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Old 06-21-2002, 09:17 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default Intel ducks for cover

Well, I tried. I wanted to give Intel a chance to respond to the public criticism being levelled against them, but they've declined to do so.

"Your request for comment on the previous article was routed to me. We respectfully decline the opportunity as [the] first products using our new processors are just now coming to market."

Best regards,
Mark O. Miller
Intel Press Relations

For those of you criticizing Microsoft in the other XScale thread, remember that regardless of how bad the news they were delivering, they had the integrity to respond to my questions. Intel doesn't want to step up in the same fashion, which is pretty unfortunate. Now I have no choice but to randomly speculate, which as entertaining as it may be, is always better when it's based on facts.
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Old 06-21-2002, 09:26 PM
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That's not really someone in Intel that would necessarily know the answer to your question, anyways. It says "Mark O. Miller -- Intel Press Relations", not "Mark O. Miller -- Intel XScale Development Head".
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Old 06-21-2002, 09:31 PM
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Default Unfortunate

It may be unfortunate, but most likely wise. I'm sure everyone involved is still scrambling to figure out where the problem lies.

Is it MS fault in Pocket PC somewhere?
Is it a hardware problem implemented by the Hardware folks?
Is it a translation problem imbeded in the xScale chips?

Or anyone of a million other problems.

Unfortunatly, us the consumers have let them get away with this for years, with the first generation chips, just plunked down into old hardware platforms. Yet we go out and buy them by the thousands. Why would they change now?
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Old 06-21-2002, 09:33 PM
Foo Fighter
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Jeez, is anyone going to step up to the plate and admit guilt? :x

The communication channels between Microsoft, Intel, and the PocketPC community sucks!
Kent Pribbernow
Elitist Snob, Contributing writer for Wired's Cult of Mac
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Old 06-21-2002, 09:43 PM
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This is a stall tactic to prepare a more collective and understanding response. I am sure that both Intel and MS are feeling the heat to an even greater degree from the PDA manufacturers. I suspect we will get the real story from one of them first. In general it is dissapointing and does nothing to further promote the platform at all.... at this point, why even bother with an XScale upgrade?
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Old 06-21-2002, 09:50 PM
Jason Dunn
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Originally Posted by Robotbeat
That's not really someone in Intel that would necessarily know the answer to your question, anyways. It says "Mark O. Miller -- Intel Press Relations", not "Mark O. Miller -- Intel XScale Development Head".
I originally emailed an XScale evangelist of sorts that was supposed to be able to answer my technical questions. He punted it to the PR guy, and the PR guy punted me...right out the door. :roll:
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Old 06-21-2002, 09:59 PM
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Default Running for cover

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
I originally emailed an XScale evangelist of sorts that was supposed to be able to answer my technical questions. He punted it to the PR guy, and the PR guy punted me...right out the door. :roll:
Either company policy to not make public statements..... or just running for cover. As this person is an 'evangelist' I would guess the latter is the case.... too bad, this could have really put a damper on Palm - now I think they can catch up in speed.
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Old 06-21-2002, 10:22 PM
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Company Policy IS to not go making public statements, that is why the PR guy got it handed to him. His job is to get together with Intel Legal and decide what can be said without getting sued. By the way, why isn't anyone nailing the OEMs??? Neither Intel nor MS forced anyone to use the X-Scale in PDAs. In fact MS and Intel are more interested in X-Scale for MS Smart Phones where MS is optimizing for the new X-Scale and Samsung ARM 10 chips! (ARM V5 and ARM 10 are the same architecture, visit ARM website) I believe that MS is just more concerned with a MultiBillion dollar market than with the emerging PDA market. Here is an ARM/MS SmartPhone article.

Telecom carriers earned about $500 billion in service revenues last year, primarily on voice services. "It's out of that opportunity we will carve a market for wireless data," Christensen said, projecting wireless data revenues of $86 billion by 2005.
Here is the link for the full article
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Old 06-21-2002, 10:58 PM
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you won't coaxed Intel to say anything if you are a small fry. They'll skip the marketing spin and right to legal press release if you are big fish.

Otherwise, tight lips.

The only way to make them talk is publish an independent study proving their product really do suck. (pentium calculation debacle, MMX, P4 performance, etc)
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Old 06-21-2002, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Foo Fighter
Jeez, is anyone going to step up to the plate and admit guilt? :x
To be honest, I think the manufacturers have to take a good chunk of the responsibility.... not for the less then perfect performance of Xscale or Microsoft's OS, but for rushing to put out devices that are less effective then what they should be. I think they should have waited til they had much better fixes for some of these problems. It's much better to wait and "Do it right the first time" then it is to shoot yourself in the foot and hope the wound will heal properly. Ask Casio, or the old HP, if being first to market is such a great thing. It sure didn't work for them with the origianal PPC 2000 offering. People waited months, and months to get a better Ipaq.

Yes I realize that a total fix for the whole situation may be a long time coming. However I think if they were to wait a few months they could put out a much better device then what is coming out now.

My 2 cents

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