07-14-2002, 07:00 PM
Executive Editor
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An official Toshiba response to XScale performance issues
Pocket PC Thoughts reader Jui-Ting Chen received this email message from Toshiba that was apparently sent out to all registered e740 users:
"When we manufactured the e740 we focused on integrating wireless and reducing the price from the former e570 product offering. As such, we are now offering integrated wireless functionality and the latest Xscale processor at a price that is considerably less than the competition. We understand that some software is not optimized to run on the new platform. We will work with the various software manufactures and encourage them to update their product in order to maximize performance by optimizing to the new Xscale platform."
Certainly, not what e740 owners were hoping for. The reality is that there is no simple and quick fix. I'm going to try and post my thoughts on this XScale performance issue on Monday - I've been collecting information from all across the web on the subject, and I think you'll find it interesting.
Regarding this response from Toshiba, what do you think? Is it enough that they're acknowledging the problem (unlike other OEMs) or should they be doing more?
07-14-2002, 07:17 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 253
Simply put:
"We pulled you in with marketing, now we have you by the nuts"
07-14-2002, 07:18 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 390
Cynical translation:
... look we gave you cheap crap just like you ask, what else you want? We even throw in integrated wireless. fast software? get real. go somewhere else, it ain't our problem.
This is MMX deja vu. I don't think anybody will bother to do anything about it. There is no urgency to do it. In MMX case at least the gaming industry was pushing it. but Xscale? nothing. Hell, Toshiba only feel to "encourage" software vendors instead of urgently working on a solution at this moment.
who else?
Microsoft? (ehrrr......... we don't feel like fixing it. you expect too much)
Intel? (heck it ain't OUR problem, it's software issues pal ! )
Consumer? (grrrr.....where is that Linux alternative when we need them to prove a point)
well at least it ain't Palm.
07-14-2002, 08:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 126
At least they admitted it - how long have we seen manufacturers deny there's a problem when the whole world knew?
I'm going to give Toshiba the benefit of the doubt - for a little while ... They want to make a splash in the PPC market, we'll see if they use this issue to gain some loyalty.[/u]
07-14-2002, 10:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 113
It's called consumer choice
#1 Assume there are video and performance issues with the e740.
#2 Assume they will not be fixed overnight and certainly not by one entity.
Weigh this with integrated wireless and the features making this Toshiba offering unique. Ditch the hype, some from industry sources and some from us fans and hobbyists. Examine the facts. Make the choice.
XScale compatibility isn't going to alter the fundamentals of consumer decisions. Since there is no perfect PDA, select whatever is more right for YOU. Bleeding edge requires a cost. Decide if you're willing to pay for it, then make the choice. Buy it. If you dislike it, return it. The sum of all our choices will dictate the industry's future actions. They will respond to how you use, or not use, your wallet.
07-14-2002, 10:20 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 13
Naive Question
Given the amount of bad press that the XScale processor is getting, wouldn't it make sense for Microsoft to recompile the operating system and main apps for the new processor? Given that all XScale processors have flash ROMs, it could then offer downloads of the freshly compiled operating system and apps.
Before I get flamed on this -- I will note that "no, I did not just fall off the turnip cart?"
07-14-2002, 10:36 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 41
Good statement.
It ain't magic, folks!
If PPC 2002 is optimized for ARM processors, MS has said they don't want to leave everyone in the lurch and left behind by simply upgrading the OS.
On the other hand, Toshiba has honestly admitted the problem. That's a nice gesture and worthy of note.
I think that the fact is has 64MB RAM and integrated wireless at the same price as the now "old" PPC models is quite an accomplishment.
OK, so you can't run video quite so well and your contacts don't open a billionth of second faster like you thought they would. Maybe the tradeoff isn't worth it to you.
Either way, don't ream Toshiba. There are lots of factors between manufacturer and OS designers and software developers.
Everyone needs to chill and stop whining because their $600 toy isn't exactly like they hoped. :roll: Be glad you have food and clothes and shelter.
07-14-2002, 10:47 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 101
Multimedia improvments seen
I just got a pre-release copy of Pocket DivX for the e740, and it does remarkably better! Rather than dropping triple digit frames per movie, we saw only 2 and 3 frames dropped per movie. I've added the pre-release benchmarks to our e740 review.
Looks like we'll see video improvments faster than we think
Probably Toshiba got motivated to share some e740-specific coding info with multimedia developers since consumers rightly called up tech support and ranted.
http://www.mobiletechreview.com(formerly pdabuyersguide.com)
07-15-2002, 01:11 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 185
3 things about it:
XScale PocketPCs are not twice as fast as Strong arm ones - hm, so what? I didn't expect them to be. The new devices like e740 and LOOX are interesting because they offer much more inside than just XScale. Integrated Bluetooth or WiFi with CF and SD slot - that's what make them interesting for me. On the other hand - the new IPAQ 39xx offers nothing we haven't seen before and less than the others. That's why I don't look for it at all.
Shame on TOSHIBA. They wanted to be the first on the market and they did. But they obviously did so leaving testing out. That's what their statement sounds to me: "Sorry, we didn't know before either." Possibly not a manufacturer I can expect to deliver really tested devices... Even worse - with their speed to push the first device into the market they force others to do the same - and optimisation is still not on the horizon.
Shame on INTEL and MICROSOFT. As if they work together for the first time... they should have known at first - probably more than 6 months ago. And they didn't bother at all to do anything. They wasted time and efford of others who had to find out what MS/INTEL should have known and told long ago. Arrogance and ignorance at its peak.
3 conclusions:
Some hardware manufacturer offer substantial better or complete new devices - not just a new engine in the old car. They continued developping for the PocketPC platform. MS didn't. Maybe they don't believe in the future of their offering in this sector.
MS bought some years for PALM and others, that go a non-MS way like SHARP. Not because their products are close to beat the PocketPC at all. But MS justifies that it's more important to have an alternative - today and tomorrow.
The market of devices in a price range sub 800 US$ needs other players than MS/INTEL. NOKIA, ERICSSON, MOTOROLA, SIEMENS and others know much more about this market than MS/INTEL ever will.
07-15-2002, 01:47 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 33
I for one could live with only slighty better performance from the Xscale devices, IF this processor was sucking down LESS of my battery. Has anyone done battery tests on these suckers? Amongst all the hype, that was one item xscale would supposedly shine at.