06-14-2002, 08:51 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,350
Running Voice GSM 2.0
Today, Running Voice GSM 2.0 is being released. I've tested the beta of this version of Running Voice, and I was impressed with the feature set. Data and voice connections co-exist peacefully using the new Flexport GSM. Also the Bluetooth support has been enhanced, where they even support Bluetooth headsets with Ericsson handsets. And last but not least, it uses icons in the navigation bar of your Pocket PC 2002 device to show signal strength when you don't have that in view in Running Voice itself. One thing to keep in mind: this program runs only on Pocket PC 2002 devices, not on Pocket PC 2000. To find out if your setup will work with Running Voice GSM 2.0, go to the requirements page.
The price is $49. Running Voice had been out for quite some time, and version 2.0 may look the same, but in fact offers much more than the first version. That is why Pocket Presence will not offer this release as a free upgrade to exisiting users, which I can understand. But they are nice enough to offer an upgrade path, where everybody gets an initial discount of 50% during the first 30 days and all registered users will be informed about the discount.
06-14-2002, 12:58 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 105
Here we go again, only works on pc2002 blah..blah..Microsoft got us by the curlies again, I give up on pocket pc, nice idea...ain't gonna work.
Now the SMARTPHONE that's cool, they won't upgrade that os to outstrip the hardware will they??
06-14-2002, 03:32 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 114
It says that it has a "data communications" management tool. Will this allow those of us with a T39 on the Voicestream network to actually be able to use GPRS without having to scour the web for any shreds of information that may help us configure it???
06-14-2002, 03:57 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 382
I'd heard lots of people complimenting v1 - but I'd always been put off by the lack of a trial version. The special offer of 50% off was enough to persuade me I should give it a go. The non-standard install was a bit worrying.
06-14-2002, 06:41 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 73
anyone know how to check the firmware on a t39?
06-14-2002, 07:14 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 39
He it is
--> * <--<--* <-- *
06-14-2002, 07:57 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 73
muchos gracias denethor.
well i broke down and bought PP2 today because i have been dying for some sort of data usage monitor, PLUS all the other features of PP2.
so far i was able to quikcly get setup and dial contacts through the PP2 interface.
i'm having problems with data connections though, and the manual isn't all that detailed. it would appear i need to change my connections on the IPAq to now use the new "flexport GSM data" connection, but the manual doesn't cover that in detail.
for now, my data connection is down. until this weekend when i can play with it some more. right now i've got to do some (real) work.
06-15-2002, 05:25 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 78
GSM/GPRS Compatibility?
One of the major GSM / GPRS services in the US is Voicestream.
I have purchased the Motorola P280 GSM/GPRS phone and have
serial cable conenction working with my iPaq 3100 with PPC 2002 s/w.
Will RV 2.0 work with my P280 on a Serial Cable to the iPAQ?
Anyone know ? I'd really like to try this beautiful application but
with no trial version.....
06-17-2002, 08:41 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 39
Hmm Great S/W is it..Hmm
Yes I have completed my RVGSM 2.0 experience here is the results:
- With T39/T68 the S/W is killer combo.
- Very good integration with PPC2K2. Clear coding. Almost bug free.
- Battery killer for both phone and PDA
- Good alternative for Compaq Wireless GSM/GPRS stupid S/W. But it is not possible to exit RV2.0 application. Soft Reset required.
- Bad contact handling. If you have more than one number in any contact
it can only dial default number. (Am I wrong? Please try this)
- But phone memory contact is superb.
- Bad support?? 2 questions 48 hours no answer from PocketPresence :cry:
- Flexport could not make data call with Wireless GSM/GPRS pack. I think missin AT command scheme of the sleeve.
- Needs a lot of memory.
- Bad SMS reader. Unable to delete SMS messages while reading or there is no next button in SMS reader. If you have more than 1 SMS you should press OK to turn back SMS Inbox view and select next SMS to read. Deleting is the same. (Only from SMS Inbox view)
- Confusing support document. Page 18 Fig 2-10. There is no connect option in context menu in real life. You have to use standart connections dialog. (Overall documentation is very good)
- No conflicts between GPRS Traffic Counter. Both apps working good in same PDA.
- Hardware button assignment is quite usefull.
- After power off/on sometimes unable to re-initialize T39.
- Quite expensive. Do not miss discount period. No trial version.
- Nice keypad.
- No native Ericsson Sync API support for phone contacts like mPhone2.1. This may count as feature request. I wish i was a beta tester...
If i forgot somthing i will add them to feature posts ;-)
[email protected]
06-18-2002, 10:04 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 9
Hmm... am I supposed to be able to do a handsfree call through my iPaq? When I call a number, my T68i displays "Bluetooth connection error" but it does everything it should except for the handsfree feature but the manual isn't very clear on that... So am I supposed to be able to do that? Or did I misread something?