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Old 06-21-2002, 03:27 PM
Jason Dunn
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Pocket PC used in rough environment

The Tacter R-PDA 88 is a heavy-duty Pocket PC that's going to end up in some exciting places, I'm sure. Not thrilling from a pure spec point of view, but this is one Pocket PC you don't need to worry about dropping.

"Tactical personal computers, or rugged hand-held computers as termed by the company, provide command and control, navigation, situation awareness and data-handling capabilities, and can survive high temperatures and impact. The Marines have ordered $16 million worth of such equipment thus far, with Tadiran serving as their exclusive supplier. The company views the deal as a step toward future sales to other parts of the American armed forces. Tadiran has already been contacted by the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Army, which, until now, bought this type of equipment from Litton."

Source: Someone who sent me a private message which I then deleted before recording who it was that sent it to me. Please use the news@ email alias for all news - it's much easier to manage for us. Thanks!
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Old 06-21-2002, 07:59 PM
Will T Smith
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 384
Default Military PocketPC

I think this hardware is pretty cool.

However, I would be reluctant to entrust Microsoft with the safety and security of are armed forces. Ultimately, I believe that Lineo (Pocket Linux) is a much more reliable platform for military applications. Open source would allow military contractors a much greater degree of customization and quality control.

One more comment. The Infra-Red communications should be eliminated from any military device. It will glow like a flare to those using night-vision equipment.
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Old 06-24-2002, 06:34 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 36

I used to work in U.S. Special Operations so I can finally write an intelligent post . One, this thing would have to be damn reliable in order for my friends and I to use/trust it. Two, you have to remember that this thing would go out into the field over and over for several years, not just once or twice. Finally, anything that speeds up my calls-for-fire reliably is something that my friends and I would carry. I don�t own a Pocket PC so I can�t comment there on reliability :? . I can say that I wouldn�t rely on my Sony CLIE .

How would these things work at night? Besides the normal methods of lighting, they would have to be able to emit some sort of IR light also. Does anybody know if a normal screen is visible with an external IR source?
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