasn't on the other one. Nor has it ever been on any other post.
OK, well, it appeared on the above message so now I don't know what to tell you.
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Old 07-15-2002, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by ThomasC22
Originally Posted by ThomasC22
I've seen that on one post I've made but it was in a thread where I posted two (different) messages and it wasn't on the other one. Nor has it ever been on any other post.
OK, well, it appeared on the above message so now I don't know what to tell you.
OK, I've got this now, the "DELETE POST" message only appears on the last message you posted. So, when I post this message, I'll have the "DELETE POST" message on this post but not on any of my other ones.

Hope that helps.
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Old 07-15-2002, 07:39 AM
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OK Jason, your on your own. In THIS thread, the "DELETE POST" function appears on the last message that I posted. But, in this other thread ( it doesn't appear at all.

It does continue to appear on the last post in THIS thread.

AND in yet another thread ( it was appearing and now doesn't. Hang on let me try something...

Nope didn't work. My theory was that it appeared on your last post in certain threads but I just posted in the thread where it had appeared earlier and this time I didn't get the message (yet the message still displays on my post in this thread).

Weird, sorry, I guess I have nothing for you, but it was a fun little mystery for me :lol:
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Old 07-15-2002, 07:48 AM
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Default Deleting Posts

Originally Posted by ThomasC22
OK Jason, your on your own. In THIS thread, the "DELETE POST" function appears on the last message that I posted. But, in this other thread ( it doesn't appear at all.

It does continue to appear on the last post in THIS thread.
I bet you won't see DELETE THIS POST now. My guess is that it only appears on the last post in a thread to preserve the thread integrity.

I suspect my post will have DELETE THIS POST now and yours won't. The interesting question is if the author deletes the last post in a thread, will the previous last post then have DELETE THIS POST?

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Old 07-15-2002, 07:54 AM
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Default Re: Deleting Posts

Originally Posted by Pony99CA
The interesting question is if the author deletes the last post in a thread, will the previous last post then have DELETE THIS POST?
The answer is yes. I made a test post, and then clicked "DELETE THIS POST". I got the following message:

Are you sure you want to delete this post?
with Yes and No buttons.

I clicked Yes, and now my older post (the last one in the thread again) has DELETE THIS POST on it.

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Old 07-15-2002, 07:58 AM
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Default Posting Speed

Another thing I just noticed. My first post to this thread took a long time to complete. The subsequent ones I made did not take long.

Also, if you delete a post, the author's post count does go down (as it should).

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Old 07-15-2002, 08:07 AM
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Default Re: Deleting Posts

Originally Posted by Pony99CA
The answer is yes. I made a test post, and then clicked "DELETE THIS POST". I got the following message:
Wow, good guess (stupid feature, but good guess on your part). But that isn't the whole story because in the 3970 review thread, I got the "DELETE THIS POST" once yet when I post there now (even if its the last message in that thread) I get nothing...
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Old 07-15-2002, 08:14 AM
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Default Re: Help me solve this mystery...

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
I'm sure that if you knew how to delete your posts, you would, so this is why I'm confused. When I log in as an administrator, this is what I see in the upper right corner of every message:

To delete the message, I click on the "X". For a while I thought that everyone had this option, but I later learned that this wasn't the case.
This makes sense. The administrators should be able to delete posts at any time. However, regular users should not be able to delete posts in order to preserve the integrity of the thread. At least, that's what I assume the phpBB authors feel.

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
So the question is, what are you guys seeing? Do you see the "Delete this post"?
See my previous posts for information about that. To summarize, the DELETE THIS POST link only seems to occur on the last post in a thread (and only for the author of that post, of course).

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
What about when you click on EDIT POST and then click the DELETE POST check box? Does your post delete then?
The Delete Post check box only occurs if the post being edited is the last post in the thread. Here is what you see if you edit a post that is not the last post:

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I hope this solves the mystery. My bill for consulting services is in the mail. :lol:

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