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Old 06-11-2002, 03:11 PM
Andy Sjostrom
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Default This Site Cracks Me Up II

Brad just posted some comments related to a site that cracks him up. I'm next!

I found this recent PalmInfocenter editorial amusing! (Thanks to Willy Gautvik for the link!) Ed Hardy explains why "the Palm OS Is the Inevitable Winner" over the Pocket PC. Based on a conversation with Brighthand's Steve Bush, Ed Hardy presents a number of arguments why Palm wins and Pocket PC loses. The article presents a representative pro-Palm and anti-Pocket PC world view, and is well worth reading!

The five years of Palm sleeping is revisionistically described as a "working" Palm approach. The fact that Palm has not brought any innovation to the market while sleeping is explained by stating that it is because the hardware hasn't been up to the task. The reason to why PalmSource is trying to catch up with the Pocket PC is explained by stating that since the hardware is up to the task today, it is worth adding things the Pocket PC has been able to do for years. Successfully.

The user interface myth is also brought up. According to Ed Hardy, the Pocket PC has an "interface designed for a screen at least four times bigger than any possible on a handheld" because Microsoft tries to put too many features into a small device. Well, it will be interesting to check up on this analysis if PalmSource manages to catch up with the rich Pocket PC feature set! The fact is that user interface and feature set are two separate software design aspects. A complex feature can be represented by an easy-to-use user interface, just as a simple feature can be represented by an impossible-to-use user interface. The Pocket PC implements a clean and easy-to-use user interface design, far away from the days of the early "Palm Sized PC" when this myth was not a myth.

Another argument, repeated almost to the level of chanting from Palm OS supporters, that is supposed to explain a Palm strength and a Pocket PC weakness at the same time is the number of Palm OS applications: "There are thousands of Palm OS applications and a thriving third party software market." On behalf of all Palm users, I am glad there are many applications to choose from and that the third party software market thrives. For the same reasons, I am glad on behalf of all Pocket PC users. Seen any really cool Palm OS games lately?

The fact is that the Pocket PC has the momentum in all aspects, and that PalmSource is in "catch up-mode" and way behind.
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Old 06-11-2002, 03:54 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 574
Default Dinasours

That's the arrogance of a palm-dinasour just before he becomes extinct. They add just more of the same lame stuf..

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Old 06-11-2002, 03:58 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 68
Default You said it all!!

Palm's napping & loss of market focus & expectations has left it in the dumper. All their high priced "experts" from the past have left the company. One attempt of these jolly fellows was to start Handspring, which is also faltering in some of the same goofy business decision doldrums as Palm.

Its so ironic that now the Palm plan is to, in essence, "catch up" to PocketPC. They never will....unless maybe the rumored buyout by Sony takes place, and even then, it will take a whole new vision there to make things work.

Put a fork in your Palm...its DONE![/b]
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Old 06-11-2002, 04:53 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Yeah right, PALM will win, because it is not as innovative as PocketPC. Ha, but the old abacus will always be better than the PALM then, won't it?
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Old 06-11-2002, 05:40 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 99
Default Thousands of Apps... so?

Palm may have thousands of applications, but over 80% are completely useless things that some Palm developer put together for the fun of it. Most are not color, are 160x160 resolution, and have little or no value.

Instead of a hundred little drawing programs, Pocket PC has quality apps like Pocket Artist and Photogenics. Instead of a limited Sony MP3 player, the PPC has Windows Media Player and Real One. Palm users brag about Datebk 4, but PPC has Agenda Fusion and Pocket Informant. I can't think of any popular Palm OS application for which Pocket PC doesn't have a match.
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Old 06-11-2002, 05:44 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 99

BTW, for anyone that thinks it would be good to see a company other than MS dominate the handheld market...

