Shipping/Customs Charges
Originally Posted by pdadave
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
I'm 99% sure HandheldCanada will show you the US price when it's in your cart ...
Are there any customs costs that are associated with shipping it from Canada to the US?
We have the ability to show you the approximate U.S. price based on current daily Canadian to U.S. conversion rates (simply select the currency on any page from the top left corner). The rate right now is about 0.65 (multiply any of our prices by 0.65 to get the U.S. equivalent).
We currently only have the ability to charge your credit card in Canadian $ - your credit card company handles the actual conversion to U.S. $ and generally they are reasonably competitive.
While we offer free ground shipping on orders over $100, we recommend that our customers in the U.S. select one of our upgraded shipping options (UPS Expedited or UPS Express) as these include brokerage/customs fees.
We discount the upgraded shipping options by the cost of ground shipping when the order is >$100 - For example, UPS Expedited shipping only costs $8 (about $5 U.S.) and INCLUDES brokerage fees.
Some customers may be charged state taxes upon receipt of their goods but if this is a concern, they can check with their local UPS or Government office as they can clarify what taxes they may need to pay.
The Pretec 1.3MP camera has been delayed slightly due to a packaging error. We understand from Pretec that they are re-packaging them now and we hope to be shipping them within a couple of weeks.
If you are interested in ordering - please use the affiliate link in the post above so that we can continue to support PocketPCThoughts.
Owen Taylor