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Old 05-16-2002, 01:23 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Default Miss the Jornada already? You are not alone.

First let me state for the record that I am an iPAQ person, as are at least 75% of Pocket PC users. However, I am sad to see the Jornada go. It has several things that a bare iPAQ lacks, like a flip-cover and integrated CF slot. There have been countless posts and articles at Pocket PC Thoughts and other PDA enthusiast sites lamenting the passing of the Jornada, and there seems to be a few people outside the PDA world that are disappointed as well.

Henry Norr writes "I happen to think, for example, that HP's current Jornada Pocket PC is a better product than Compaq's iPaq -- their core features are identical, and the iPaq is a little sleeker, but the Jornada has better battery life and a much better expansion scheme (a CompactFlash slot, so you can easily add a wired or wireless network adapter or modem -- options that can be added to the iPaq only with a bulky and expensive "expansion jacket.")"

But then the hard cold facts set in on why HP made the decision it did. "From a business perspective, though, I can't argue. When the iPaq first appeared, it was head and shoulders above the Jornada of the day, and by the time HP came back with the much improved current version, it was too late -- the iPaq had all the buzz, and hardly anyone seemed to notice the Jornada. In the first quarter of this year, according to IDC, Compaq ranked second only to Palm in the worldwide PDA market, with a worldwide market share of 10.1 percent, while HP came in a sorry sixth, with only 4.4 percent."

Perhaps things would have been different if the HP 560 had been released in April of 2000 instead of the HP 540. In any event, I am sorry to see the #2 Pocket PC go away. I hope Toshiba, Fujitsu-Seimens or someone else can make a very strong showing this summer when their new devices ship. Not only do we need several choices, we need someone keeping the current iPAQ design team on their toes.
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Old 05-16-2002, 01:44 PM
Ken Mattern
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 135
Default I hate to see it go

Having been a Jornada user from the 680 days and having owned both a 548 and a 568, as well as an Intermec and an @migo I am still in love with the Jornada.

Not only that, but my main customer can see the benefits of the Jornada over the iPaq. A soldier in the field does not need to have to switch sleeves to change capability of the unit. And bright silver does make a good target! Unfortunately if the cover, integrated CF slot, better battery, etc. are not included in the new HP iPaq I'll have to recommend to the DoD that they go with a competing brand. With a planned initial purchase of 85,000 Pocket PC's by the Army I would think that HP would pay attention.

But they probably won't.


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Old 05-16-2002, 03:26 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 18
Default Jornada will be an Ipaq organ donor in the future

Fear not, as HP announced, we will see some of the features that Jornada lovers miss incorporated into the next generation Ipaq's. Personally, I think the Ipaq is a superb device (I have a 3835, that I got after I fried my 3630), but I think it certainly could be improved with built in WiFi or even GSM/GPRS capability. As for the Jornada screen protector, I think Compaq solved that nicely with the cover pack and expansion pack(s) plus.

Now if they could just integrate GPS into the unit, with receivers being extremely small now, I would be in heaven

I was excited to see that Travroute has a CF GPS solution out now with version 3.0 of their software, however in keeping with the travroute tradition, the receiver is not NMEA-compliant and the software only works with their receiver. Too bad, because it seems like they make the best land navigation software out there.
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Old 05-16-2002, 04:01 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 90

Jog dial and a properly aligned screen for ClearType ... we can but hope.
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Old 05-16-2002, 04:23 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 50

Ken they will most likely include the good from both into one unit.

There are several patents on the Jornada and iPAQ that prevented both HP and Compaq from making a "super machine".

When HP "bought" Compaq they also "bought" the rights to use the iPAQ innovative features. (Loud Speaker, Sleves etc.)

Lets wait and see, its us that decide on the success of the product. If we like it then we buy it, if we dont then we will get something else.
Did you get your beans Today?
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Old 05-16-2002, 05:01 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 37
Default Your wrong ED

that is a false statement in the US, i haven't seen myself one person using IPAQ on plane or anywhere else, it is PALM all the way so it might be true in Europe where people are shallwow (for style) but not here in the us or in canada (my native land).

In the us, pocket pc maestro et soon toshiba e550 plus casio e-200 rule the world not the stupid pice of crap called IPAQ !!!!
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Old 05-16-2002, 05:48 PM
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gmelfissg wrote:

"In the us, pocket pc maestro et soon toshiba e550 plus casio e-200 rule the world not the stupid pice of crap called IPAQ !!!!"

I guess where in the US you are. I�m in Texas and we love Jornadas, I just know 2 (two) persons withs iPaqs, but losts of Palms and HPs.

I still love my J568 / 548
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Old 05-16-2002, 06:36 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 7

Have you seen this article on Brighthand?

Question # 8 is by far the most interesting one (i'm sure this is something Compaq had planned pre-merger)...
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Old 05-16-2002, 06:38 PM
RickP in AZ
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And then here in Phoenix the first gathering of the PhxPPCUG was exclusively iPAQ. It all depends on who you hang out with I guess... OF course when the time comes tp replace "Mistress" I will most likely *not* be buying and iPAQ.

RickP in AZ
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Old 05-16-2002, 08:29 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 260

Does anone else see anything else wrong with HP dropping their device and taking on the iPAQ? I think it's bad enough that the number 2 spot for the PPC is going to just disappear (which actually will hurt the PPC market in it's growth even further), but to be honest I don't trust HP taken over the iPAQ. I believe they will hurt the nameand disappoint peoples expectations. I hope I am wrong.
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