Palm has already shown how they would handle a monopoly. They raised prices and droped innovation. If anyone has read Animal Farm (George Orwell), you'll understand what's happening here.
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Old 06-11-2002, 05:45 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,329

Seen any really cool Palm OS games lately?
Games are irrelevant. Look at Apple. They have a niche market, have a loyal following, very few games for the platform, and still manage to thrive. (Even with the bumbling stupidity of Jobs) Games are a good way to show of the power of the pocket PC but isn't a major selling point for anyone.

Excuses. I mean at the end of the day that's all they really are right? Excuses. Its what the manufacturers put down is what matters. In a comparison of Palm OS 5 and Pocket PC 2002 the PPC still has a lead in a number of major categories. 3 months ago I thought OS 5 was going to be the one. The one where I jumped back into the Palm camp. I was expecting so much with this OS. I was seriously disappointed and just down right pissed when I say when Palm did with OS 5. I liken OS 5 to Pocket PC 2002. There was a lot of potential there. And nothing materialized out of it. Multimedia support is only in API�s only, ARM support is nonexistent, and multithreading\tasking hasn�t been implemented (If I got my facts straight.). The biggest claim to fame for OS 5 is support for higher res displays. Something that the PPC has had for year. The release of OS 5 has galvanized me. Until Palm decides to stop swimming in the kiddy pool and create a �real� up to day OS I�ll continue to be a PPC advocate.
I find this��
Hilarious. What innovation!?!?!?!?!

The Pocket PC may have been developed with a different philosophy in mind. It may have more in common with a desktop OS then anything. It may need the user to close their apps down after opening 10 or so because of slowdown. But who gives a flying crap?!?! As long as it works, who cares HOW it works! If I hear another Palm zealot use the term Zen I'm gonna shove my foot so far up his/her rear I'll charge em for a colon cleansing. :twisted:
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Old 06-11-2002, 06:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 80

In the MS vs. Palm war, Palm=Apple.

Apple came up with something new and innovative, then rested on their success while MS slowly (but surely) caught up. Now, they're at 2.5% of the market. Their followers are still as loyal and rabid as Palm's, but Apple is marginalized and largely irrelevant.

Personally, I'd rather see the competition tighter, but Palm is showing all the arrogance and bumbling idiocy that caused Apple's demise- they're even making a lot of the same mistakes. Anybody else see the similiarites between "System X" and "OS 5"? All the old apps run in compatibility mode, new apps are scarce and still buggy, obvious difference in operation between old and new apps cause machine to "feel" clumsy, lots of old apps don't quite work the way they're supposed to, etc?

We'll see, but if you start reading about people buying OS 4 Palms because they don't want to deal with the problems of OS 5, you'll know Palm is doomed.
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Old 06-11-2002, 06:17 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Default I think Ed is uninformed about the Pocket PC devices

I read this PalmInfocenter article on the bus last night and almost fell off my seat laughing. I was a Palm user for over 4 years before switching to the Pocket PC and I still check the PalmInfocenter site daily since I think it is a great resource for the Palm OS. However, this article by Ed sure shows that he hasn't used a Pocket PC and really can't offer a fair comparison. I like Jeff Kirvin's article for the Palm vs. Pocket PC comparison and trust it far more since Jeff has actually used devices from both operating systems.

My Palm had to be reset much more than Jornada. I have never once had to do a hard reset on my Jornada 568 and find it much more stable than my Palms. I even test a ton of software and don't have problems. I don't understand his screen analysis. I personally love the full screen of my Pocket PC and think the worst thing about Palms is their tiny screen taken up by the Grafitti area. The ability to seamlessly use expansion cards, use an email client, use AutoCad on a portable device, etc. are what set the Pocket PC way above the Palm. I even bought a Palm a couple of months ago to see if I could go back, but was just too limited in what I could do. Granted, Palms are good for some people, but to say that Palm is the Inevitable Winner is a joke!
Check out my ZDNet blog at
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Old 06-11-2002, 06:35 PM
Join Date: May 2002
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I'm not saying you're wrong....... I'm just laughing at Microsoft fanboys calling someone else arrogant... Thanks, this is cracking me up!
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