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Old 07-02-2002, 09:22 PM
Jason Dunn
Executive Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Default The content, it's a comin'

Some great news! As some of you know, I've written quite a few articles for Microsoft's web site. In February, Microsoft discontinued the concept and switched over to a new style of daily updates with Club Pocket PC. Now what some of you may not know is that even though most of the article lists are out of date, myself and several other authors were cranking out content up until February. There are dozens of articles that were never published, and after months of waiting, we've finally been given permission to publish these articles on our respective web sites.

What does this mean to you? Well, one of the things I did was review three hardware presentation solutions: MARGI, Colographic Voyager, and the Lifeview FlyJacket. There are also some columns, step by step tutorials on setting up a wireless LAN, and a few tips thrown in for good measure. The biggest problem for me will be finding the time to publish them here, but expect to see a few up this week, and the rest to follow next week.

I think you'll enjoy them!
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Old 07-03-2002, 05:16 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 355
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Default Re: The content, it's a comin'

i'm going to say something unpopular (surprise). please charge for something here, i wanna subscribe and support the site.

maybe the news and links are free and articles are not, or maybe the articles / review come out 2 weeks after the pay folks get them. granted time-sensitive stuff wouldn't work, but other stuff would...just some ideas...

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Old 07-03-2002, 03:12 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 209
Default Wireless topics

Jason, I'd like to read an article about wireless settings for some practical uses. Mine environment is very common:
-Cable modem-Router+WAP Ethernet
-Desktop hardwired to router
-PDA (USB to desktop) + WiFi 801.11b (hopeful!)

What I want to accomplish:
-Wirelessly ActiveSync between desktop&PDA
-Play media contents stored on my desktop (MP3,WMA,WMV,Mpg) from PDA
-If the desktop is off, use the PDA to browse the Web, use Yahoo mail, etc.
-Use Ritemail to send hand-writting mail wirelessly

How can I have these above things accomplished intuitively without changing all the settings (IP, WINS, connections, adapter, etc..)

I purchased the Toshiba e740 mainly for the wireless capability, I could not have it work seemlessly and hassle free, the wireless guide is poorly written (at least for for my setup). I had to return it.

I played with the very confusing connections settings (the internet, work, ...), I thought they are for dialup only..Somehow the Toshiba help desk told my I have to set it up one way, some other people told me to set up another way without giving any rational explaination.... :cry:

Please help!
Dinh Phan
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