07-09-2002, 03:58 PM
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The New Tablets
I was initially quite ho-hum on the Tablet PC concept, but I've slowly become quite thrilled by it. I've been in contact with an OEM who will be making one, and the specifications and price point are quite compelling. I have this vision in my mind of kicking back on the couch with my Tablet PC and having some fun editing video, all with a stylus. Oh the joy...
"Nevertheless, there's a lot to like about Microsoft's Tablet PC OS. The new major program is called Microsoft Windows Journal, which is designed as a place for you to take handwritten notes. Windows Journal looks like a page out of notebook, and you use a special physical pen to select a variety of electronic pens, erasers, or highlighters and then write directly on the screen. I was particularly impressed with how easy and natural it was to capture notes and highlight them in different colors. My children, in particular, took to this mode as if it were the most natural thing in the world�a great sign for the future of tablet-style computing.
You can easily open up more space to create new notes, and once you've entered your notes the program can convert your handwriting into text or leave it as "ink." Either way, you gain the ability to search through your notes to find a particular word or phrase. On the downside, this capability is limited by the quality of the handwriting recognition, which didn't work particularly well when it tried to decipher my scribble. It did a far better job, however, with the handwriting of other members of my family."

07-09-2002, 05:19 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,768
I have this problem when taking notes on my PocketPC sitting at my desk, I can imagine the problem getting worse with a Tablet PC. The problem is that my arm rests across the writing surface touching the touch sensitive writing area. It is natural for many of us that would write on paper to do so by resting our arms across the paper. The same would cause a problem with a Tablet PC, no?

07-09-2002, 05:22 PM
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Re: problem
Originally Posted by JonnoB
The same would cause a problem with a Tablet PC, no?
No. :wink: The Tablet PC will use Wacom technology, meaning it's a pressure sensitive screen, but you need to use the special pen in order to "work" the screen. You could rest your chin on the screen and nothing would happen - it's not the touch screen that your Pocket PC uses.

07-09-2002, 05:34 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,768
Re: problem
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
No. :wink: The Tablet PC will use Wacom technology, meaning it's a pressure sensitive screen, but you need to use the special pen in order to "work" the screen. You could rest your chin on the screen and nothing would happen - it's not the touch screen that your Pocket PC uses.
I had an old Wacom tablet... It does resolve the problem, but it introces a new one... that is the required use of a 'special' pen. With my PocketPC, I can purchase a replacement stylus that is more like my writing pen... or use one of the combo pens (ink and stylus). Also, for those like me that lose small components like a stylus, replacements will be expensive or we will have to tether the special pen to our Tablets.... :-(

07-09-2002, 05:39 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 140
I think that the idea of a Tablet PC is great and so useful!
Working in a heavy aircraft maintenance (747/777) centre, I know the hassle out engineers and technicians can have in having to go back to the workstation for more information, or to print out wads of stuff, to find out which task is next and how to do it. The tablet PC could be a great solution to that.
As for the Star Trek appeal! My only concern is that it has certain requirements in regard to what is being run on the terminal server end.
Nevertheless, I wouldn't mind one. It has so many possibilities!

07-09-2002, 05:55 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 623
Originally Posted by PlayAgain?
As for the Star Trek appeal! My only concern is that it has certain requirements in regard to what is being run on the terminal server end.
You are thinking of the "Mira" devices. The Tablet PC does not have a terminal services end to it. It is a full fleged computer running Windows XP. Mira on the other hand just runs a version of Windows CE and must have a desktop computer to connect to in order for it to be of much use. Tablet PCs are geared toward business users, while the Mira devices are geared toward home users.
~SpencerOwner-Editor of TabletPCBuzz.comMicrosoft MVP - Tablet PC

07-09-2002, 05:55 PM
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Re: problem
Originally Posted by JonnoB
Also, for those like me that lose small components like a stylus, replacements will be expensive or we will have to tether the special pen to our Tablets.... :-(
Yes, it is a disadvantage, but the advantage of not having to "hover" your hands above the screen is a big one for me. You'll just have to take care of that special stylus. ;-) If it helps, it will be much bigger than a Pocket PC stylus, and thus harder to lose...

07-09-2002, 05:59 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 25
I may be strange but I like keyboards
I use my iPaq to take notes in classes, but I wouldn't do so without my Stowaway keyboard. I type so much more quickly than I write, and I don't even want to get into the issue of legibility. When I first went back to school last summer, I did try to take notes the old fashioned way, pen on paper, and my hand cramped.
So tablet PC's may be neat, but I'll never be a convert. I need a keyboard.

07-09-2002, 06:00 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 623
Re: problem
Originally Posted by JonnoB
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
No. :wink: The Tablet PC will use Wacom technology, meaning it's a pressure sensitive screen, but you need to use the special pen in order to "work" the screen. You could rest your chin on the screen and nothing would happen - it's not the touch screen that your Pocket PC uses.
I had an old Wacom tablet... It does resolve the problem, but it introces a new one... that is the required use of a 'special' pen. With my PocketPC, I can purchase a replacement stylus that is more like my writing pen... or use one of the combo pens (ink and stylus). Also, for those like me that lose small components like a stylus, replacements will be expensive or we will have to tether the special pen to our Tablets.... :-(
From what I have heard there will be a standard stylus of sorts across all Tablet PC devices. This will mean that anyone can create a stylus with a different design but still use the same standard. So you buy a Tablet PC from Acer you lose the stylus, you can now go out and buy any stylus from Super Tablet Stylus Inc. (or any other company) and it will work with your Acer Tablet (as well as with any other Tablet PC devices). I'm not positive on this, but based the information I have that is what I can tell you.
~SpencerOwner-Editor of TabletPCBuzz.comMicrosoft MVP - Tablet PC

07-09-2002, 06:04 PM
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Posts: 29,160
Re: I may be strange but I like keyboards
Originally Posted by dlauri
So tablet PC's may be neat, but I'll never be a convert. I need a keyboard.
Absolutely - for many tasks, a keyboard is a must. I can't write as fast as I can type. But there are others tasks that using a stylus for is very intuitive...that's what I'm most excited about. :-)