06-24-2002, 09:19 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
HP iPAQ Pocket PC 3900 series released
Models begin shipping this week!
Straight from the press release: "The new iPAQ Pocket PC H3900 series also contains a secure digital input/output (SDIO) expansion slot, allowing customers to move data back and forth through the smallest, lightest and most sophisticated storage and expansion accessories. SD cards are typically about the size of a postage stamp, offering expanded memory capacity today, and in the future, connectivity capabilities via Bluetooth, digital photography solutions and wireless(1) local area networking (WLAN). ... The iPAQ Pocket PC H3950 comes with 32 MB of Flash ROM (read-only memory) and has an estimated U.S. street price of $649.(2) The iPAQ Pocket PC H3970 comes with integrated Bluetooth capabilities and 48 MB of Flash ROM, at an estimated U.S. street price of $749.(2) Both models are powered by Microsoft(R) Windows(R) for Pocket PC 2002 and the 400MHz PXA250 processor with Intel(R) XScale technology for accelerated multimedia and security, and include 64 MB of RAM (random access memory). ... HP also added a 256 MB SD memory card to its secure digital portfolio at an estimated U.S. street price of $199.(2)"
The Empire strikes back?
06-24-2002, 09:27 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 39
Yes it does. But just wait for another 6-8 months for the strongest strike ever!
06-24-2002, 09:35 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 864
meaning? what denethor?
If the HP's performance is as bad as the e740's looks like the implosion of the death star for Pocket PC's as we know it...It's one thing for a minor player Toshiba to have produced a crud unit, but another for flagship HP and the Ipaq to flop on performance!
06-24-2002, 09:37 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 122
I have a better idea...
Instead of releasing a new model, how about HP/Compaq FIXES all the existing DEFECTIVE iPAQs that people have already purchased?
After my experiences with the iPAQ 3650 and now a 3835, there is no way I will ever purchase another device from them.
All these new iPAQs will do is fix a few of the problems from the last series and create a whole new group of problems that HP/Compaq will never fix.
:evil: :evil: :evil:
If it can't be done with XS, then it shouldn't be done at all!!!
06-24-2002, 09:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 792
Originally Posted by Chairman Clench
I have a better idea...
Instead of releasing a new model, how about HP/Compaq FIXES all the existing DEFECTIVE iPAQs that people have already purchased?
You make more money if you sell people another $600 device then take time to develop a solution and then fix the problems in the older device.
I am not saying that I agree with that, but it seems like that is what companies think.
06-24-2002, 09:58 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 360
Simply Lovely.
First, I wish they would have changed the Nav button. I mean the shape sucks and it should do Diagonals for game play, which as we all know is a key factor for PDAs. Common I am too darn old for a frickin Gameboy. I remember buying one of the original models when they first came out!
Second, Universal Remote is cool. Transflective Display is cool, and Bluetooth is cool, But HP is charging $100.00 dollar difference for Bluetooth when they only charged a fifty dollar difference last time out? Oh of course three is the extra 15 mg of ROM but One Hundred dollars difference?! Sheesh.
Third, what the heck is up with the price? $750.00. Add a few hundred more and I can get a perfectly good laptop that actually performs like it is suppose to.
I mean I guess it just gets me and I know people will buy the thing. It is just a bite in the butt. And when most of us here are not big corporate users that get their devices handed to them by a company, but more of us scrape to buy our own it is just a stick in the wrong place.
06-24-2002, 10:06 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 382
The price point is just too high. Until HP can produce a sub $400 or $300 unit they are going to continue to alienate its user base. Sure they can contiue to create these bleeding edge devices, but most users, even technophiles will not upgrade on a yearly basis to take of advantage of the minor improvements.
06-24-2002, 11:41 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 12
Re: HP iPAQ Pocket PC 3900 series released
Originally Posted by Andy Sjostrom
400MHz PXA250 processor with Intel(R) XScale technology for accelerated multimedia
Heh, don't they mean decelerated multimedia? :wink:
06-25-2002, 12:03 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 39
StarWars vs. iPAQs
Chairman Clench:
Why did you buy 38xx after 36xx failue ;-) I have an answer: (!)
Because iPAQs as cool as jedi knights;-) We criticize them but we love them.
Cheers. Stay cool.
(ps: Posted from PocketIE so I am not sure about the paragraph format)
06-25-2002, 01:37 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 30
If the prices remain this high, say goodbye to Ipaq's market share. This is probably the beginning of the end. Good job, HP. Great thinking. I don't think even tech geeks would pay $750 for the integrated Bluetooth.