06-10-2002, 11:41 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
PDAs: Who needs one?
C. Marshall pointed us to this bCentral article on how to pick the right PDA. Not a bad article if you're looking for a very basic overview of what factors you should consider when making your decision. This article drives home a point I've come to consider very important in the past few months: well-informed impartiality is almost non-existent. There are basically two types of people writing PDA articles: they either don't know enough about either and get their facts wrong, thus making the article largely useless, or they're very knowledgeable because they made a choice and picked one camp over the other - which makes their opinion anything but impartial. I don't envy the people trying to decide between Palm and Pocket PC - there are very few good resources that offer truly impartial information. This article is a decent start though...
"It is if you're a mobile professional (someone who spends 25% or more of your work time away from your office, including meeting-hounds). That's the opinion of Rebecca L. Morgan, who is not a PDA marketer but an author, management consultant and productivity expert based in San Jose, Calif. However, if you are among the declining number of professionals today pretty much stuck in your office, one click away from your e-mail inbox, you likely don't need one."

06-11-2002, 12:19 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 382
There is one other thing he forgot to mention in his first point.
Whatever you prefer, don't get something too complicated to learn to use � you can upgrade or add accessories and memory later, if you'd like.
Better make sure that the PDA has enough upgrade options to cover your needs. Nothing worse than buying a low end device and finding out that you're stuck with a non-scalable device.

06-11-2002, 03:05 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 238
Most everyone could benefit from having a PDA
I disagree with the thought that (certain) people don't need PDA's.
There is still a paradigm that PDAs are for work purposes, when in reality they could benefit so many people in all walks of life. PDA's don't have to be solely about work meetings and work contacts and work this and work that. How about to do lists, shopping lists, kids sports schedules, restaurants, doctors and other frequently called and visited places, relative's information, birthdays, anniversaries?
Everyone could benefit from having a PDA - housewives, busy parents, students - the list goes on and on.
Most of my relatives do not have any kind of planner or PDA, and it drives me nuts to see how disorganized they are! Writing things down on little sheets of paper, leaving them here, there and everywhere.... jotting things down on a calendar on the refrigerator (oh, that's effective), committing things to memory (only to forget later!)...
I'm not saying that these folks need a Pocket PC necessarily. Yes, a Palm device might suffice (and be more in their price range), but the bottom line is, when used (faithfully) as the source for all of their personal information, they too, can benefit from having a PDA.