06-14-2002, 06:10 PM
06-14-2002, 07:01 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 109
Re: Should Compaq recall the 3800 series iPAQs?
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
What do you think? Are they blowing the issues our of proportion, or is there a legitimate concern here?
I think that they are right.
Firstly: I do have problems with 256 MB CF card in Bluetooth expansion jacket.
Secondly: I am angry that my SD slot does not have SDIO but dirty cheap Palm devices have SDIO slot (and can put there Bluetooth or SD-WiFi or whatever).
I would not buy neither Jornada nor iPAQ again. Now I probably would go for Fujitsu Loox or Toshiba.
06-14-2002, 07:18 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 740
Most definitely, yes.
The 3800 series should be recalled, and users should either get a (finally) fixed 3800, or credit towards a new 3900 series device, or what ever suceeds the 3800.
There have been too many customer advisories and too many end user problems for the devices to be of use or value...IMHO.
Christopher Spera
pocketnow Writer
pocketnow.com -- it's all about portability...
06-14-2002, 07:28 PM
Executive Editor
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I just added a poll question, so go vote...
06-14-2002, 07:29 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 252
Compaq certainly have as much idea of customer service as the Cavemen has of nuclear fission. The debacle over the 'free' upgrade to PPC2002 still rankles with me.
The arrogance of some of the management in the organisation has to be seen to be believed and of course these aren't the people that will be getting pink slips.
I think you could get the queen, dubiya and Osama Bin Laden to sign the petition and still not see a recall.
06-14-2002, 07:36 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 784
The iPAQ should have been recalled two years ago with the first batch of 3600's but I think it's a little late now...Compaq is just living up to their great quality control reputation and anyone buying an iPAQ now should be well aware of this reputation which Compaq has carefully built over the past two years. BTW, after my fifth 3600 I decided to sell it and buy a Toshiba.
06-14-2002, 07:39 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 257
Are you any happier with the Toshiba ? What is better ?
06-14-2002, 07:58 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 784
I am quite a bit happier with the Toshiba. It doesn't have any quality issues like the iPAQ, it's smaller, has dual slots built in, decent screen (not as bright as the iPAQ but definately good enough for me, I rarely have a need for the sidelight, and even with the sidelight it is plenty bright), no dust bunnies under the screen, the battery life is better, it's smaller, supports multiple button presses, diagonals, 64 MB RAM, and is smaller.
Some disadvantages, not for me but for other people are it doesn't have the expansion capabilities of the iPAQ, it has very few accessories, and the screen is slightly smaller (3.5" instead of 3.8").
06-14-2002, 10:03 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 384
Re: Should Compaq recall the 3800 series iPAQs?
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
I would not buy neither Jornada nor iPAQ again. Now I probably would go for Fujitsu Loox or Toshiba.
Hold on there cowboy. Don't sullie Jornada for iPaq's mistakes. That would be a BIG mistake. High Jornada sales may eventually convince Hewlett Paq-ard to continue (and emphasize) the reliable, simple Jornada form factor over the complicated, low-quality, high maintenance iPaq design.
Such a possibility is still in the cards. Especially if iPaq sales start declining in the face of strong competition for Toshiba, ASUS, and especially Symbol (for vertical markets).
The sleeve concept has simply been poorly executed. It adds extra expense and complexity that is simply not needed. The device is locked into it's form factor to retain device compatibility. In retrospect, the sled concept is probably better from the standpoint of flexibility. Sleds don't have arms and need not conform to a specific thickness, nor even a specific width.
Let's pray that HP doesn't throw out the practical reliable Jornada Lexus Sedan) device in favor of the flashy, high maintenance Compaq iPaq (Chevy Corvette).
06-14-2002, 10:22 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 6
I vote YES!
Even though I do not own a 38xx, I am supporting this thread at Brighthand. I am very disgruntled owner of an unusable 36xx. I am working on adding the 36xx problems and issues to the petition process that this group on Brighthand thread are working on. I will never buy another Compaq (now HP) product, unless they change drastically and start doing the right thing by their customers.
The Compaq IPAQ PPC has been plagued with defects since the beginning and they have not addressed the problems in an ethical way. They just come out with a new version/series and advertise the heck out of it and lure more and more unsuspecting customers into the trap. All of us who feel this way need to stand up and talk about it in a loud way and tell everyone we know about the defective IPAQ products they have sold us.
Thank you for posting this POLL.