05-14-2002, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
U.S. Army selects Pocket PC, Odyssey Software and V-ONE
This is huge! I just heard about this outstanding Pocket PC win from Odyssey Software, the leading provider of Enterprise middleware for mobile solutions. This press release talks about a "significant purchase of licenses by the U.S. Army's Automatic Identification Technology program office". I can tell you that this deal is in the tens-of-thousands of devices! More from the press release:
" “This purchase is the culmination of extensive technical evaluation by the PM-AIT office and the start of a multi-phase program,” said Ann Scotti, Product Manager, AIT. “The V-ONE products solve our critical need for FIPS 140-1 security for wireless applications and the Odyssey Software products have proven to be invaluable for quickly deploying mobile data access applications that easily integrate with our enterprise systems,” continued Scotti. “These technologies are now available through the PM-AIT office at the favorable negotiated pricing for all DoD programs that utilize Pocket PC and Windows CE based devices.” A critical DoD application requirement is that mobile devices can seamlessly switch from wireless use to cradle connectivity. The AIT Acquisition Lab validated that the V-ONE and Odyssey products perform as required. Mobile data access products must conform to the DoD’s Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) requirements for interoperability. The AIT Acquisition Lab confirmed that Odyssey’s CEfusion and ViaXML products meet the JTA requirements to the maximum extent possible for Windows CE. “We selected Odyssey Software’s products because they deliver a proven and flexible platform for remote data access,” said AIT’s Miller. “CEfusion and ViaXML speed mobile application development by enabling software developers to leverage their existing knowledge of standard Microsoft development tools and data access techniques,” continued Miller.
“We appreciate the rigorous review that the AIT office conducted to validate that the combined technologies of V-ONE and Odyssey Software fully meet U.S. Army requirements for secure remote enterprise data access,” commented Mark Gentile, Founder and CEO, Odyssey Software, Inc. “Our remote data access products and V-ONE’s security products are already used together in a number of DoD applications and we look forward to serving tens of thousands of new DoD mobile users,” concluded Gentile."
Congratulations to all parties involved, and if you are a developer like me I can recommend visiting Odyssey Software's site to learn more about their products!
05-15-2002, 08:15 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 43
Sooo cool!
This is truly HUGE! This is how Pocket PC will win - getting large enterprise wins. In the early days of the PC, large corporations/institutions that equipped their workforce with PCs was the forerunners of mass adoption. Congrats to the Odyssey team for an excellent "kill" and I wish news like this would spread more!