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Old 06-17-2002, 07:07 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default ASUS MyPal A600

AnandTech has a great article on the new ASUS MyPal A600 - it's worth the read. Seems like ASUS is pretty serious about making a great PDA, although as is the case with all ASUS products, they can't seem to market to save their lives (or keep an FTP up for that matter). Unless they're able to gear up and market their product properly, it will be a niche product known to only a few. This article has some battery information that doesn't jive with the tests I've done on the iPAQ - so I'll be interested to see what the battery life on the A600 is really like.

"ASUS entered the IA market approximately two years ago. The IA team spun from the multimedia product team that previously had been working on video and sound items and focused on producing new products for ASUS. Primarily, the IA team decided to focus their efforts on laptops, webpads, PDAs and set-top boxes. Our meeting with the head of the mobile division, a very interesting man who will go unnamed as per his personal preference, focused on discussing ASUS' MyPal A600. You may recall from our Day 2 Computex 2002 coverage, the ASUS MyPal A600 is an Xscale based PDA solution that combines long battery life, a 400MHz processor and PocketPC 2002 in a package only slightly larger than the Palm m515. The product actually ended up winning a "Best Choice" award for Mobile Products from the organizers of Computex and from what we saw they made the right decision: it looks like the MyPal A600 could be the iPaq of tomorrow." Source: butch
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Old 06-17-2002, 08:55 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 39
Default Let the price war begin!

Taiwan means price war. Price wars means cheaper and feature reach PDAs. But get ready to most sophisticated BUGS :lol:
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Old 06-17-2002, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: Let the price war begin!

Originally Posted by denethor
Taiwan means price war. Price wars means cheaper and feature reach PDAs. But get ready to most sophisticated BUGS :lol:
Fortunately, with the PPC OS in ROM, there are likely to be fewer bugs. I think we will see bugs along the lines of the Compaq hardware problems... regardless, competition is always good.
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Old 06-18-2002, 02:54 AM
Foo Fighter
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So when is this device coming to market, and at what price? :cry:
Kent Pribbernow
Elitist Snob, Contributing writer for Wired's Cult of Mac
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